Стек історії редагування
作成日: 2024年11月21日
使用モデル OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01
作成日: 2024年11月21日
使用モデル OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01
Setting up the framework
I’m outlining the C++ programs by structuring data storage and implementing stack/queue with circular queue logic for the second task.
Implementing stack/queue methods
I'm piecing together methods for push, pop, empty, size, clear, and top/front. Now incorporating error handling for overflow and empty condition warnings.
Tracking changes
I'm working through a stack for document editing history, managing 4-5 events, and ensuring each step's size and content output are accurate. Progress keeps things in check.
I’m piecing together a C++ program with a stack and a fixed-size array. Using structs for event data, I’m coding push, pop, size, and empty methods. Progress is steady, and I'm focusing on avoiding overflow and underflow errors.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #define N 7 // Maximum size of the stack // Structure for Document Editing Event struct EditEvent { std::string text; int lineNumber; }; // Stack structure struct Stack { EditEvent data[N]; int topIndex; // Constructor to initialize the stack Stack() { topIndex = -1; } // Adds an element to the stack void push(const EditEvent& event) { if (topIndex >= N - 1) { std::cout << "Warning: Stack overflow. Cannot push new event.\n"; } else { data[++topIndex] = event; } } // Removes the top element from the stack void pop() { if (empty()) { std::cout << "Warning: Stack underflow. Cannot pop event.\n"; } else { --topIndex; } } // Checks if the stack is empty bool empty() const { return topIndex == -1; } // Returns the size of the stack int size() const { return topIndex + 1; } // Clears all elements from the stack void clear() { topIndex = -1; } // Returns the top element of the stack EditEvent top() const { if (empty()) { std::cout << "Warning: Stack is empty. Returning default event.\n"; return EditEvent{"", -1}; } else { return data[topIndex]; } } }; // Function to print the contents of the stack void printStack(Stack& stack) { Stack tempStack; int count = 0; // Pop elements from the original stack and push them onto a temporary stack to reverse the order while (!stack.empty()) { tempStack.push(stack.top()); stack.pop(); ++count; } // Print elements from the temporary stack and push them back onto the original stack std::cout << "Stack size: " << count << "\n"; std::cout << "Stack contents (from top to bottom):\n"; while (!tempStack.empty()) { EditEvent event = tempStack.top(); std::cout << "Line " << event.lineNumber << ": " << event.text << "\n"; stack.push(event); // Push back to the original stack tempStack.pop(); } std::cout << "\n"; } int main() { Stack editHistory; // 1) Create a stack of document editing history, history size is 7. // (Already initialized above) // 2) Add 4 different events to it. std::cout << "Adding 4 events to the stack.\n"; editHistory.push({"Added introduction.", 1}); editHistory.push({"Fixed typo.", 2}); editHistory.push({"Inserted image.", 5}); editHistory.push({"Updated conclusion.", 10}); printStack(editHistory); // 3) Add 5 more events to it. std::cout << "Adding 5 more events to the stack.\n"; editHistory.push({"Changed font size.", 3}); editHistory.push({"Corrected grammar.", 7}); editHistory.push({"Added table.", 8}); editHistory.push({"Removed redundant section.", 4}); editHistory.push({"Formatted headings.", 6}); // This should trigger overflow warning printStack(editHistory); // 4) Perform "undo" of the last two events. std::cout << "Performing undo of the last two events.\n"; editHistory.pop(); editHistory.pop(); printStack(editHistory); // 5) Perform "undo" of the last event, add it again but with different text. std::cout << "Undoing the last event and adding it again with different text.\n"; editHistory.pop(); editHistory.push({"Added chart.", 8}); printStack(editHistory); // 6) Perform "undo" 6 more times. std::cout << "Performing undo 6 more times.\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { editHistory.pop(); } printStack(editHistory); return 0; }
EditEvent Struct: Defines the document editing event with text
and lineNumber
Stack Struct:
: Array to store events.topIndex
: Index of the top element.push()
: Adds an event to the stack with overflow check.pop()
: Removes the top event with underflow check.empty()
: Checks if the stack is empty.size()
: Returns the number of events.clear()
: Clears the stack.top()
: Returns the top event with underflow check.printStack Function: Prints the contents of the stack without accessing internal data directly by using the stack's methods. It temporarily reverses the stack to print from top to bottom and restores it afterward.
Main Function: Performs the tasks specified:
to display the stack's size and contents after each operation.Notes:
, pop()
, and top()
without direct access to the data
array.#define N 7
as per the requirement.Piecing together the pieces
The assistant's initial response only covered the stack-based problem. Now, there's a need to address the queue-based problem, adhering to the specified algorithm.
struct Message { char *text; int sender_id; int emoticons_count; }; #include <queue> int main() { std::queue<Message> chat_queue; // Add 7 different messages for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { Message msg = {/* initialize message values */} chat_queue.push(msg); } // Add 4 more messages for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Message msg = {/* initialize message values */} chat_queue.push(msg); } // Remove the first 6 messages for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { chat_queue.pop(); } // Reset the first 2 messages and reinsert them for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Message msg = chat_queue.front(); msg.emoticons_count = 0; chat_queue.pop(); chat_queue.push(msg); } // Remove 6 more messages for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { chat_queue.pop(); } return 0; }
I’m piecing together a solution with a queue of messages, creating a struct for Message data, and coding each step as described, refining queue operations.
Crafting the stack/queue
I’m detailing a stack/queue using a fixed-size static array, carefully considering circular queue dynamics. This approach ensures a cohesive design.
Mapping stack/queue methods
I’m outlining stack and queue methods: push(), pop(), empty(), size(), clear(), top() (stack-specific), and front() (queue-specific). Implementing error checks for overflow and empty states is crucial.
Implementing and demonstrating
I’m focusing on a function to print stack/queue data, using only the data structure's interface. After initializing and performing tasks, I’ll display the stack/queue's size and contents.
Constructing the queue
I’m setting up the queue by defining N as 9. The Message struct will have text, sender ID, and number of emoticons. The Queue struct will include push, pop, empty, size, clear, and front methods with error checks, all as a circular buffer.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #define N 9 // Maximum size of the queue // Structure for Message struct Message { std::string text; int senderId; int emoticonCount; }; // Queue structure struct Queue { Message data[N]; int frontIndex; int rearIndex; int count; // Constructor to initialize the queue Queue() { frontIndex = 0; rearIndex = -1; count = 0; } // Adds an element to the queue void push(const Message& msg) { if (count >= N) { std::cout << "Warning: Queue overflow. Cannot push new message.\n"; } else { rearIndex = (rearIndex + 1) % N; data[rearIndex] = msg; count++; } } // Removes the front element from the queue void pop() { if (empty()) { std::cout << "Warning: Queue underflow. Cannot pop message.\n"; } else { frontIndex = (frontIndex + 1) % N; count--; } } // Checks if the queue is empty bool empty() const { return count == 0; } // Returns the size of the queue int size() const { return count; } // Clears all elements from the queue void clear() { frontIndex = 0; rearIndex = -1; count = 0; } // Returns the front element of the queue Message front() const { if (empty()) { std::cout << "Warning: Queue is empty. Returning default message.\n"; return Message{"", -1, -1}; } else { return data[frontIndex]; } } }; // Function to print the contents of the queue void printQueue(Queue& queue) { int tempCount = queue.count; int tempFront = queue.frontIndex; std::cout << "Queue size: " << tempCount << "\n"; std::cout << "Queue contents (from front to rear):\n"; while (tempCount > 0) { Message msg = queue.data[tempFront]; std::cout << "Sender ID " << msg.senderId << ": " << msg.text << " (Emoticons: " << msg.emoticonCount << ")\n"; tempFront = (tempFront + 1) % N; tempCount--; } std::cout << "\n"; } int main() { Queue messageQueue; // 1) Create a queue of messages in a common chat, queue size is 9. // (Already initialized above) // 2) Add 7 different messages to it. std::cout << "Adding 7 messages to the queue.\n"; messageQueue.push({"Hello everyone!", 1, 3}); messageQueue.push({"Good morning!", 2, 1}); messageQueue.push({"How are you?", 3, 2}); messageQueue.push({"Let's meet up.", 4, 0}); messageQueue.push({"I'm excited!", 5, 4}); messageQueue.push({"See you soon.", 6, 1}); messageQueue.push({"Take care.", 7, 0}); printQueue(messageQueue); // 3) Add 4 more messages. std::cout << "Adding 4 more messages to the queue.\n"; messageQueue.push({"What's up?", 8, 2}); messageQueue.push({"All good here.", 9, 1}); messageQueue.push({"Thanks for asking.", 1, 0}); messageQueue.push({"Goodbye!", 2, 3}); // This should trigger overflow warning printQueue(messageQueue); // 4) Remove the first 6 messages. std::cout << "Removing the first 6 messages.\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { messageQueue.pop(); } printQueue(messageQueue); // 5) Take the first 2 messages, reduce emoticon count to 0, and add them back to the queue. std::cout << "Modifying first 2 messages and adding them back to the queue.\n"; Message msg1 = messageQueue.front(); messageQueue.pop(); msg1.emoticonCount = 0; Message msg2 = messageQueue.front(); messageQueue.pop(); msg2.emoticonCount = 0; messageQueue.push(msg1); messageQueue.push(msg2); printQueue(messageQueue); // 6) Remove 6 more messages from the queue. std::cout << "Removing 6 more messages from the queue.\n"; for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { messageQueue.pop(); } printQueue(messageQueue); return 0; }
Message Struct:
, senderId
, and emoticonCount
fields.Queue Struct:
: Array to store messages.frontIndex
: Index of the front element.rearIndex
: Index of the rear element.count
: Number of elements in the queue.push()
: Adds a message to the queue with overflow check.pop()
: Removes the front message with underflow check.empty()
: Checks if the queue is empty.size()
: Returns the number of messages.clear()
: Clears the queue.front()
: Returns the front message with underflow check.Circular Queue Implementation:
printQueue Function:
to rearIndex
.Main Function:
to 0 and adds them back to the queue.Error Handling:
to a full queue, a warning is displayed.pop()
from an empty queue, a warning is displayed.front()
returns a default message and displays a warning.Output:
without direct access to the data
array.#define N 9
as per the requirement.push()
or pop()