Text Splitting Functionality

Created on: September 28, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01


function splitText(node) {
const maxLength = 32;
const text = node.value;
const formattingObjects = node.formatting?.bold || [];
const result = [];

if (text.length + formattingObjects.length * 2 <= maxLength) {
result.push({ ...node });
return result;

formattingObjects.sort((a, b) => a.begin - b.begin);

let startIndex = 0;

while (startIndex < text.length) {
let possibleEndIndex = Math.min(startIndex + maxLength, text.length);
let endIndex = adjustEndIndex(text, formattingObjects, startIndex, possibleEndIndex, maxLength);

let newNode = extractSubstringAndFormatting(node, text, formattingObjects, startIndex, endIndex);

startIndex = endIndex;

return result;

function calculateOverhead(formattingObjects, startIndex, endIndex) {
let overhead = 0;
for (let fmt of formattingObjects) {
if (fmt.end <= startIndex) {
if (fmt.begin >= endIndex) {
overhead += 2;
return overhead;

function adjustEndIndex(text, formattingObjects, startIndex, possibleEndIndex, maxLength) {
let endIndex = possibleEndIndex;
let overhead = calculateOverhead(formattingObjects, startIndex, endIndex);

if (text.length - startIndex + overhead > maxLength) {
let newlineIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n', possibleEndIndex - 1);
if (newlineIndex > startIndex) {
endIndex = newlineIndex + 1;
} else {
let spaceIndex = text.lastIndexOf(' ', possibleEndIndex - 1);
if (spaceIndex > startIndex) {
endIndex = spaceIndex + 1;
} else {
endIndex = possibleEndIndex;

while (true) {
overhead = calculateOverhead(formattingObjects, startIndex, endIndex);
let totalLength = (endIndex - startIndex) + overhead;
if (totalLength <= maxLength) {
} else {
if (endIndex <= startIndex) {
endIndex = startIndex + 1;

return endIndex;

function extractSubstringAndFormatting(node, text, formattingObjects, startIndex, endIndex) {
let substring = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
let newNode = { ...node };
newNode.value = substring.trim();

newNode.formatting = { bold: [] };
for (let fmt of formattingObjects) {
if (fmt.end <= startIndex || fmt.begin >= endIndex) {
let newFmt = {};
newFmt.begin = Math.max(fmt.begin, startIndex) - startIndex;
newFmt.end = Math.min(fmt.end, endIndex) - startIndex;

return newNode;

simplify this code without making worse


Evaluating JavaScript code

I'm reviewing JavaScript code provided by the user to understand its functionality. The aim is to simplify it without affecting its effectiveness.

Assessing chunk potential

I’m noting that the code divides a text node into chunks, each up to 32 characters long, while factoring in formatting overhead. Helper functions support splitting, adjusting, and managing formatting.

Simplifying the code

I’m examining the code's handling of formatting ranges and word boundaries. The goal is to streamline redundancy and enhance efficiency and conciseness.

Splitting the text

I’m looking at how splitText(node) adjusts text length by removing formatting overhead and creating new nodes for each chunk. It aims to fit the text within maxLength, considering formatting objects.

Modifying the endIndex

I’m ensuring the text's total length, including formatting, stays within maxLength by adjusting endIndex to the nearest newline or space before the limit.

Adjusting parameters

I’m piecing together how the endIndex is updated to manage text length, considering overhead from formatting objects.

Revisiting statements

Wondering about the initial statement, I note that checking if (text.length - startIndex + overhead > maxLength) seems more appropriate. Now, I’m focusing on a simpler and reusable check approach.

Simplifying function

I’m refining splitText by precomputing the total overhead for formatting objects and checking if the text plus overhead fits within the maxLength.

Assessing overhead efficiency

I'm thinking through how the overhead per chunk ties to overlapping formatting objects. Now I'm considering combining adjustEndIndex and calculateOverhead for more streamlined processing.

Breaking down the process

First, I set constraints and formatting. Then, I slice the text while avoiding word or formatting interruptions. Calculating overhead ensures it fits within bounds.

Simplifying and streamlining

I'm gathering thoughts on refining adjustEndIndex, considering a functional approach with a helper function to ensure maxLength compliance, and exploring code consolidation and new version creation for improved clarity.

Breaking down the process

I'm focusing on dividing the text into chunks, prioritizing word boundaries to maintain readability, and adjusting formatting objects for consistency with substring ranges.

Crafting a solution

I’m working through a function to split a node's text while preserving formatting. Adjusting the end index and recalculating formatting ensures it doesn't exceed the maximum length.

Combining efforts

OK, let me see. By merging helper functions into the main function, the code becomes more streamlined and easier to understand. Simplifying further or accepting this as the final version is now a consideration.

Breaking down the text

It's interesting to see that the function splitText is breaking text into chunks of 32 characters, preserving bold formatting, and adjusting for overhead due to formatting objects.


Here's a simplified version of your code that maintains the same functionality:

function splitText(node) { const maxLength = 32; const text = node.value; const formattingObjects = node.formatting?.bold || []; const result = []; if (text.length + formattingObjects.length * 2 <= maxLength) { result.push({ ...node }); return result; } formattingObjects.sort((a, b) => a.begin - b.begin); let startIndex = 0; while (startIndex < text.length) { let endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + maxLength, text.length); // Try to break at a newline or space before the maxLength let breakIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n', endIndex - 1); if (breakIndex <= startIndex) { breakIndex = text.lastIndexOf(' ', endIndex - 1); } if (breakIndex > startIndex) { endIndex = breakIndex + 1; } // Calculate overhead for formatting objects in the current chunk let overhead = 0; for (let fmt of formattingObjects) { if (fmt.end <= startIndex || fmt.begin >= endIndex) continue; overhead += 2; } // Adjust endIndex if total length exceeds maxLength while ((endIndex - startIndex) + overhead > maxLength && endIndex > startIndex) { endIndex--; overhead = 0; for (let fmt of formattingObjects) { if (fmt.end <= startIndex || fmt.begin >= endIndex) continue; overhead += 2; } } if (endIndex === startIndex) { endIndex = startIndex + 1; // Ensure at least one character is included } // Extract substring and adjust formatting ranges const substring = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex).trim(); const newFormatting = { bold: [] }; for (let fmt of formattingObjects) { if (fmt.end <= startIndex || fmt.begin >= endIndex) continue; newFormatting.bold.push({ begin: Math.max(fmt.begin, startIndex) - startIndex, end: Math.min(fmt.end, endIndex) - startIndex, }); } result.push({ ...node, value: substring, formatting: newFormatting, }); startIndex = endIndex; } return result; }

Explanation of Simplifications:

  • Combined Helper Functions: Merged the functionality of calculateOverhead, adjustEndIndex, and extractSubstringAndFormatting into the main splitText function to reduce complexity.
  • Simplified Overhead Calculation: Calculated the overhead directly within the loop, avoiding the need for a separate function.
  • Streamlined Index Adjustment: Adjusted the endIndex directly based on word boundaries and formatting overhead without recursive function calls.
  • Removed Redundant Checks: Eliminated unnecessary conditions and loops that didn't contribute to the core functionality.

This version maintains the original behavior of splitting the text into chunks that respect the maxLength, including formatting overhead, and tries to split at word boundaries when possible.

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