Integrating AvaloniaUI with D3D9
बनाया गया: 10 अक्तूबर 2024
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बनाया गया: 10 अक्तूबर 2024
का उपयोग करके उत्तर दिया गया OpenAI 01 Preview द्वारा OpenAI01
Zugang zu Ressourcen
Interessiert, wie der Zugang zu SwapChain und rendering-en ist, um AvaloniaUI-Inhalte in eine D3D9-Oberfläche zu bringen.
Integration von AvaloniaUI
Ich schaue mir die Integration von AvaloniaUI in das D3D9-Rendergleich an. AvaloniaUI kann in ein Texture oder Bitmap rendern, das dann in D3D9 übertragen wird. Alternativ könnte AvaloniaUI direkt in die D3D9-Oberfläche rendern.
Erwäge Implementierungsmöglichkeiten
Ich bestätige, dass AvaloniaUI im Anwendungskontext nicht direkt unter D3D9 funktioniert. Stattdessen schaue ich mir zwei Ansätze an: AvaloniaUI zur Renderung einer Bitmap oder Textur verwenden, die dann im D3D9-Pipeline genutzt wird, oder Off-Screen-Rendering in AvaloniaUI betreiben.
Rendering UI in Avalonia
Ich schaue mir AvaloniaUI an, um die Benutzeroberfläche in einen Pixel-Buffer zu rendern und den BufferedImage in eine D3D9-Textur zu kopieren.
Zuerst AVIOIAUI in die Anwendung integrieren, dann RenderTargetBitmap erstellen und zum Rendern verwenden. Pixeldaten extrahieren, D3D9-Textur erstellen und die Pixeldaten übertragen. D3D9-Device verwenden, um ein Quad zu rendern.
Integrating AvaloniaUI into an existing Direct3D9 (D3D9) application involves several steps, primarily focusing on rendering Avalonia UI content into a form that can be utilized within the D3D9 rendering pipeline. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you achieve this integration:
Set Up AvaloniaUI for Off-Screen Rendering: Configure AvaloniaUI to render its content into an off-screen bitmap or pixel buffer.
Transfer Rendered Content to D3D9 Texture: Convert the rendered AvaloniaUI content into a texture that can be used by D3D9.
Render the Texture in D3D9: Use the D3D9 device to render the texture onto the swap chain's draw area.
AvaloniaUI supports rendering to a bitmap via the RenderTargetBitmap
class. This allows you to render your UI components without displaying them in a window, which is ideal for integrating into a D3D9 application.
Initialize Avalonia Application: Even though you're rendering off-screen, you still need to initialize the Avalonia application.
AppBuilder.Configure<App>() .UsePlatformDetect() .SetupWithoutStarting();
Create Your AvaloniaUI Content: Define the UI elements you wish to render.
var myControl = new MyCustomControl(); myControl.Width = desiredWidth; myControl.Height = desiredHeight;
Render to RenderTargetBitmap: Render the control to a bitmap.
var renderTarget = new RenderTargetBitmap( PixelSize.FromSize(new Size(desiredWidth, desiredHeight), 96), new Vector(96, 96) ); await renderTarget.RenderAsync(myControl);
Once you have the bitmap, you need to transfer its pixel data into a D3D9 texture.
Access Pixel Data: Get the pixel buffer from the RenderTargetBitmap
using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { renderTarget.Save(stream); byte[] pixelData = stream.ToArray(); }
Create D3D9 Texture: In your D3D9 application, create a texture that matches the dimensions and format of the AvaloniaUI bitmap.
IDirect3DTexture9* pTexture = nullptr; device->CreateTexture( width, height, 1, D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &pTexture, NULL );
Lock the Texture: Prepare the texture to receive data.
D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect; pTexture->LockRect(0, &lockedRect, NULL, 0);
Copy Pixel Data: Transfer the pixel data from the AvaloniaUI bitmap to the D3D9 texture.
// Assume pixelData is obtained and accessible memcpy(lockedRect.pBits, pixelData, pixelDataSize);
Unlock the Texture:
Pixel Format Matching: Ensure that the pixel formats between AvaloniaUI's bitmap and the D3D9 texture match (e.g., both are A8R8G8B8
Managed-Unmanaged Interop: Since AvaloniaUI is a .NET framework and D3D9 is typically used in unmanaged C++, you'll need to handle interop carefully. This might involve using C++/CLI or PInvoke to bridge the managed and unmanaged code.
With the texture populated, you can now render it within your D3D9 application's rendering loop.
Set Texture:
device->SetTexture(0, pTexture);
Render a Quad: Draw a screen-aligned quad or a quad in the desired position where the UI should appear.
// Set up vertices for a textured quad struct CUSTOMVERTEX { FLOAT X, Y, Z, RHW; FLOAT U, V; }; CUSTOMVERTEX vertices[] = { // Define vertices with position and texture coordinates }; // Render the quad device->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, vertices, sizeof(CUSTOMVERTEX));
Performance Optimization: Continuously locking and updating textures each frame can be performance-intensive. To mitigate this:
Update Only When Necessary: Refresh the texture only when there's a change in the UI.
Use Double Buffering: Maintain two textures and swap between them to reduce stalls.
Synchronization: Ensure that the rendering of AvaloniaUI content and the D3D9 rendering loop are properly synchronized.
Managed and Unmanaged Code Integration: Since you're working with both managed (.NET) and unmanaged (C++) code, consider the following:
C++/CLI: This allows you to write managed code that can directly interact with unmanaged code, serving as a bridge.
PInvoke: If using C#, you can use Platform Invocation Services to call unmanaged functions.
Handling Different Coordinate Systems: AvaloniaUI and D3D9 might use different coordinate systems. Make sure to adjust for any differences in coordinate space and orientation.
Testing and Debugging: Start with rendering simple UI elements to ensure the pipeline works before adding complex controls.
Pixel Format Compatibility: Mismatches can result in incorrect colors or transparency issues.
Performance Overhead: Rendering UI to a bitmap and transferring it every frame can be slow. Optimize by updating only when needed.
Resource Management: Ensure that all unmanaged resources (like textures) are properly released to prevent memory leaks.
Direct Rendering: Investigate if AvaloniaUI can render directly into a D3D9 surface or if you can write a custom rendering target for AvaloniaUI that interfaces with D3D9. This could potentially improve performance but would require deeper integration.
Use of WPF Interop: Although WPF is more tightly integrated with DirectX, it's not directly compatible with D3D9 and might not be suitable given the age of the application.
By rendering AvaloniaUI content to an off-screen bitmap and transferring it to a D3D9 texture, you can display modern UI elements within your legacy application. While this approach requires careful handling of interop between managed and unmanaged code and attention to performance considerations, it provides a viable path to enhance your application with AvaloniaUI.
Note: Always ensure that you have the legal right to modify and distribute the third-party application, even if the original developers have disbanded. Additionally, consider the licensing implications of integrating AvaloniaUI into your project.