Text Splitting with Formatting

Created on: September 28, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01


function splitText(node) {
const maxLength = 4096;
const text = node.value;
const result = [];

if (text.length <= maxLength) {
result.push({ ...node });
return result;

let startIndex = 0;
while (startIndex < text.length) {
let endIndex = Math.min(startIndex + maxLength, text.length);

let newlineIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n', endIndex - 1);
if (newlineIndex > startIndex) {
endIndex = newlineIndex + 1;
} else {
let spaceIndex = text.lastIndexOf(' ', endIndex - 1);
if (spaceIndex > startIndex) {
endIndex = spaceIndex + 1;
} else {
endIndex = startIndex + maxLength;

const newNode = { ...node };
newNode.value = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex).trim();

startIndex = endIndex;

return result;

Now make it so that there's also a node.formatting.bold array with objects that have begin and end fields. These also need to be carried over. Also, consider that each formatting object reduces the possible message length by 2. Keep in mind that when splitting by an index where formatting is applied, the formatting should also be split, and the reduction of the possible message length by 2 should be taken into account.


Adjusting for text formatting

The challenge involves tweaking a JavaScript function to manage formatted text. This requires splitting text nodes while preserving bold formatting and adjusting for formatting length adjustments.

Adapting the function

I’m noting the need to adjust the splitText function to account for formatting objects, ensuring the total message length, including formatting, does not exceed 4096 characters. This involves modifying how formatted text is split.

Breaking down the constraints

I’m calculating the formatting overhead by adding 2 characters for each formatting object. This ensures the total length of each message stays within the maxLength constraint.

Mapping adjustments

I’m honing in on text splitting by considering formatting overheads and adjusting indices to maintain clear, structured messages. Each segment needs thoughtful handling to ensure precision and effective communication.

Structuring the process

I’m mapping out the approach to reshape text, identifying a starting index, refining the text segment to fit within a length limit, and adjusting associated formatting for accurate representation.

Calculating endIndex

Determining the correct endIndex involves calculating the maximum text length after accounting for formatting overhead, ensuring the text fits within the allowed limit minus formatting objects.

Crafting the strategy

I'm thinking through initializing endIndex and managing formatting overhead. Loops and precise length calculations might be key to avoiding infinite loops.

Verifying length and efficiency through function exploration. Testing different methods to ensure manageable computations. Progress is steady.

Crafting a strategy

I’m outlining a way to compute the maximum text length for a range, factoring in formatting objects. Adjustments will be made for each range.

Calculating total length

I'm documenting a JavaScript function to calculate total length between two indices, factoring in formatting overlaps. It uses a loop to adjust for formatting objects that overlap with the specified range.

Mapping the process

I’m piecing together a function to partition a text input with specific formatting constraints. This involves setting start and end indices, adjusting the end index to fit the maximum length, and ensuring formatting overhead is minimized.

Setting the stage

Starting with flexible initial splitting, then tweaking formats later. This approach might streamline the process.

Optimizing text formatting

I’m working on refining the text formatting by adjusting the endIndex to keep within the maxLength, considering whitespace and newline constraints. This approach is efficient for managing formatting within the specified limits.

Pre-processing formatting objects

I’m working through ways to efficiently compute overhead using pre-processed formattingEvents to track formatting spans active within any range.

Mapping overhead positions

I’m considering an array to track formatting overhead positions. Alternatively, precomputing valid ranges for each start index to maintain consistent formatting objects.

Crafting code

I'm working on a code to determine the maximum endIndex for a given startIndex, ensuring the total length of text and formatting overhead does not exceed maxLength.

Calculating formatting overhead

I’m working through a function to determine formatting overhead in a range. Overhead is added for overlapping formatting objects, and adjustments are made to the endIndex to fit within maxLength.

Evaluating methods

I'm thinking about how to efficiently count formatting objects in a range. Sorting by positions, using a sliding window, or preprocessing into an event array are potential strategies.

Refining splitText

I’m detailing the splitText function to divide text nodes into chunks while preserving formatting, ensuring each chunk stays within the 4096-character limit.

Tracking overlapping objects

I'm piecing together a method to efficiently count overlapping formatting objects within a range, using sorted positions or two pointers for precise overhead calculation.

Refining the process

It seems we can streamline the overhead calculation by pre-processing formatting objects, reducing the need for each substring's overhead to be calculated individually.

Advancing with optimization

I’m thinking about optimizing the loop to count overlapping formatting objects using a sliding window approach, leveraging the sorted nature of these objects by begin.

Shaping the approach

I’m thinking about various methods to efficiently manage active formatting objects, touching on array initialization and overlap handling. Exploring precomputed arrays to streamline overhead calculations.


Certainly! Here is the modified splitText function that handles the node.formatting.bold array. The function accounts for the reduction of the possible message length by 2 for each formatting object and ensures that formatting is correctly split and adjusted when the text is split:

function splitText(node) { const maxLength = 4096; const text = node.value; const formattingObjects = (node.formatting && node.formatting.bold) || []; const result = []; if (text.length + formattingObjects.length * 2 <= maxLength) { result.push({ ...node }); return result; } // Sort formatting objects by their begin positions formattingObjects.sort((a, b) => a.begin - b.begin); let startIndex = 0; while (startIndex < text.length) { let possibleEndIndex = Math.min(startIndex + maxLength, text.length); // Try to adjust possibleEndIndex to previous newline or space let endIndex = possibleEndIndex; let newlineIndex = text.lastIndexOf('\n', possibleEndIndex - 1); if (newlineIndex > startIndex) { endIndex = newlineIndex + 1; } else { let spaceIndex = text.lastIndexOf(' ', possibleEndIndex - 1); if (spaceIndex > startIndex) { endIndex = spaceIndex + 1; } else { endIndex = possibleEndIndex; } } // Now compute total length including formatting overhead while (true) { // Count the number of formatting objects overlapping [startIndex, endIndex) let overhead = 0; for (let fmt of formattingObjects) { if (fmt.end <= startIndex) { continue; } if (fmt.begin >= endIndex) { break; } // Formatting object overlaps the range overhead += 2; } let totalLength = (endIndex - startIndex) + overhead; if (totalLength <= maxLength) { break; } else { // Reduce endIndex and try again endIndex--; if (endIndex <= startIndex) { // Can't reduce further endIndex = startIndex + 1; // At least include one character break; } } } // Now extract substring and adjust formatting objects let substring = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex); let newNode = { ...node }; newNode.value = substring.trim(); // Adjust formatting objects newNode.formatting = { bold: [] }; for (let fmt of formattingObjects) { if (fmt.end <= startIndex || fmt.begin >= endIndex) { // Formatting object is outside the range continue; } // Formatting object overlaps the range let newFmt = {}; newFmt.begin = Math.max(fmt.begin, startIndex) - startIndex; newFmt.end = Math.min(fmt.end, endIndex) - startIndex; newNode.formatting.bold.push(newFmt); } result.push(newNode); startIndex = endIndex; } return result; }


  • Formatting Overhead: The function calculates the total length by adding the text length and the overhead (2 characters) for each formatting object in the current text segment.
  • Adjusting endIndex: If the total length exceeds maxLength, the function reduces endIndex to ensure the total length (including formatting overhead) does not exceed maxLength.
  • Splitting Formatting Objects: When splitting text, the function adjusts the begin and end indices of formatting objects to be relative to the new substring and ensures that formatting is correctly applied within each new node.
  • Edge Cases: The function handles cases where formatting objects overlap the split points by splitting the formatting objects accordingly.

This modified function ensures that the text is split appropriately, formatting is maintained correctly, and the message length constraints are respected.

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