Water Rose Artwork Prompt

Creato il: 27 settembre 2024

Risposto usando OpenAI 01 Anteprima da OpenAI01


Scrivi un prompt in inglese per generare un'immagine di una rosa completamente fatta d'acqua senza che ci siano riferimenti alla rosa reale, la rosa reale non ci deve essere. Lo sfondo deve essere colorato e suggestivo, richiamare il fermo immagine dall'acqua che crea la figura della rosa


Crafting a vivid prompt

I’m generating an English prompt to create a vibrant and imaginative image of a rose formed entirely from water, with a colorful and evocative background that evokes a freeze-frame of water.

Gathering details

I'm piecing together an English prompt to craft an image of a water-inspired rose, with a vibrant, evocative water background.

Imagining the image

I’m brainstorming an image of a rose shaped entirely from water. The background should be vibrant and dynamic, resembling a freeze-frame of water forming the rose. This imagery will really bring the vision to life.


"Create an image of a rose formed entirely from water, capturing the precise moment water shapes into a rose without any actual rose present. The background is colorful and evocative, resembling a freeze-frame of water in motion forming the figure of the rose."

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