Translate to English: 刃と刃が火花を散らして絡み合う。その激突は森羅万象の叫...

Created on: September 28, 2024

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舌を巻いた風に感心して後退しつつも、窮した様子は微塵もない。事実としてVarhramは押し負けてなどいなかったし、彼が持つDivine Swordにもみんなの祈りが宿っている。

Magsarionが真我の宇宙を滅尽した経緯のすべてと、呑み込んできた想いの数々をVarhramも有していた。ずっと傍にいたというZurvanの存在を奪い取って顕現したこと。加えそもそもつい最前まで、Divine Swordはたった一振りであったこと。Quinnが集めた奇跡はアフマズダも体験しており、Magsarionが歩いた道はVarhramも歩いている。




刃が触れ合った瞬間に、彼は必要な最低限の力を残して柄から手を離していた。結果、Divine Sword《Ahura Mazda》は両者の間にある空中を一回転し、その切っ先がMagsarionへ向いた刹那を逃さずVarhramの蹴りが柄頭に飛ぶ。際どいところで串刺しは免れるも、脇腹を派手に削られた弟はもんどりうって横に倒れた。しかもまだ終わりではない。

足首を十字状の鍔に搦めて、バトンでも回すように追撃が放たれた。曲芸じみた技であるにも拘わらず、恐ろしいほど流麗で隙がない。躱しきれず右腿を貫かれ、地に縫い止められた格好ながらも即座に反撃したMagsarionは称賛されるべきだろう。だがVarhramは空いた両手で難なく白刃を挟み止めたのみならず、魔法としか思えぬ手際でDivine Sword《Quinn》を奪い取っていた。




「おまえは武器に触れ続けてないと駄目なんだろ? だからこれは交換だ」

この期に及んで、彼はMagsarionのCommandmentを慮っていた。先にDivine Sword《Ahura Mazda》を突き立てたので、Divine Sword《Quinn》を奪っても破戒にならないはずだと優しげな態度を滲ませつつ言っているのだ。




腿に刺さった剣を引き抜き、再びMagsarionが斬り掛かった。Divine Swordの中身もそれに応じて、QuinnとAhura Mazdaが入れ替わる。彼女たちの存在意義は使い手に依拠するもので、物理的な器は意味を成さない。息子の手に母があり、父の手に妻があるという構図が強固な現実と化し出来あがっている。ゆえにMagsarionが剣に反逆される事態は起きなかったが、だからといって問題なしとは言いにくい。











すなわち望む未来を引き寄せる力で、MunsaratのCommandmentに他ならない。百貌たる男の本領が、再びアイオーンとなってMan Murdering Demonの像を出現させる。




Magsarionの右耳を削ぎ飛ばし、愉悦に笑うMunsarat。上がる紅の飛沫を浴びながら、Man Murdering Demonは詠嘆する。

「とうに血肉を捨てたはずのあなたが、なぜ流血するのかお分かりですかな? 心が折れればImmutableの身体など、妄言にすぎぬという意味ですよ」







Distilling the essence

I'm piecing together the vivid clash of blades and their contrasting appearances, creating a dynamic visual of a fierce, power-driven struggle akin to cosmic chaos.

Observing the battle dynamics

Magsarion charges like a violent beast, while Varhram engages effortlessly with relaxed tactics, highlighting their contrasting personalities and swordsmanship.

Mapping Varhram's journey

Varhram's growth mirrors Magsarion's, having consumed many emotions and acquired the Divine Sword by intersecting paths with Quinn and Ahura Mazda.

Deflecting and countering

Varhram skillfully deflected Magsarion's attack, exposing his brother's torso, but followed up with an unexpected offensive move, leaving the battle far from over.

Engaging in intense combat

Varhram skillfully disarmed Magsarion, closing the gap with a flawless move and seizing the Divine Sword 'Quinn'.

Assessing weapon mastery

Varhram's prowess is undeniable, having disarmed Magsarion, indicating mastery of both unorthodox and orthodox techniques. This exchange also hints at his considerate nature regarding Magsarion's Commandment.

Engaging in the duel

Magsarion engages in a duel, making a passionate plea for the Divine Sword 'Quinn' as an outpouring of affection. Despite the tragic circumstances, pulling out the sword stuck in his thigh, he continues to fight.

Analyzing strategic dynamics

OK, let's dig into the fact that the battle was completely under Varhram's control. Despite superficial victories by Magsarion, there's a clear power imbalance. Varhram's eyes don't show boredom; instead, they sparkle with increasing delight.

Noticing changes

Unexpectedly, Magsarion's right little finger is cut off, followed by his left ear, left hand's middle finger, right foot's big toe, above the left eyebrow, and a split at the right corner of his mouth.

Revealing the method

The text underscores a method that anticipates outcomes based on inferred behaviors, likening this prediction to a calculated plan, hinting at a structured strategy.

Analyzing the conflict

Munsarat, wielding a massive saw, deftly strikes at Magsarion, visibly overpowering him. Varhram's formidable presence only intensifies Magsarion's bleeding, revealing the relentless nature of their battle.

Noticing Varhram's victories

Varhram's triumphs were causing weakened Daruma doll to lose crucial pieces, unsettling his mentality and survival instincts.

Crafting vivid imagery

The clash of blades and the contrasting fighting styles of Magsarion and Varhram are vividly captured, highlighting the intense power struggle and Varhram's serene demeanor amidst the chaos.

Appraising the Divine Sword

Varhram is captivated by the Divine Sword's chaotic and powerful essence, which embodies everyone's prayers. Despite initially being overwhelmed in battle, he retreats admired, revealing his divine strength and profound connection to eternal forces. Fascinating interaction.

Assessing prowess

Interestingly enough, the skill of the wielder is crucial. Varhram deftly blocked Magsarion's attack, exposing his vulnerability. This simple skill comparison seems almost redundant.

Executing a coordinated attack

Varhram released Ahura Mazda, sending it spinning towards Magsarion, while simultaneously kicking the cross-shaped guard, swiftly and gracefully piercing Magsarion through the thigh.

Varhram's prowess

I'm noting Varhram's exceptional skill in wielding both unorthodox and orthodox techniques to disarm Magsarion and seize the Divine Sword "Quinn," demonstrating his mastery and strategic thinking.

Tratusion with swords

I'm curious about the importance of the Divine Swords, "Ahura Mazda" and "Quinn," as symbols of familial connection, revealing an unexpectedly touching father-son bond.

Observing the battle dynamics

Varhram skillfully controls the fight, showing no sign of boredom. Surprisingly, he feels a deep emotional joy, especially noting how Magsarion's cold demeanor transforms into a passionate rivalry.

Enduring through adversity

Magsarion faced a relentless barrage of attacks, enduring deep, ritualistic wounds to both ears, his nose, cheeks, and the rest of his face. Despite pain and the absurdity of forewarned assaults, his courage and composure prevailed.

Unleashing mastery

Munsarat is not just foreseeing the future—he's actively shaping it. His partnership with Varhram shows how their precision in action is dangerously predictive.

Examining vulnerabilities

Varhram is probing the existential weaknesses of the physically transformed or otherwise immeasurable Magsarion, taking advantage of the situation.

Tracing conflict dynamics

Mapping the intense battle between Magsarion and Varhram unveils the contrasting impacts of their personalities and swordsmanship, highlighting their unique dynamics and the vivid depiction of their duel.

Navigating admiration and reflection

Varhram watches the battle unfold, mesmerized by the Divine Sword filled with everyone's prayers. His calm demeanor contrasts with the chaos, revealing his unique perspective.

Evaluating battle dynamics

I'm thinking through the battle between Varhram and Magsarion, noting Varhram's skillful deflection of Magsarion's attack, highlighting their discernible strengths and weaknesses as swordsmen.

Strategizing the attack

Varhram's sequence seamlessly combines defense and offense. Precision and acrobatics dominate his movements, showcasing a headless spear's elegance and Magsarion's swift counterattacks.

Demonstrating mastery

Varhram skillfully disarmed Magsarion using both unorthodox and orthodox techniques, highlighting his exceptional mastery.

Pondering family dynamics

Oh, I’m thinking about how Magsarion's actions reflect a gentle lesson and familial love. The Divine Swords, Quinn and Ahura Mazda, uniquely shape their users' destinies.

Observing the dynamics

Despite Magsarion not being betrayed by his sword, Varhram's overwhelming control persisted. The repeated weapon exchanges revealed a power gap, surprising everyone except Varhram, who appeared to deeply enjoy the contest.

Counting the losses

Magsarion is losing body parts chosen by Varhram, one by one, each designated without explanation. Despite this, Magsarion does not lose focus or grace, showing amazing composure.

Masterful predictions

Munsarat, exuding control over the future, skillfully anticipates the opponent's moves. His commandment of drawing the desired future extends to Varhram, wielding a massive saw to strategically dismember Magsarion.

Unraveling vulnerabilities

Magsarion, the Man Murdering Demon, is confronting the reality that his seemingly unbreakable body is now showing signs of damage, triggered by his vulnerability to Varhram's attacks, which strip away his existential power.


Blades clashed and intertwined, scattering sparks. That collision resembled the screams of all creation—a fierce struggle of overwhelming power against power—but the men themselves presented completely contrasting appearances.

Magsarion attacked like a beast of violence, while Varhram continued to respond effortlessly with relaxed maneuvers. Not only were their personalities different, but the nature of their swordsmanship was entirely divergent.

This difference was an inevitable reflection of their positions and hearts, but whether it should be lamented or praised was unclear. However, Varhram was smiling. From a world with a different perspective, he savored his own way of love and joy, appearing deeply moved by the battle before his eyes.

"Oh, amazing. It's a chaotic but heavy sword. So, this is everyone's prayers gathered in your own way," Varhram said.

Even as he retreated with an air of admiration, there was not the slightest sign of distress. In fact, Varhram was not being overpowered, and the Divine Sword he wielded also held everyone's prayers.

Varhram also possessed all the experiences of how Magsarion annihilated the universe of the true self, and the many feelings he had absorbed. He had manifested by stealing the existence of Zurvan, who had always been by his side. Moreover, until just a moment ago, there had been only one Divine Sword. The miracles that Quinn had gathered were also experienced by Ahura Mazda, and the path Magsarion had walked, Varhram had also walked.

Though there was a world of difference in their perceptions, the weapons they held were the same. Therefore, in predicting the outcome of the battle, the skill of the wielders would be the first thing questioned.

Although there are, of course, several evaluation criteria, if we focus solely on simple skill, it's not even worth discussing. The superiority and inferiority as swordsmen are sadly obvious.

Varhram deflected Magsarion's fierce thrust by scooping it from below. The younger brother, whose hands were knocked upward, exposed a large opening in his torso, but since the older brother had also raised his arms, he couldn't immediately follow up with an attack. However, Varhram effortlessly executed offense and defense as one with an unexpected move.

At the moment the blades touched, he released his grip from the hilt, leaving only the minimal necessary force. As a result, the Divine Sword "Ahura Mazda" spun once in the air between them, and not missing the moment when its point aimed at Magsarion, Varhram's kick struck the pommel. Although Magsarion barely avoided being skewered, his flank was heavily slashed, and he tumbled sideways. And it wasn't over yet.

Catching the cross-shaped guard with his ankle, Varhram launched a follow-up attack as if spinning a baton. Despite being an acrobatic move, it was terrifyingly graceful and left no openings. Unable to fully evade, Magsarion was pierced through his right thigh and pinned to the ground, but he immediately counterattacked—a feat worthy of praise. However, Varhram not only easily caught the naked blade with his free hands but also, with a skill that seemed like magic, snatched away the Divine Sword "Quinn."

Just after bewildering him with an unorthodox tactic, he then used a textbook-level secret technique of disarming an armed opponent with bare hands. It was proof that he had mastered both unorthodox and orthodox techniques equally if they were effective. No, even such an expression is too mild.

There had never been anyone who had taken a sword away from Magsarion before, and that alone made it clear that Varhram was an indescribable master. Moreover, he didn't even seem to be giving his all.


"Because you need to keep touching a weapon, right? So this is an exchange."

Even at this point, he was considering Magsarion's Commandment. Since he had already thrust the Divine Sword "Ahura Mazda" into the ground, he gently suggested that taking the Divine Sword "Quinn" shouldn't constitute a violation.

His behavior, as if giving a lesson, was unmistakably that of a father and brother. Considering the circumstances leading up to this point, it was tragically out of sync, but it could be expressed as an outpouring of affection.

"Come on. It's only just begun, hasn't it?"

"Of course."

Pulling out the sword stuck in his thigh, Magsarion slashed again. The essence of the Divine Swords responded, and Quinn and Ahura Mazda swapped places. The significance of their existence depended on the user, and the physical vessel had no meaning. The arrangement of the mother being in the son's hand and the wife in the father's hand had become a solid reality. Therefore, Magsarion was not betrayed by his sword, but even so, it was hard to say there were no problems.

The fact that the battle was entirely under Varhram's control was unshakable. Even afterward, every time they exchanged a few moves, superficial weapon exchanges continued—meaning Magsarion had his sword taken away multiple times. The power difference was so vast that calling it obvious was an understatement.

From an outsider's perspective, it was a one-sided development that even seemed comical. From the advantageous side, it was a situation that would cause yawns, yet Varhram's eyes did not reflect boredom. Rather, as time went on, they burned increasingly with delight.

"I'm so happy. You, who were always so distant, are earnestly being my opponent."

The sentiments he revealed with deep emotion were his true feelings. He sincerely welcomed this exchange with his son and displayed even greater strength.

"Right hand's little finger."

A few moments after these casually spoken words, Magsarion's right little finger was cut off. Before he could even be surprised at seeing a part of himself trace an arc, the next voice and blade overlapped.

"Left ear."

Again, just as before, the part Varhram designated was lost from Magsarion.

"Left hand's middle finger. Right foot's big toe. Above the left eyebrow. Split the right corner of the mouth by one sun."

These were pre-announced attacks. He declared where he was going to strike, and the results piled up as if predetermined facts. The absurdity of being unable to prevent it despite knowing couldn't be explained away as a difference in skill, considering Magsarion's second Commandment. Rather than saying he completely predicted the opponent's movements, it resembled enforcing a drawn plan.

That is, the power to draw in the desired future—none other than Munsarat's Commandment. The true ability of the man of a hundred faces once again became an Aeon, manifesting the image of the Man-Murdering Demon.

"That's why I told you, didn't I? He is not someone you can handle," Munsarat said.

Munsarat, who floated behind Varhram, was swinging a gigantic saw in tandem with his master. The doubled slashes increased in accuracy accordingly, cutting away Magsarion's body from the extremities.

"My master knows the past and therefore determines the future. The very fact that we have come to face you like this is proof that his attraction is rock-solid. Of course, the outcome has already been decided."

Cutting off Magsarion's right ear, Munsarat laughed joyfully. Bathed in the rising crimson spray, the Man-Murdering Demon sighed with admiration.

"Do you understand why you, who should have long since discarded flesh and blood, are bleeding? It means that if your spirit breaks, a so-called Immutable body is nothing more than a delusion."

Unable to prevent the pre-announced attacks. Although he hadn't acknowledged defeat, the continuous failures were manifesting as damage. Varhram's trait of being able to steal upon victory was attacking Magsarion's very existence at its core.

In other words, the moment he harbored a true sense of defeat, everything would be taken away. In that sense, this was a very effective attack. Magsarion's current state, transformed into a bloodied figure, clearly showed that.

"Poke out the right eye. Slice off the nose. Sever the tendons in the legs to immobilize you, and then—"

Varhram, who continued his gruesome predictions cheerfully, carried out exactly what he said. The Munsarat behind him also swung his saw, connecting to a strike that could be described as a memory shared between master and servant.

"Sweep through the torso and cleave you in two."

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