Node Express Bot Setup

Created on: September 28, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01


<file path="./package.json">
"name": "your-project",
"version": "1.0.0",
"type": "module",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "node index.js"
"dependencies": {
"bcrypt": "^5.1.1",
"dotenv": "^16.4.5",
"express": "^4.21.0",
"html-entities": "^2.5.2",
"node-telegram-bot-api": "^0.66.0",
"redis": "^4.7.0",
"validator": "^13.12.0"
<file path="./config/config.js">
export const port = process.env.PORT || 8000
export const botToken = process.env.BOT_TOKEN
export const botUsername = process.env.BOT_USERNAME
export const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL || 'redis://localhost:6379'

if (!botToken || !botUsername) {
throw new Error('BOT_TOKEN and BOT_USERNAME must be set in environment variables.')
<file path="./middleware/validateSessionId.js">
export const validateSessionId = (req, res, next) => {
const sessionId = (req.params.sessionId || '').trim()

if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$/.test(sessionId)) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid Session ID.' })

req.sessionId = sessionId
<file path="./index.js">
import express from 'express'
import commandsRoutes from './routes/commands'
import updateRoutes from './routes/update'
import sessionsRoutes from './routes/sessions'
import { redisClient } from './utils/redisClient'
import { port } from './config/config'

const app = express()

app.use('/commands', commandsRoutes)
app.use('/update', updateRoutes)
app.use('/sessions', sessionsRoutes)

const server = app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is listening on port ${port}`)

process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
console.log('Shutting down server...')
try {
await redisClient.quit()
server.close(() => {
console.log('Server closed.')
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error during shutdown:', err)
<file path="./bot/handlers.js">
import { bot } from './instance'
import { parseSessionId, withUserSession, startSession } from '../utils/session'

const start = async (chatId, userId, text) => {
const sessionId = parseSessionId(text)
if (!sessionId) return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Please provide a session ID.')

await startSession(sessionId, userId, chatId)
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Welcome to session ${sessionId}!`)

const clear = (chatId, userId) => {
return withUserSession(chatId, userId, (session) => {
session.commands.push({ type: 'CLEAR' })
session.promptNumber = 2
return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Session cleared.')

const request = (chatId, userId, text) => {
return withUserSession(chatId, userId, (session) => {
session.commands.push({ type: 'RUN', text, promptNumber: session.promptNumber })
session.promptNumber += 2
return bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Processing your request...')

export const handleMessage = async (msg) => {
const chatId =
const userId =
const text = msg.text?.trim() || ''

try {
if (text.startsWith('/start')) await start(chatId, userId, text)
else if (text.startsWith('/clear')) await clear(chatId, userId)
else await request(chatId, userId, text)
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error handling message:', error)
bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'An error occurred.')
<file path="./bot/instance.js">
import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api'
import { botToken } from '../config/config'
import { handleMessage } from './handlers'

export const bot = new TelegramBot(botToken, { polling: true })

bot.on('message', handleMessage)
<file path="./controllers/bot.js">
import { withExistingSession } from '../utils/session'
import { bot } from '../bot/instance'
import { splitMessage } from '../utils/splitMessage'

export const processSession = async (sessionId) => {
await withExistingSession(sessionId, async (session) => {
session.processing = true
try {
while (session.results.length > 0) {
const resultText = session.results.shift()
await processMessages(session, resultText)
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing session ${sessionId}:`, error)
} finally {
session.processing = false

export const processMessages = async (session, text) => {
if (!session.chatId) return
if (!session.messages) session.messages = []

try {
for (const chunk of splitMessage(text)) {
const message = await bot.sendMessage(session.chatId, chunk, { parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2' })
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error sending messages for session ${session.sessionId}:`, error)
<file path="./routes/sessions.js">
import express from 'express'
import { redisClient } from '../utils/redisClient'

const router = express.Router()

router.get('/', async (req, res) => {
try {
const keys = await redisClient.keys('session:*')
const sessionIds = => key.replace('session:', ''))
res.json({ sessions: sessionIds })
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching sessions:', error)
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })

export default router
<file path="./routes/commands.js">
import express from 'express'
import { validateSessionId } from '../middleware/validateSessionId'
import { withExistingOrNewSession } from '../utils/session'

const router = express.Router()

router.get('/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => {
const { sessionId } = req

try {
await withExistingOrNewSession(sessionId, (session) => {
const commands = [...session.commands]
session.commands = []
res.json({ commands })
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error fetching commands for session ${sessionId}:`, error)
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })
})'/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => {
const { sessionId } = req
const command = req.body

try {
await withExistingOrNewSession(sessionId, (session) => {
if (!command || !command.type) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid command.' })

if (command.type === 'CLEAR') {
session.promptNumber = 2
} else {
command.promptNumber = session.promptNumber
session.promptNumber += 2

res.json({ message: 'Command added.' })
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error adding command to session ${sessionId}:`, error)
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })

export default router
<file path="./routes/password.js">
import express from 'express'
import validator from 'validator'
import bcrypt from 'bcrypt'
import { validateSessionId } from '../middleware/validateSessionId'
import { withExistingOrNewSession } from '../utils/session'
import { botUsername } from '../config/config'

const router = express.Router()'/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => {
const { sessionId } = req
const { password } = req.body

try {
if (!password || validator.isEmpty(password)) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Password is required.' })

const sanitizedPassword = validator.escape(password)

await withExistingOrNewSession(sessionId, async (session) => {
session.password = await bcrypt.hash(sanitizedPassword, 10)

res.json({ link: `${botUsername}?start=${sessionId}-${sanitizedPassword}` })
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error setting password for session ${sessionId}:`, error)
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })

export default router
<file path="./routes/update.js">
import express from 'express'
import { validateSessionId } from '../middleware/validateSessionId'
import { getOrCreateSession, setSession } from '../utils/session'
import { bot } from '../bot/instance'

const router = express.Router()'/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => {
const { sessionId } = req
const resultText = req.body.text

try {
if (!resultText) {
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Result text is required.' })

let session = await getOrCreateSession(sessionId)

await setSession(sessionId, session)

if (session.chatId) {
await bot.sendMessage(session.chatId, resultText)

res.json({ message: 'Result received.' })
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error updating session ${sessionId}:`, error)
res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })

export default router
<file path="./utils/redisClient.js">
import { createClient } from 'redis'
import { redisUrl } from '../config/config'

export const redisClient = createClient({ url: redisUrl })

redisClient.on('error', (err) => console.error('Redis error:', err))

redisClient.connect().then(() => {
console.log('Connected to Redis.')
}).catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to connect to Redis:', error)
<file path="./utils/markdownV2Text.js">
import { decode } from "html-entities";

function parseFormatting(node, type, symbol_left, symbol_right = symbol_left) {
if (!node.formatting) node.formatting = {}
if (!node.formatting[type]) node.formatting[type] = []

const escaped_left = symbol_left.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|\[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
const escaped_right = symbol_right.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|\[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')

for (const match of node.value.matchAll(new RegExp(`${escaped_left}\\S.*?\\S${escaped_right}`, 'g'))) {
const left = match.index
const right = match.index + match[0].length - symbol_right.length
fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, -1, left, symbol_left.length)
fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, -1, right, symbol_right.length)

let removedLength = 0

const handle = (match, captured, index) => {
const begin = index - removedLength
const end = begin + captured.length
node.formatting[type].push({ begin, end })

removedLength += match.length - captured.length
return captured

node.value = node.value.replace(new RegExp(`${escaped_left}(\\S.*?\\S)${escaped_right}`, 'g'), handle)

removedLength = 0

node.value = node.value.replace(new RegExp(`${escaped_left}(\\S.*)$`), handle)
const formatting = [
(node) => node.value = decode(node.value),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'monospace', '`'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'bold', '**'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'italic', '*'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'italic', '_'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'strikethrough', '~~'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'strikethrough', '~'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'underline', '<u>', '</u>'),
(node) => parseFormatting(node, 'spoiler', '<spoiler>', '</spoiler>')

function iterateFormatting(formatting, callback) {
for (const type in formatting) {
formatting[type].forEach(f => {
callback(f, type)

function fixFormattingRanges(formatting, diff, index, count = 1) {
for (let i = index; i < index + count; i++) {
iterateFormatting(formatting, (f) => {
if (index < f.begin) f.begin += diff
if (index <= f.end) f.end += diff

function fixFormattingRangesV2(formatting, diff, index, count = 1) {
for (let i = index; i < index + count; i++) {
iterateFormatting(formatting, (f) => {
if (index < f.begin) f.begin += diff
if (index < f.end) f.end += diff

function symbolOfFormattingType(type) {
switch (type) {
case 'bold': return '*'
case 'italic': return '_'
case 'monospace': return '`'
case 'strikethrough': return '~'
case 'underline': return '__'
case 'spoiler': return '||'

function escapeMarkdownV2(node) {
let counter = 0
node.value = node.value.replace(/[\\\[\]\-(){}+_*~`>#=|!.]/g, (match, index) => {
fixFormattingRangesV2(node.formatting, +1, index + counter)
return '\\' + match

function parseText(node) {
for (const parse of formatting) {
return node

export function markdownV2Text(input_node) {
const node = { ...input_node }
let text = node.value

function insert(i, symbol) {
fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, +symbol.length, i)
text = text.substring(0, i) + symbol + text.substring(i)

iterateFormatting(node.formatting, (f, type) => {
insert(f.begin, symbolOfFormattingType(type))
insert(f.end, symbolOfFormattingType(type))

text = text.replace(/\\!\\\[(?:\S|\S.*?\S)\\]\\\((?:\S|\S.*?\S)\\\)/g, (match) => {
const match1 = match.matchAll(/\\\[(\S|\S.*?\S)\\]\\\((\S|\S.*?\S)\\\)/g).next().value
return `![${match1[1]}](${match1[2]})`

text = text.replace(/\\\[(?:\S|\S.*?\S)\\]\\\((?:\S|\S.*?\S)\\\)/g, (match) => {
const match1 = match.matchAll(/\\\[(\S|\S.*?\S)\\]\\\((\S|\S.*?\S)\\\)/g).next().value
return `[${match1[1]}](${match1[2]})`

return text
<file path="./utils/markdownV2.js">
import { markdownV2Text } from "./markdownV2Text"

function parser(node, regex, type, parse = (text) => {return text}) {
if (node.type !== 'text') {
return [node]

const text = node.value
const matches = text.matchAll(regex)
const nodes = []
let lastIndex = 0

for (const match of matches) {
const value = parse(match[1])
const startIndex = match.index

if (startIndex > lastIndex) {
nodes.push({ type: 'text', value: text.substring(lastIndex, startIndex) })

nodes.push({ type, value })

lastIndex = startIndex + match[0].length

if (lastIndex < text.length) {
nodes.push({ type: 'text', value: text.substring(lastIndex) })

return nodes

const parsers = [
(node) => parser(node, /^```(.*?\n)```$/gms, 'code'),
(node) => parser(node, /^`(.*?\n)`$/gms, 'code'),
(node) => parser(node, /(((^\|.*)+\n?)+)/gm, 'table', (text) => {
const result = text.trim().split('\n').map(row => {
const cells = row.split('|').slice(1)
if (cells[cells.length - 1].trim() === '') {
return => cell.trim())
result.splice(1, 1)
return result
(node) => parser(node, /^>(.*)/gm, 'quote', (text) => [{
type: 'text',
value: text,
(node) => parser(node, /^(#{1,6} .*)/gm, 'header', (text) => [{
type: 'text',
value: text.trim()
.replace(/\*\*(\S.*?\S)\*\*/g, (match, captured) => captured)
.replace(/\*\*(\S.*)$/g, (match, captured) => captured),
formatting: {
bold: [{ begin: 0, end: text.length }]

function escape(text) {
return text.replace(/[\\\[\]\-(){}+_*~`>#=|!.]/g, (match) => '\\' + match)

export function markdownV2(nodes) {
let output = ''
for (const node of nodes) {
switch (node.type) {
case 'text':
output += markdownV2Text(node) + '\n'
case 'code':
const codeBlock = '```' + escape(node.value) + '```'
let remainingCode = codeBlock

while (remainingCode.length > 0) {
const remainingSpace = MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE - output.length
const chunkLength = Math.min(remainingCode.length, remainingSpace)

output += remainingCode.substring(0, chunkLength)
remainingCode = remainingCode.substring(chunkLength)

if (remainingCode.length > 0) {
case 'table':
output += '```markdown\n'

const rows = node.value
const maxLengths = rows[0].map((header, i) =>
Math.max(header.length, ...rows.slice(1).map(row => row[i] ? row[i].length : 0))

for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
const row = rows[i]
output += escape('| ' +, j) => cell.padEnd(maxLengths[j])).join(' | ') + ' |\n')
if (i === 0) {
output += escape('| ' + => '-'.repeat(length)).join(' | ') + ' |\n')

output += '```\n'
case 'quote':
output += '>' + markdownV2(node.value)
case 'header':
output += markdownV2(node.value)
if (output[output.length - 1] === '\n') {
output = output.slice(0, -1)
return output

export function parse(text) {
let in_nodes = [{type: 'text', value: text}]
for (const fn of parsers) {
const out_nodes = []
for (let i = 0; i < in_nodes.length; i++) {
in_nodes = out_nodes
return in_nodes
<file path="./utils/splitMessage.js">
import { parse, markdownV2 } from './markdownV2'

export const splitMessage = (text) => {
const maxLength = 4096
const formattedText = markdownV2(parse(text))
const messages = []

let remainingText = formattedText

while (remainingText.length > 0) {
if (remainingText.length <= maxLength) {
let splitIndex = remainingText.lastIndexOf('\n', maxLength)
if (splitIndex === -1) {
splitIndex = maxLength
const messagePart = remainingText.slice(0, splitIndex).trim()
remainingText = remainingText.slice(splitIndex).trim()
return messages
<file path="./utils/session.js">
import { redisClient } from './redisClient'
import { bot } from '../bot/instance'

const SESSION_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24

export const getSessionKey = (sessionId) => `session:${sessionId}`
export const getUserSessionKey = (userId) => `userSession:${userId}`

export const getSession = async (sessionId) => {
const data = await redisClient.get(getSessionKey(sessionId))
return data ? JSON.parse(data) : null

export const setSession = async (sessionId, session) => {
await redisClient.setEx(getSessionKey(sessionId), SESSION_TTL, JSON.stringify(session))

export const getUserSession = async (userId) => {
return await redisClient.get(getUserSessionKey(userId))

export const setUserSession = (userId, sessionId) => {
return redisClient.setEx(getUserSessionKey(userId), SESSION_TTL, sessionId)

export const createSession = async (sessionId) => {
const session = {
commands: [],
results: [],
promptNumber: 2,
userId: null,
chatId: null,
processing: false,
await setSession(sessionId, session)
return session

export const parseSessionId = (text) => {
const parts = text.trim().split(' ')
return parts.length > 1 ? parts[1] : null

export const getOrCreateSession = async (sessionId) => {
return (await getSession(sessionId)) || (await createSession(sessionId))

export const withUserSession = async (chatId, userId, update) => {
const sessionId = await getUserSession(userId)
if (!sessionId) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'No active session. Use /start <session_id> to start.')
return null

let session = await getSession(sessionId)
if (!session) {
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Session not found.')
return null

const result = await update(session)
await setSession(sessionId, session)
return result

export const withExistingOrNewSession = async (sessionId, update) => {
let session = await getOrCreateSession(sessionId)
await update(session)
await setSession(sessionId, session)

export const withExistingSession = async (sessionId, update) => {
let session = await getSession(sessionId)
if (!session) return false

await update(session)
await setSession(sessionId, session)
return true

export const startSession = async (sessionId, userId, chatId) => {
const session = await getOrCreateSession(sessionId)
session.userId = userId
session.chatId = chatId
await setSession(sessionId, session)
await setUserSession(userId, sessionId)
<file path="./">
Forget all ";"
Forget all ".js" extensions in imports
Forget 2-4 spaces, use tabs
<file path="./">
Rewrite each file of codebase
Simplify code without making worse


Taking a closer look

I’m examining the assistant's instruction to address the last user query, focusing on handling code files and path information.

Updating code instructions

I'm noting the user's request to simplify each code file while following specific formatting rules: removing semicolons, the ".js" extension in imports, and using tabs for indentation.

Following directives

The assistant should adhere to user instructions, avoid disallowed content, and ensure code safety, particularly in reversible transformations and encoding.

Revamping and refining

I’m working through rewriting code files to boost functionality, simplify logic, and adhere to formatting rules. Ensuring code clarity and accuracy is my priority.

Assessing package.json

I looked over the ./package.json file, ensuring all dependencies are used correctly and no redundant ones are present. It appears all dependencies are necessary and appropriately utilized.

Navigating dependencies

I'm mapping out the use of unused dependencies and considering their removal to streamline the package.json.

Simplifying code

Switching to tab indentation for better clarity and possibly catching potential issues early. Thinking through environmental variable validations and ensuring all necessary tokens are set.

Refining the process

I’m pulling together a Node.js code snippet, swapping spaces for tabs and stripping out semicolons. It’s interesting to see how these tweaks streamline maintenance moving forward.

Refining the code

OK, I’m thinking about simplifying the regex to streamline the validation process while ensuring reliability. This helps in maintaining a clean and efficient code structure without reducing functionality.

Continuing with the code, I'm switching spaces to tabs for indentation. This change will align the code with certain style guides and my preference for simpler visual clarity.

Tweaking the code

I’m enhancing efficiency by exporting the session ID validation function after confirming it uses tabs for indentation.

Evaluating imports

I’m checking if the imports are correct and using tabs instead of spaces. Everything seems fine, and now I’m considering making the shutdown handler more concise.

Refining server shutdown

I’m refining the server shutdown process, considering the optimal arrangement of process.exit(0) and server.close() callbacks to ensure a smooth and synchronous shutdown.

Updating error handling

I'm considering refining the error message "An error occurred" to better guide users in diagnosing and resolving issues.

Enhancing code clarity

I'm thinking about improving code readability by integrating spaces with tabs and refining function simplicity, especially in "start" and "handleMessage". Removing unnecessary returns in functions like "clear" and "request" also appears beneficial.


<file path="./package.json"> { "name": "your-project", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "module", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "start": "node index.js" }, "dependencies": { "bcrypt": "^5.1.1", "dotenv": "^16.4.5", "express": "^4.21.0", "html-entities": "^2.5.2", "node-telegram-bot-api": "^0.66.0", "redis": "^4.7.0", "validator": "^13.12.0" } } </file> <file path="./config/config.js"> export const port = process.env.PORT || 8000 export const botToken = process.env.BOT_TOKEN export const botUsername = process.env.BOT_USERNAME export const redisUrl = process.env.REDIS_URL || 'redis://localhost:6379'

if (!botToken || !botUsername) { throw new Error('BOT_TOKEN and BOT_USERNAME must be set in environment variables.') } </file>

<file path="./middleware/validateSessionId.js"> export const validateSessionId = (req, res, next) => { const sessionId = (req.params.sessionId || '').trim()
if (!/^[\w-]+$/.test(sessionId)) {
	return res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid Session ID.' })

req.sessionId = sessionId

} </file>

<file path="./index.js"> import express from 'express' import commandsRoutes from './routes/commands' import updateRoutes from './routes/update' import sessionsRoutes from './routes/sessions' import { redisClient } from './utils/redisClient' import { port } from './config/config'

const app = express()

app.use(express.json()) app.use('/commands', commandsRoutes) app.use('/update', updateRoutes) app.use('/sessions', sessionsRoutes)

const server = app.listen(port, () => { console.log(Server is listening on port ${port}) })

process.on('SIGINT', async () => { console.log('Shutting down server...') try { await redisClient.quit() server.close(() => { console.log('Server closed.') process.exit(0) }) } catch (err) { console.error('Error during shutdown:', err) process.exit(1) } }) </file>

<file path="./bot/handlers.js"> import { bot } from './instance' import { parseSessionId, withUserSession, startSession } from '../utils/session'

const start = async (chatId, userId, text) => { const sessionId = parseSessionId(text) if (!sessionId) { await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Please provide a session ID.') return }

await startSession(sessionId, userId, chatId)
await bot.sendMessage(chatId, `Welcome to session ${sessionId}!`)


const clear = async (chatId, userId) => { await withUserSession(chatId, userId, async (session) => { session.commands.push({ type: 'CLEAR' }) session.promptNumber = 2 await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Session cleared.') }) }

const request = async (chatId, userId, text) => { await withUserSession(chatId, userId, async (session) => { session.commands.push({ type: 'RUN', text, promptNumber: session.promptNumber }) session.promptNumber += 2 await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Processing your request...') }) }

export const handleMessage = async (msg) => { const chatId = const userId = const text = msg.text?.trim() || ''

try {
	if (text.startsWith('/start')) {
		await start(chatId, userId, text)
	} else if (text.startsWith('/clear')) {
		await clear(chatId, userId)
	} else {
		await request(chatId, userId, text)
} catch (error) {
	console.error('Error handling message:', error)
	await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'An error occurred.')

} </file>

<file path="./bot/instance.js"> import TelegramBot from 'node-telegram-bot-api' import { botToken } from '../config/config' import { handleMessage } from './handlers'

export const bot = new TelegramBot(botToken, { polling: true }) bot.on('message', handleMessage) </file>

<file path="./controllers/bot.js"> import { withExistingSession } from '../utils/session' import { bot } from '../bot/instance' import { splitMessage } from '../utils/splitMessage'

export const processSession = async (sessionId) => { await withExistingSession(sessionId, async (session) => { session.processing = true try { while (session.results.length > 0) { const resultText = session.results.shift() await processMessages(session, resultText) } } catch (error) { console.error(Error processing session ${sessionId}:, error) } finally { session.processing = false } }) }

export const processMessages = async (session, text) => { if (!session.chatId) return session.messages = session.messages || []

try {
	for (const chunk of splitMessage(text)) {
		const message = await bot.sendMessage(session.chatId, chunk, { parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2' })
} catch (error) {
	console.error(`Error sending messages for session ${session.sessionId}:`, error)

} </file>

<file path="./routes/sessions.js"> import express from 'express' import { redisClient } from '../utils/redisClient'

const router = express.Router()

router.get('/', async (req, res) => { try { const keys = await redisClient.keys('session:*') const sessionIds = => key.replace('session:', '')) res.json({ sessions: sessionIds }) } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching sessions:', error) res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' }) } })

export default router </file>

<file path="./routes/commands.js"> import express from 'express' import { validateSessionId } from '../middleware/validateSessionId' import { withExistingOrNewSession } from '../utils/session'

const router = express.Router()

router.get('/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => { const { sessionId } = req

try {
	await withExistingOrNewSession(sessionId, (session) => {
		const commands = [...session.commands]
		session.commands = []
		res.json({ commands })
} catch (error) {
	console.error(`Error fetching commands for session ${sessionId}:`, error)
	res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })

})'/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => { const { sessionId } = req const command = req.body

try {
	if (!command || !command.type) {
		res.status(400).json({ error: 'Invalid command.' })

	await withExistingOrNewSession(sessionId, (session) => {
		if (command.type === 'CLEAR') {
			session.promptNumber = 2
		} else {
			command.promptNumber = session.promptNumber
			session.promptNumber += 2

		res.json({ message: 'Command added.' })
} catch (error) {
	console.error(`Error adding command to session ${sessionId}:`, error)
	res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })


export default router </file>

<file path="./routes/password.js"> import express from 'express' import validator from 'validator' import bcrypt from 'bcrypt' import { validateSessionId } from '../middleware/validateSessionId' import { withExistingOrNewSession } from '../utils/session' import { botUsername } from '../config/config'

const router = express.Router()'/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => { const { sessionId } = req const { password } = req.body

try {
	if (!password || validator.isEmpty(password)) {
		res.status(400).json({ error: 'Password is required.' })

	const sanitizedPassword = validator.escape(password)

	await withExistingOrNewSession(sessionId, async (session) => {
		session.password = await bcrypt.hash(sanitizedPassword, 10)

	res.json({ link: `${botUsername}?start=${sessionId}-${sanitizedPassword}` })
} catch (error) {
	console.error(`Error setting password for session ${sessionId}:`, error)
	res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })


export default router </file>

<file path="./routes/update.js"> import express from 'express' import { validateSessionId } from '../middleware/validateSessionId' import { getOrCreateSession, setSession } from '../utils/session' import { bot } from '../bot/instance'

const router = express.Router()'/:sessionId', validateSessionId, async (req, res) => { const { sessionId } = req const resultText = req.body.text

try {
	if (!resultText) {
		res.status(400).json({ error: 'Result text is required.' })

	let session = await getOrCreateSession(sessionId)

	await setSession(sessionId, session)

	if (session.chatId) {
		await bot.sendMessage(session.chatId, resultText)

	res.json({ message: 'Result received.' })
} catch (error) {
	console.error(`Error updating session ${sessionId}:`, error)
	res.status(500).json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' })


export default router </file>

<file path="./utils/redisClient.js"> import { createClient } from 'redis' import { redisUrl } from '../config/config'

export const redisClient = createClient({ url: redisUrl })

redisClient.on('error', (err) => console.error('Redis error:', err))

redisClient.connect().then(() => { console.log('Connected to Redis.') }).catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to connect to Redis:', error) process.exit(1) }) </file>

<file path="./utils/markdownV2Text.js"> import { decode } from 'html-entities'

function parseFormatting(node, type, symbolLeft, symbolRight = symbolLeft) { node.formatting = node.formatting || {} node.formatting[type] = node.formatting[type] || []

const escapedLeft = symbolLeft.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')
const escapedRight = symbolRight.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')

const regex = new RegExp(`${escapedLeft}\\S.*?\\S${escapedRight}`, 'g')
for (const match of node.value.matchAll(regex)) {
	const left = match.index
	const right = match.index + match[0].length - symbolRight.length
	fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, -1, left, symbolLeft.length)
	fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, -1, right, symbolRight.length)

let removedLength = 0
const handle = (match, captured, index) => {
	const begin = index - removedLength
	const end = begin + captured.length
	node.formatting[type].push({ begin, end })

	removedLength += match.length - captured.length
	return captured

const replaceRegex = new RegExp(`${escapedLeft}(\\S.*?\\S)${escapedRight}`, 'g')
node.value = node.value.replace(replaceRegex, handle)

removedLength = 0
const endRegex = new RegExp(`${escapedLeft}(\\S.*)$`)
node.value = node.value.replace(endRegex, handle)


function fixFormattingRanges(formatting, diff, index, count = 1) { for (let i = index; i < index + count; i++) { iterateFormatting(formatting, (f) => { if (index < f.begin) f.begin += diff if (index <= f.end) f.end += diff }) } }

function iterateFormatting(formatting, callback) { for (const type in formatting) { formatting[type].forEach(f => callback(f, type)) } }

function escapeMarkdownV2(node) { let counter = 0 node.value = node.value.replace(/[$$$$(){}+_*~`>#=|!.]/g, (match, index) => { fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, 1, index + counter) counter++ return '\' + match }) }

function parseText(node) { node.value = decode(node.value) parseFormatting(node, 'monospace', '`') parseFormatting(node, 'bold', '**') parseFormatting(node, 'italic', '*') parseFormatting(node, 'italic', '_') parseFormatting(node, 'strikethrough', '~~') parseFormatting(node, 'strikethrough', '~') parseFormatting(node, 'underline', '<u>', '</u>') parseFormatting(node, 'spoiler', '<spoiler>', '</spoiler>') return node }

export function markdownV2Text(inputNode) { const node = { ...inputNode } parseText(node) escapeMarkdownV2(node) let text = node.value

function insert(i, symbol) {
	fixFormattingRanges(node.formatting, symbol.length, i)
	text = text.slice(0, i) + symbol + text.slice(i)

iterateFormatting(node.formatting, (f, type) => {
	const symbol = symbolOfFormattingType(type)
	insert(f.begin, symbol)
	insert(f.end, symbol)

text = text.replace(/\\!\\$$(\S.*?\S)\$$\\$(\S.*?\S)\\$/g, '![$1]($2)')
text = text.replace(/\\$$(\S.*?\S)\$$\\$(\S.*?\S)\\$/g, '[$1]($2)')

return text


function symbolOfFormattingType(type) { const symbols = { bold: '*', italic: '_', monospace: '`', strikethrough: '~', underline: '__', spoiler: '||', } return symbols[type] || '' } </file>

<file path="./utils/markdownV2.js"> import { markdownV2Text } from './markdownV2Text'

function parser(node, regex, type, parse = (text) => text) { if (node.type !== 'text') return [node]

const text = node.value
const matches = text.matchAll(regex)
const nodes = []
let lastIndex = 0

for (const match of matches) {
	const value = parse(match[1])
	const startIndex = match.index

	if (startIndex > lastIndex) {
		nodes.push({ type: 'text', value: text.slice(lastIndex, startIndex) })

	nodes.push({ type, value })
	lastIndex = startIndex + match[0].length

if (lastIndex < text.length) {
	nodes.push({ type: 'text', value: text.slice(lastIndex) })

return nodes


function escape(text) { return text.replace(/[$$$$(){}+_*~`>#=|!.]/g, '\$&') }

const parsers = [ (node) => parser(node, /^(.*?)/gms,code),(node)=>parser(node,/(.?)/gms, 'code'), (node) => parser(node, /^`(.*?)`/gms, 'code'), (node) => parser(node, /(((^|.)+\n?)+)/gm, 'table', (text) => { const rows = text.trim().split('\n').map(row => row.split('|').slice(1, -1).map(cell => cell.trim())) rows.splice(1, 1) return rows }), (node) => parser(node, /^>(.)/gm, 'quote', (text) => [{ type: 'text', value: text }]), (node) => parser(node, /^(#{1,6} .*)/gm, 'header', (text) => [{ type: 'text', value: text.trim() }]), ]

export function markdownV2(nodes) { let output = '' for (const node of nodes) { switch (node.type) { case 'text': output += markdownV2Text(node) + '\n' break case 'code': output += '' + escape(node.value) + '\n' break case 'table': output += 'markdown\n' const rows = node.value const maxLengths = rows[0].map((_, i) => Math.max( => (row[i] || '').length))) rows.forEach((row, i) => { output += escape('| ' +, j) => (cell || '').padEnd(maxLengths[j])).join(' | ') + ' |\n') if (i === 0) { output += escape('| ' + => '-'.repeat(len)).join(' | ') + ' |\n') } }) output += '\n' break case 'quote': output += '>' + markdownV2(node.value) break case 'header': output += markdownV2(node.value) break } } return output.trim() }

export function parse(text) { let nodes = [{ type: 'text', value: text }] for (const fn of parsers) { nodes = nodes.flatMap(node => fn(node)) } return nodes } </file>

<file path="./utils/splitMessage.js"> import { parse, markdownV2 } from './markdownV2'

export const splitMessage = (text) => { const maxLength = 4096 const formattedText = markdownV2(parse(text)) const messages = []

let remainingText = formattedText

while (remainingText.length > 0) {
	if (remainingText.length <= maxLength) {
	let splitIndex = remainingText.lastIndexOf('\n', maxLength)
	if (splitIndex === -1) splitIndex = maxLength
	messages.push(remainingText.slice(0, splitIndex).trim())
	remainingText = remainingText.slice(splitIndex).trim()
return messages

} </file>

<file path="./utils/session.js"> import { redisClient } from './redisClient' import { bot } from '../bot/instance'

const SESSION_TTL = 60 * 60 * 24

export const getSessionKey = (sessionId) => session:${sessionId} export const getUserSessionKey = (userId) => userSession:${userId}

export const getSession = async (sessionId) => { const data = await redisClient.get(getSessionKey(sessionId)) return data ? JSON.parse(data) : null }

export const setSession = async (sessionId, session) => { await redisClient.setEx(getSessionKey(sessionId), SESSION_TTL, JSON.stringify(session)) }

export const getUserSession = async (userId) => { return await redisClient.get(getUserSessionKey(userId)) }

export const setUserSession = (userId, sessionId) => { return redisClient.setEx(getUserSessionKey(userId), SESSION_TTL, sessionId) }

export const createSession = async (sessionId) => { const session = { commands: [], results: [], promptNumber: 2, userId: null, chatId: null, processing: false, } await setSession(sessionId, session) return session }

export const parseSessionId = (text) => { const parts = text.trim().split(' ') return parts[1] || null }

export const getOrCreateSession = async (sessionId) => { return (await getSession(sessionId)) || (await createSession(sessionId)) }

export const withUserSession = async (chatId, userId, update) => { const sessionId = await getUserSession(userId) if (!sessionId) { await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'No active session. Use /start <session_id> to start.') return }

let session = await getSession(sessionId)
if (!session) {
	await bot.sendMessage(chatId, 'Session not found.')

await update(session)
await setSession(sessionId, session)


export const withExistingOrNewSession = async (sessionId, update) => { let session = await getOrCreateSession(sessionId) await update(session) await setSession(sessionId, session) }

export const withExistingSession = async (sessionId, update) => { let session = await getSession(sessionId) if (!session) return false

await update(session)
await setSession(sessionId, session)
return true


export const startSession = async (sessionId, userId, chatId) => { const session = await getOrCreateSession(sessionId) session.userId = userId session.chatId = chatId await setSession(sessionId, session) await setUserSession(userId, sessionId) } </file>

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