Still Wakes the Deep Lore

Created on: September 28, 2024

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Write a script for my youtube video about Still Wakes the deep lore


Gathering details

I’m crafting a YouTube script on "Still Wakes the Deep," a horror game by The Chinese Room. This involves understanding its lore and uncovering its origins and gameplay.

Summarizing the storyline

Still Wakes the Deep is a horror game set on an oil rig in the North Sea, unfolding through a first-person narrative.

Set the tone

I’m crafting the script for a YouTube video about 'Still Wakes the Deep' lore, starting with spooky music and visuals of a stormy sea and oil rig.

Introducing the setting

I’m pulling together an introduction to 'Still Wakes the Deep,' set on an isolated oil rig in the North Sea during the 1970s, surrounded by a relentless sea.

Immersing in the unknown

I’m intrigued by the game's narrative, where as an oil rig worker, I’m engulfed in chaos, battling a fierce storm and mysterious entities, drawing inspiration from maritime horror and isolation.

Unveiling maritime mysteries

I'm exploring potential theories for a rig's eerie happenings - discovering ancient, awoken sea creatures, encountering supernatural hauntings, and examining the psychological effects of isolation and storm conditions.

Unveiling environmental themes

The game emerges as a stark critique of oil drilling's environmental impact, with the 'entity' symbolizing nature's subtle retaliation against industrial degradation.

Immersive storytelling

The Chinese Room's previous works, 'Dear Esther' and 'Everybody's Gone to the Rapture,' showcase profound existential themes and emotional narratives, promising an equally immersive experience in 'Still Wakes the Deep.'

Anticipating the narrative

Considering the atmospheric storytelling and profound themes, 'Still Wakes the Deep' is set to be a haunting journey into the unknown.


Title: Still Wakes the Deep Lore Explained: Unveiling the Mysteries Beneath the Waves

[Opening Scene]

Dark, stormy seas crash against the legs of a colossal oil rig. The camera slowly pans up, revealing the towering structure silhouetted against a sky lit by intermittent flashes of lightning. Eerie, atmospheric music sets the tone.


"Welcome back, explorers of the unknown. Today, we're diving into the depths of 'Still Wakes the Deep,' the upcoming horror experience from The Chinese Room. What secrets lie beneath the waves? What horrors await on the creaking platforms of the oil rig? Let's find out."

Section 1: Introduction to the Game

Insert clips from trailers and teasers showcasing the game's environment and atmosphere.

"Announced in mid-2023, 'Still Wakes the Deep' is a first-person narrative horror game that immerses players in the isolated and treacherous world of a North Sea oil rig during the 1970s. Developed by The Chinese Room—the creators behind critically acclaimed titles like 'Dear Esther' and 'Everybody's Gone to the Rapture'—this game promises a gripping blend of atmospheric storytelling and psychological horror."

Section 2: The Setting

Show detailed images of the oil rig's interior and exterior, emphasizing its isolation and scale.

"The North Sea oil rig serves not just as a backdrop but as a character in its own right. Isolated hundreds of miles from the nearest shore, surrounded by relentless waves and storms, the rig is a fortress of steel and machinery. Its labyrinthine corridors, towering platforms, and claustrophobic compartments create an environment ripe for suspense and terror."

Section 3: The Premise

Highlight scenes that suggest disaster—alarms blaring, flashing lights, and panicked crew members.

"Set against the backdrop of a colossal storm, you step into the boots of an off-shore oil rig worker. As the tempest rages, something goes catastrophically wrong. Communications are cut off, escape routes are blocked, and the crew begins to disappear. But the storm is the least of your worries—something else has made its way onto the rig."

Section 4: The Mysterious Entity

Use shadowy images and quick cuts to suggest an unseen threat without revealing it fully.

"The core of the game's horror revolves around an unknown entity that infiltrates the rig. Is it a creature awakened from the depths? A supernatural force? Or perhaps a manifestation of the crew's collective fears and guilt? The ambiguity heightens the tension, leaving players questioning what is real and what is illusion."

Section 5: Themes and Symbolism

Overlay images of deep-sea creatures, mythological references, and environmental disasters.

"At its heart, 'Still Wakes the Deep' explores themes of isolation, the insignificance of man against nature, and the unseen consequences of exploiting natural resources. The ocean has long been a source of mystery and fear, symbolizing the unknown and the unconscious mind. The game's setting taps into maritime folklore and the timeless dread of what lies beneath."

Section 6: Connections to Folklore and Mythology

Discuss myths related to the sea—krakens, sirens, and other sea monsters.

"The sea has birthed countless legends—tales of leviathans, ghost ships, and vengeful spirits. Could the events on the rig be connected to ancient myths? Perhaps the drilling awakened something that was meant to remain undisturbed, echoing stories where human hubris leads to dire consequences."

Section 7: Psychological Horror Elements

Include scenes that blur reality—hallucinations, distorted sounds, and fragmented visuals.

"The isolation and stress of life on an oil rig can take a toll on the mind. 'Still Wakes the Deep' delves into psychological horror, blurring the lines between reality and delusion. As the protagonist, you may question your own sanity, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding mystery."

Section 8: Environmental Commentary

Show footage of oil spills, environmental protests, and endangered sea life.

"The game subtly critiques humanity's relentless pursuit of resources at the expense of nature. The North Sea, rich in oil yet fraught with danger, serves as a metaphor for this exploitation. The unknown threat could be interpreted as nature's retaliation—a force balancing the scales."

Section 9: Developer's Artistic Approach

Highlight previous works by The Chinese Room, emphasizing their storytelling style.

"The Chinese Room is renowned for their immersive narratives and atmospheric worlds. With titles like 'Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs' and 'Everybody's Gone to the Rapture,' they've mastered the art of environmental storytelling. 'Still Wakes the Deep' is poised to continue this legacy, offering a rich, layered experience that goes beyond jump scares."

Section 10: Fan Theories and Speculations

Present popular theories from the gaming community, supported by in-game evidence.

"Fans have been buzzing with theories:

  1. The Abyssal Creature Theory: Some believe the rig has disturbed a deep-sea creature, drawing parallels to Lovecraftian horrors from the abyss.

  2. The Ghosts of the Deep: Others speculate that the rig is haunted by the spirits of sailors lost at sea, seeking vengeance.

  3. Corporate Sabotage: A few suggest that the true enemy is human greed, with the possibility of sabotage by rival companies or internal conspiracies.

What do you think? Could any of these theories hold water, or is the truth something we haven't yet imagined?"


Return to a panoramic view of the stormy sea and the looming rig.

"As we await the release of 'Still Wakes the Deep,' the anticipation builds. The game promises not just scares but a profound narrative that challenges us to confront the unknown. Whether it's the depths of the ocean or the recesses of the human mind, there's something primal about the fears this game evokes."


"Thank you for joining us on this deep dive into the lore of 'Still Wakes the Deep.' If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more gaming lore explorations. Don't forget to hit the notification bell so you won't miss our upcoming content.

Have your own theories or insights? Drop them in the comments below—we'd love to hear what you think is lurking beneath the waves.

Until next time, stay curious and keep exploring."

Fade out with the eerie sound of wind and waves, the screen dims to black.

[End of Video]

Disclaimer: All information is based on available details up to October 2023. Some content is speculative and intended for entertainment purposes.

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