Умное разрезание видео на части

Created on: September 28, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01


напиши код программы для умного разрезания на части видео на питон


Crafting the code

I’m working on Python code for smart video splitting, focusing on scene changes, audio analysis, and content-based methods, leveraging libraries like OpenCV and moviepy.

Utilizing scene detection

Thinking about scene detection, I'm leveraging PySceneDetect for identifying changes and using moviepy for splitting the video.

Setting up the project

I’m preparing to install key packages, PySceneDetect and moviepy, to detect and extract scenes from a video. The setup initializes video managers, detects scenes, and uses moviepy for extraction.


Конечно! Вот пример кода на Python, который выполняет "умное" разрезание видео на части, основанное на обнаружении сцен. Этот скрипт использует библиотеку PySceneDetect для обнаружения сцен и moviepy для разрезания видео.

from scenedetect import VideoManager, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_tools import ffmpeg_extract_subclip import os def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): """ Разрезает видео на сцены на основе детектирования изменений в контенте. :param video_path: Путь к входному видеофайлу. :param output_dir: Директория для сохранения вырезанных сцен. """ # Создаем объект VideoManager video_manager = VideoManager([video_path]) scene_manager = SceneManager() # Добавляем детектор изменений контента scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=30.0)) # Начинаем обработку видео video_manager.start() # Выполняем детектирование сцен scene_manager.detect_scenes(frame_source=video_manager) # Получаем список сцен scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print("Обнаруженные сцены:") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Сцена {i+1}: Начало {scene[0].get_timecode()} / Кадр {scene[0].get_frames()}, " f"Конец {scene[1].get_timecode()} / Кадр {scene[1].get_frames()}" ) # Создаем выходную директорию, если она не существует os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Разрезаем видео на сцены for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene[0].get_seconds() end_time = scene[1].get_seconds() output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") ffmpeg_extract_subclip(video_path, start_time, end_time, targetname=output_filename) print(f"Сцена сохранена: {output_filename}") # Освобождаем ресурсы video_manager.release() if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = "input_video.mp4" # Замените на путь к вашему видеофайлу output_dir = "output_scenes" # Замените на желаемую выходную директорию split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Как это работает:

  1. Обнаружение сцен:

    • Используется PySceneDetect для анализа видео и обнаружения сцен на основе изменений в содержимом кадров.
    • ContentDetector анализирует разницу между последовательными кадрами и определяет границы сцен.
  2. Разрезание видео:

    • После обнаружения сцен, moviepy с помощью ffmpeg_extract_subclip вырезает соответствующие фрагменты видео и сохраняет их как отдельные файлы.

Необходимые зависимости:

Убедитесь, что у вас установлены следующие библиотеки:

pip install PySceneDetect moviepy


  • Параметр threshold в ContentDetector можно настроить для изменения чувствительности обнаружения сцен.
  • Выходные файлы будут сохранены в директорию, указанную в output_dir, с именами scene_001.mp4, scene_002.mp4 и т.д.

Пример использования:

  1. Сохраните код в файл, например video_splitter.py.

  2. Поместите видеофайл input_video.mp4 в ту же директорию или укажите полный путь к файлу.

  3. Запустите скрипт:

    python video_splitter.py

После выполнения скрипта в директории output_scenes вы найдете разрезанные сцены из вашего видео.


make an executable file to run the script *cmd


Translating and crafting

Piecing together a Python script for smart video splitting, while thinking through creating an executable file for command line execution.

Translating the request

The user wants a Python script to be executable via command line. Instructions should be in the language they used, assuming it's Russian, and should focus on making the script runnable on Windows.

Creating an executable

I’m thinking about converting a Python script into an executable file using PyInstaller or a batch file, ensuring it can be run from command prompt.

Guide to creating executable

The policy states responses should match the language of the user's query. PyInstaller is recommended to convert Python scripts into standalone executable files, involving installation and script preparation.

Creating and locating the executable

I’m thinking through how to generate the executable using PyInstaller, include all dependencies, and find it in the dist folder.

Setting up

I’m detailing how to run a Python script via a batch file, including creating the batch file, adding Python execution commands, ensuring Python's proper setup in the PATH, and passing command-line arguments.


Certainly! To create an executable file to run your Python script from the command line (cmd), you can use a tool like PyInstaller. PyInstaller bundles your Python application and all its dependencies into a single executable file, which can be run on any Windows machine without requiring a separate Python installation.

Here’s how you can do it:

1. Install PyInstaller

First, install PyInstaller using pip:

pip install pyinstaller

2. Prepare Your Script

Ensure your script (video_splitter.py) is working correctly and is located in a directory you can easily access.

3. Create the Executable

Open the command prompt (cmd), navigate to the directory containing your script, and run the following command:

pyinstaller --onefile video_splitter.py
  • The --onefile option tells PyInstaller to package everything into a single executable file.
  • If you prefer the executable without a console window popping up (for GUI applications), you can add the --noconsole option.

Example with --noconsole:

pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole video_splitter.py

4. Locate the Executable

After PyInstaller finishes, you'll find the executable in the dist folder inside your project directory:

├── build/
├── dist/
│   └── video_splitter.exe
├── video_splitter.py
└── video_splitter.spec

5. Run the Executable

You can now run the executable from the command line or by double-clicking it:

cd dist video_splitter.exe

6. (Optional) Create a Batch File

If you prefer using a batch file to run your script, follow these steps:

  • Create a new text file and paste the following content:

    @echo off python path\to\your\video_splitter.py %* pause
  • Replace path\to\your\video_splitter.py with the actual path to your script.

  • Save the file with a .bat extension, for example, run_video_splitter.bat.

  • Double-click the batch file to run your script.


  • Dependencies: The executable created by PyInstaller includes all the dependencies your script needs, so you don't have to install them separately on the target machine.
  • Python Path: If you're using the batch file method, ensure that the Python interpreter is added to your system's PATH environment variable. If not, provide the full path to the python.exe in the batch file.
  • Permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to execute files on your system.

Example Batch File Content:

@echo off "C:\Path\To\Python\python.exe" "C:\Path\To\Your\video_splitter.py" %* pause


  • Missing Modules: If you encounter errors about missing modules when running the executable, ensure that all imports are correctly handled, and consider using the --hidden-import option with PyInstaller.
  • FFmpeg Dependency: Since your script uses moviepy, which relies on FFmpeg, ensure that FFmpeg is installed on the target machine and is accessible via the system PATH.


By creating an executable using PyInstaller, you make it easy to distribute and run your video splitting script on any Windows machine without worrying about the Python environment setup.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance!


I have this error- . Install PyInstaller
First, install PyInstaller using pip:

pip install pyinstaller

2. Prepare Your Script
Ensure your script (video_splitter.py) is working correctly and is located in a directory you can easily access.

3. Create the Executable
Open the command prompt (cmd), navigate to the directory containing your script, and run the following command:

pyinstaller --onefile video_splitter.py

The --onefile option tells PyInstaller to package everything into a single executable file.
If you prefer the executable without a console window popping up (for GUI applications), you can add the --noconsole option.
Example with --noconsole:

pyinstaller --onefile --noconsole video_splitter.py

4. Locate the Executable
After PyInstaller finishes, you'll find the executable in the dist folder inside your project directory:

├── build/
├── dist/
│ └── video_splitter.exe
├── video_splitter.py
└── video_splitter.spec
5. Run the Executable
You can now run the executable from the command line or by double-clicking it:

cd dist

6. (Optional) Create a Batch File
If you prefer using a batch file to run your script, follow these steps:

Create a new text file and paste the following content:

@echo off
python path\to\your\video_splitter.py %*

Replace path\to\your\video_splitter.py with the actual path to your script.

Save the file with a .bat extension, for example, run_video_splitter.bat.

Double-click the batch file to run your script.

Dependencies: The executable created by PyInstaller includes all the dependencies your script needs, so you don't have to install them separately on the target machine.
Python Path: If you're using the batch file method, ensure that the Python interpreter is added to your system's PATH environment variable. If not, provide the full path to the python.exe in the batch file.
Permissions: Make sure you have the necessary permissions to execute files on your system.
Example Batch File Content:
@echo off
"C:\Path\To\Python\python.exe" "C:\Path\To\Your\video_splitter.py" %*


Crafting an executable script

I’m piecing together instructions to create an executable file for a Python script using PyInstaller. The script, video_splitter.py, needs careful preparation to ensure it works as intended.

Creating the executable

I’m crafting the executable by running the command pyinstaller --onefile video_splitter.py in the terminal. This compiles everything into a single executable, located in the dist directory.

Executing the task

I’m walking you through running the executable and creating a batch file for automation. Ensure the Python interpreter is accessible for seamless execution.

Ensuring script functionality

I see that the user needs to install PyInstaller and verify that the script (video_splitter.py) is in a directory that can be easily accessed and is working correctly.

Assessing script execution

I’m thinking through a query from a user who pasted an error without showing the actual problem. Ok, let me see—clarification is crucial before diving into solutions.

Thinking through the issue, I’m thinking it’s important to ask for the exact error message to better pinpoint the problem and offer effective troubleshooting steps.


I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing an error. Could you please provide the exact error message or describe the issue you're encountering? This will help me better understand the problem and assist you in resolving it.


VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\video splitter\video_splitter.py", line 52, in <module>
split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)
File "C:\video splitter\video_splitter.py", line 14, in split_video_into_scenes
video_manager = VideoManager([video_path])
File "C:\Python\Lib\site-packages\scenedetect\video_manager.py", line 294, in __init__
self._cap_list, self._cap_framerate, self._cap_framesize = open_captures(
File "C:\Python\Lib\site-packages\scenedetect\video_manager.py", line 147, in open_captures
raise IOError("Video file(s) not found.")
OSError: Video file(s) not found.


Identifying the core issue

The user encountered an error message indicating that the VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed, and specifically mentioning Video file(s) not found. This suggests that the script is trying to access a video file that is not present or accessible at the specified path.

Confirming file paths

OK, let me see. I’m checking the file path for the video. If the file is missing, I’ll guide on finding or replacing it.

Ensuring accurate video location and updating code

I’m making sure the video file "input_video.mp4" is in the right place and updating code to handle errors. Considering the latest PySceneDetect API changes too.

Acknowledge the issue

I’m noting the error where the script can't locate the video file due to a misdirected path. Also, highlighting the deprecated status of VideoManager and suggesting an update.

Ensuring file accuracy

First, I check if the video file path is correct, confirming its existence. Then, I move forward to update the script using the latest PySceneDetect API.

Refining the video analysis

I’m digging into the latest PySceneDetect API, refining the approach for scene splitting, and ensuring accurate start and end time retrieval.

Adjusting the script

I'm making sure video_path accurately points to the correct video file location, using a raw string to handle backslashes in Windows paths, and updating the script accordingly.

Ensuring file validity

First, I check the file's existence before processing by verifying its path. Then, I confirm the path with a print statement to confirm it's being used correctly. Finally, I ensure all necessary dependencies are installed.


Извините, что вы столкнулись с этой ошибкой. Давайте разберемся и решим проблему вместе.

Причина ошибки

  1. Видео не найдено:

    OSError: Video file(s) not found.

    Эта ошибка указывает на то, что скрипт не может найти видеофайл по указанному пути. Возможно, путь к видеофайлу неверен или файл отсутствует в указанной директории.

  2. Устаревший VideoManager:

    VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed.

    Это предупреждение означает, что VideoManager устарел в последней версии PySceneDetect, и его следует заменить на обновленный API.

Решение проблемы

1. Проверьте путь к видеофайлу

  • Убедитесь, что видеофайл действительно существует по указанному пути.
  • Если файл находится в той же директории, что и скрипт, убедитесь, что имя файла написано правильно, включая расширение.
  • Если файл находится в другой директории, укажите полный путь к видеофайлу.


if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"C:\video splitter\input_video.mp4" # Замените на полный путь к вашему видеофайлу output_dir = "output_scenes" split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Важно: Используйте префикс r перед строкой пути (raw string), чтобы правильно обработать обратные слэши в пути Windows.

2. Обновите код с использованием актуального API

Поскольку VideoManager устарел, обновим код, используя новые функции PySceneDetect.

Обновленный код:

from scenedetect import SceneManager, open_video from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_tools import ffmpeg_extract_subclip import os def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): """ Разрезает видео на сцены на основе детектирования изменений в контенте. :param video_path: Путь к входному видеофайлу. :param output_dir: Директория для сохранения вырезанных сцен. """ # Проверяем существование видеофайла if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Ошибка: Видео файл не найден по пути {video_path}") return # Открываем видео video = open_video(video_path) # Создаем менеджер сцен scene_manager = SceneManager() # Добавляем детектор изменений контента scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=30.0)) # Выполняем детектирование сцен scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Получаем список сцен scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print("Обнаруженные сцены:") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Сцена {i+1}: Начало {scene.start_time.get_timecode()} / Кадр {scene.start_frame}, " f"Конец {scene.end_time.get_timecode()} / Кадр {scene.end_frame}" ) # Создаем выходную директорию, если она не существует os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Разрезаем видео на сцены for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") ffmpeg_extract_subclip(video_path, start_time, end_time, targetname=output_filename) print(f"Сцена сохранена: {output_filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"C:\video splitter\input_video.mp4" # Укажите путь к вашему видеофайлу output_dir = "output_scenes" split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Объяснение изменений:

  • Использование open_video: Вместо VideoManager используем open_video, который соответствует текущему API PySceneDetect.
  • Обновление доступа к сценам: Адаптировали способ получения времени и кадров начала и конца сцен.
  • Проверка существования файла: Добавили проверку, чтобы убедиться, что видеофайл существует перед обработкой.

3. Убедитесь, что все зависимости установлены

Выполните следующие команды, чтобы установить или обновить необходимые библиотеки:

pip install --upgrade scenedetect moviepy

4. Проверьте установку FFmpeg

moviepy использует ffmpeg для обработки видео. Убедитесь, что ffmpeg установлен на вашем компьютере и доступен из командной строки.

Как проверить:

  • Откройте командную строку и введите:

    ffmpeg -version
  • Если команда не распознана, скачайте ffmpeg с официального сайта ffmpeg.org и добавьте путь к ffmpeg.exe в переменную среды PATH.

5. Запустите скрипт и проверьте работу

После внесения изменений запустите скрипт снова:

python video_splitter.py

Убедитесь, что:

  • Путь к видеофайлу правильный и файл существует.
  • Все необходимые библиотеки установлены.
  • ffmpeg доступен из командной строки.

6. Дополнительные советы

  • Вывод пути к видеофайлу:

    Добавьте вывод пути к видеофайлу для проверки:

    print(f"Путь к видеофайлу: {video_path}")
  • Обработка исключений:

    Добавьте обработку исключений для более информативных сообщений об ошибках:

    try: # Код обработки видео except Exception as e: print(f"Произошла ошибка: {e}")


  • Ошибка возникает из-за того, что скрипт не может найти видеофайл. Убедитесь, что путь к файлу указан правильно.
  • Обновите код, чтобы использовать актуальный API PySceneDetect, заменив VideoManager на open_video.
  • Проверьте установку всех зависимостей и наличие ffmpeg в системе.

Если проблема не решена

Если после всех этих шагов ошибка сохраняется, пожалуйста, предоставьте:

  • Обновленный код скрипта после внесения изменений.
  • Полный текст новой ошибки или описания того, что происходит при запуске скрипта.

Это поможет мне более детально разобраться в проблеме и предложить конкретное решение.

Не стесняйтесь задавать дополнительные вопросы! Я здесь, чтобы помочь.


I get the error-
C:\Users\vitiy>pip install PySceneDetect moviepy
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PySceneDetect (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for PySceneDetect


Assessing error implications

I’m examining the user’s issue with PySceneDetect installation, noting the error message about VideoManager's deprecation and potential removal. This involves assessing the installation process and considering alternative solutions.

Pinpointing the issue

The traceback shows an OSError indicating the video file can't be found. Updating the code to use PySceneDetect's open_video instead of VideoManager is recommended.

Troubleshooting installation

The user is facing errors installing PySceneDetect. Considering potential issues like an outdated pip version, Python version incompatibility, or a misspelling of "PySceneDetect."

Highlighting package name

I’m clarifying that the correct package name is "scenedetect" instead of "PySceneDetect," and suggesting to use "pip install scenedetect moviepy."


Понимаю, что вы столкнулись с ошибкой при попытке установить PySceneDetect с помощью pip. Давайте разберемся, в чем проблема, и найдем решение.

Причина ошибки

Ошибка, которую вы получаете:

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement PySceneDetect (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for PySceneDetect

указывает на то, что pip не может найти пакет с названием PySceneDetect. Причина в том, что правильное название пакета для установки — scenedetect, а не PySceneDetect.


1. Установка правильного пакета

Попробуйте установить пакет с правильным названием:

pip install scenedetect moviepy

2. Проверка версии Python

Если после этого вы все еще получаете ошибку, возможно, проблема связана с версией Python. scenedetect требует Python версии 3.7 или выше. Проверьте версию Python, установленную на вашем компьютере:

python --version

Если у вас версия Python ниже 3.7, вам необходимо установить более новую версию Python.

3. Обновление pip

Убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия pip, так как старые версии могут не находить некоторые пакеты.

Обновите pip с помощью команды:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

4. Полная последовательность действий

  1. Обновите pip:

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip
  2. Установите scenedetect и moviepy:

    pip install scenedetect moviepy
  3. Проверьте успешность установки:

    pip show scenedetect pip show moviepy

    Если пакеты установлены, вы увидите информацию о них.

5. Если проблема сохраняется

Если после всех этих шагов ошибка остается, возможно, у вас есть конфликты в среде Python. Вот несколько дополнительных рекомендаций:

  • Используйте виртуальное окружение:

    Создайте новое виртуальное окружение и установите пакеты там.

    Создание виртуального окружения:

    python -m venv myenv

    Активация виртуального окружения:


    Установка пакетов в виртуальном окружении:

    pip install scenedetect moviepy
  • Проверьте интернет-соединение: Убедитесь, что у вас есть доступ к интернету и нет блокировок или прокси, которые могут мешать pip загрузить пакеты.

  • Используйте зеркала PyPI: Если у вас проблемы с доступом к PyPI, попробуйте использовать альтернативный индекс:

    pip install scenedetect moviepy -i https://pypi.org/simple

6. Полезные ссылки

  • Документация PySceneDetect:

    PySceneDetect на PyPI

  • Установка PySceneDetect:

    В документации указано, что установка осуществляется с помощью:

    pip install scenedetect

Обновление кода

После успешной установки пакетов убедитесь, что вы используете актуальную версию кода с правильным импортом:

from scenedetect import SceneManager, open_video


  • Ошибка возникает из-за неправильного названия пакета. Вместо PySceneDetect следует использовать scenedetect.
  • Проверьте версию Python. Необходимо использовать Python 3.7 или выше.
  • Обновите pip. Старые версии pip могут не находить новые пакеты.
  • Используйте виртуальное окружение. Это поможет избежать конфликтов с другими пакетами и версиями.

Дополнительная помощь

Если после всех этих шагов проблема не решена, пожалуйста, предоставьте дополнительную информацию:

  • Точный вывод команды установки с ошибкой.
  • Версию Python (python --version).
  • Версию pip (pip --version).

Я постараюсь помочь вам решить проблему на основе этой информации.

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I get this- VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed.


Understanding the issue

The user is attempting to create an executable file of the script using PyInstaller but inadvertently copied and pasted the assistant's previous message containing instructions to install PyInstaller.

Assessing the issue

I’m examining the traceback and noticing that the error stemmed from a deprecated VideoManager and a missing video file. The suggestion is to update the code and verify the file path.

Revisiting package names

Thinking through the correct package name 'scenedetect' instead of 'PySceneDetect' to resolve install issues.

The task is to assist the user in addressing the "VideoManager is deprecated" warning. The solution involves updating the code to utilize PySceneDetect's newer API.

Updating the code

I’m suggesting changes like replacing VideoManager with open_video to ensure the code aligns with the latest PySceneDetect API updates.

Addressing deprecation

It's worth noting that the VideoManager class in PySceneDetect is deprecated. To ensure compatibility, updating the code to use the new API functions instead is recommended.

Refining the approach

I’m updating the script to utilize the new API by replacing VideoManager with open_video and enhancing scene detection. The script now efficiently splits videos into scenes and saves them in the specified output directory.

Upgrading code

I’m updating VideoManager to open_video in the code, ensuring compatibility with the latest PySceneDetect API. This includes verifying the installation version of PySceneDetect.

Revisiting the script

I’m updating the code for the script to tackle the warning, ensuring it aligns with the latest features. Next, I’ll test it to confirm the issue is resolved.


I see that you're still encountering the message:

VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed.

This warning indicates that the VideoManager class is deprecated in the latest versions of PySceneDetect. To resolve this issue, you need to update your code to use the new API provided by PySceneDetect.

Updated Code Using the New API

Here's how you can modify your script to eliminate the deprecation warning:

from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_tools import ffmpeg_extract_subclip import os def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): """ Splits the video into scenes based on content changes. :param video_path: Path to the input video file. :param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes. """ # Check if the video file exists if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}") return # Open the video using the new API video = open_video(video_path) # Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector scene_manager = SceneManager() scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=30.0)) # Perform scene detection on the video scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Get the list of detected scenes scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print("Detected scenes:") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.start_frame}, " f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.end_frame}" ) # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Split the video into scenes using moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") ffmpeg_extract_subclip(video_path, start_time, end_time, targetname=output_filename) print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = "output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Explanation of Changes

  • Replaced VideoManager with open_video: The VideoManager class is deprecated. The open_video function is the recommended way to open video files in the latest version of PySceneDetect.
  • Updated Scene Access Methods: Adjusted how you access scene start and end times and frames to align with the new API.
  • Added File Existence Check: Included a check to ensure the video file exists before processing.

Steps to Resolve the Warning

  1. Update Your Code:

    • Replace any instances of VideoManager with open_video.
    • Adjust the way you access scene information as shown in the updated code.
  2. Ensure You Have the Latest Version of scenedetect:

    • Upgrade to the latest version using:

      pip install --upgrade scenedetect
    • Verify the installation:

      pip show scenedetect

      Ensure it shows a recent version (e.g., 0.6.x or higher).

  3. Check Your moviepy Installation:

    • Ensure moviepy is installed and up to date:

      pip install --upgrade moviepy
  4. Verify ffmpeg Installation:

    • moviepy relies on ffmpeg. Make sure ffmpeg is installed and added to your system's PATH environment variable.

    • To check if ffmpeg is installed, run:

      ffmpeg -version

      If not installed, you can download it from the official website.

Running the Updated Script

  1. Save the Updated Code:

    • Replace your existing video_splitter.py with the updated code provided above.
  2. Set the Correct Video Path:

    • Ensure the video_path variable in the __main__ section points to the correct location of your video file.

    • If your video is located at C:\video splitter\input_video.mp4, set:

      video_path = r"C:\video splitter\input_video.mp4"

      Note the use of r before the string to handle backslashes correctly.

  3. Run the Script:

    python video_splitter.py
  4. Check the Output:

    • The script should display the detected scenes and save them in the specified output_dir.

Additional Tips

  • Handle Spaces in File Paths:

    • If your file paths contain spaces, ensure they are properly quoted or use raw strings as shown.
  • Adjust Threshold if Necessary:

    • The threshold parameter in ContentDetector can be adjusted for better scene detection results.
  • Debugging:

    • If you encounter further errors, add print statements or use a debugger to trace the issue.

Example Output

Detected scenes:
Scene 1: Start 00:00:00.000 / Frame 0, End 00:00:10.000 / Frame 300
Scene 2: Start 00:00:10.000 / Frame 300, End 00:00:20.000 / Frame 600
Scene saved: output_scenes/scene_001.mp4
Scene saved: output_scenes/scene_002.mp4

If the Issue Persists

  • Share Error Messages:

    • If you still receive errors or warnings, please share the full error message for further assistance.
  • Check for Multiple scenedetect Versions:

    • Ensure there's no conflict with multiple versions of scenedetect installed.
  • Virtual Environment:

    • Consider using a virtual environment to manage your Python packages and dependencies.
    python -m venv myenv myenv\Scripts\activate # On Windows # or source myenv/bin/activate # On macOS/Linux pip install scenedetect moviepy



By updating your script to use the new PySceneDetect API, you should no longer see the deprecation warning about VideoManager. This will ensure your script remains compatible with future versions of the library.

Feel free to ask if you have any more questions or need further help!


The output folder is empty


Tracking the flow

The assistant and user mapped out a Python script for smart video splitting using PySceneDetect and moviepy. The assistant also guided creating an executable with PyInstaller. The user needs to share the specific error message for further help.

Identifying the issue

I’m working through the error message and found that VideoManager is deprecated. The solution involves updating to the latest API and verifying the video path.

Assessing output folder issues

Wondering why the output folder remains empty after executing the script. Examining possible causes and troubleshooting to resolve this issue effectively.

Identifying causes

I’m mapping out why the output folder might be empty, suggesting script issues, errors during processing, or video file problems, and considering the latest code version.

Identifying cause and solution

I'm noting that the empty output folder might mean no scenes were detected, an error occurred, or the video file isn't accessible. Troubleshooting steps are detailed.

Tweaking the script

I'm figuring out if the script spotted any scenes and adjusting the threshold to be more sensitive. This should help with scene detection.

Tracking progress

I’m adding a print statement to count detected scenes, leading me to validate video path, permissions, and review errors and logging. Exploring different video files to identify persistent issues.


I'm sorry to hear that the output folder is empty. Let's work together to figure out why this is happening and get your script working properly.

Possible Reasons for an Empty Output Folder

  1. No Scenes Detected: The script did not detect any scene changes in the video, so no output files were created.
  2. Errors During Processing: An error occurred during processing that wasn't displayed, preventing the script from writing the output files.
  3. Incorrect Video Path: The video file path is incorrect, or the video file is not accessible.
  4. Output Directory Issues: The output directory path is incorrect, or the script doesn't have permission to write to it.
  5. Threshold Too High: The scene detection threshold is set too high, causing the detector to miss scene changes.

Steps to Troubleshoot the Issue

1. Check if Scenes Were Detected

  • Modify the Script to Print the Number of Scenes Detected:

    Add the following line after obtaining the scene_list:

    print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}")
  • Observe the Output:

    • If the number of scenes detected is 0, the script didn't find any scenes to split.
    • If scenes were detected, but the output folder is still empty, there might be an issue with the saving process.

2. Adjust the Detection Threshold

  • Lower the Threshold Value:

    The threshold parameter in ContentDetector affects the sensitivity of scene detection. A lower value makes the detector more sensitive.

  • Test Different Thresholds:

    Try different values (e.g., 10.0, 5.0) to see if more scenes are detected.

3. Verify the Video File Path

  • Ensure the Video File Exists:

    • Confirm that the video_path variable points to the correct video file.
    • Use an absolute path to avoid any ambiguity.
    video_path = r"C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4"
  • Check for File Accessibility:

    • Ensure that the script has read permissions for the video file.
    • If the video file is large, make sure it's not corrupted.

4. Check the Output Directory

  • Verify the Output Directory Path:

    • Ensure that the output_dir is correctly specified.
    • Use an absolute path if necessary.
    output_dir = r"C:\path\to\output_scenes"
  • Check Write Permissions:

    • Ensure that the script has permission to write to the output directory.
    • Try running the script as an administrator to rule out permission issues.

5. Add Error Handling and Logging

  • Wrap the Processing Code in a Try-Except Block:

    try: # Existing code for processing except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
  • Enable Detailed Logging:

    Add logging to help identify where the script might be failing.

    import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)

6. Test with a Different Video File

  • Use a Smaller or Different Video:

    • Try processing a different video file to see if the issue is with the original video.
    • Use a video that is known to have clear scene changes.

7. Update the Script with Additional Debug Statements

Here's an updated version of your script with added debug statements and error handling:

from scenedetect import SceneManager, open_video from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.ffmpeg_tools import ffmpeg_extract_subclip import os import logging def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): """ Splits the video into scenes based on content changes. :param video_path: Path to the input video file. :param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes. """ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Check if the video file exists if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}") return try: # Open the video using the new API video = open_video(video_path) # Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector scene_manager = SceneManager() scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=15.0)) # Perform scene detection on the video scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Get the list of detected scenes scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}") if len(scene_list) == 0: print("No scenes were detected in the video.") return print("Detected scenes:") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.start_frame}, " f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.end_frame}" ) # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Split the video into scenes using moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() # Ensure that end_time is greater than start_time if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to invalid time range.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time} to {end_time} seconds as {output_filename}") ffmpeg_extract_subclip(video_path, start_time, end_time, targetname=output_filename) print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during processing: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = r"C:\path\to\output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

8. Verify FFmpeg Installation

  • Check if FFmpeg is Installed and Accessible:

    • Run ffmpeg -version in the command prompt.
    • If FFmpeg is not installed, download it from ffmpeg.org and add it to your system's PATH.

9. Ensure All Dependencies Are Installed

  • Reinstall moviepy:

    pip install --upgrade moviepy
  • Reinstall scenedetect:

    pip install --upgrade scenedetect

10. Run the Script and Monitor the Output

  • Observe Console Messages:

    • Look for any error messages or exceptions.
    • Confirm that the script reports the number of scenes detected.
  • Check the Output Directory:

    • After running the script, check if the output files are now present.
    • Ensure that the files are not being saved in a different location.

If the Issue Persists

Please provide the following information to help diagnose the problem further:

  1. Console Output:

    • Copy and paste the full console output after running the script with the added debug statements.
  2. Video File Details:

    • The format and codec of the video file (e.g., MP4, AVI).
    • The duration and size of the video.
  3. Script Location:

    • Confirm that the script and video file are not in a protected system directory.
  4. System Information:

    • Operating system version (e.g., Windows 10).
    • Python version (python --version).
    • Versions of moviepy and scenedetect (pip show moviepy, pip show scenedetect).

Additional Considerations

  • File Permissions:

    • Ensure you have read/write permissions for both the input video and the output directory.
    • Avoid using directories that require elevated permissions, like C:\Program Files.
  • Video Compatibility:

    • Some video files may have codecs that are not supported by moviepy or ffmpeg.
    • Try converting the video to a standard format using a tool like HandBrake or VLC.
  • Environment Conflicts:

    • Run the script in a clean virtual environment to avoid package conflicts.

      python -m venv env env\Scripts\activate pip install scenedetect moviepy


By following these troubleshooting steps, we aim to identify why the output folder remains empty and ensure that your script successfully splits the video into scenes. Adjusting the detection threshold, verifying paths, and adding debug statements are key steps in diagnosing the issue.

Please let me know the results of these steps or if you need further assistance. I'm here to help!


Still the output folder is empty


Summarizing the issue

The user is working through Python script errors for splitting a video into scenes, using PyInstaller to create an executable. The assistant clarifies the problem, specifically addressing the deprecated VideoManager error.

Identifying the issue

The error indicates that the video file is missing. Additionally, the code uses the deprecated VideoManager, and pip install PySceneDetect fails due to the incorrect package name.

Analyzing the cause

I’m digging into why the output folder is still empty, considering potential reasons and mapping out additional steps to resolve the issue.

Evaluating output folder

Identifying another approach to troubleshooting the empty output folder by seeking further details or suggesting extra steps.

Assessing further steps

I’m working through gathering more details such as Python version, package updates, and running the script with a test video. Ensuring moviepy's compatibility with video codecs and ffmpeg's installation are also crucial.

Diving into troubleshooting

I'm gathering additional info about the issue since the previous steps didn't resolve it. This involves gathering details and verifying installations. Let's explore what's missing next.


I'm sorry to hear that the output folder is still empty after trying the previous troubleshooting steps. Let's delve deeper to identify the root cause and get your script working properly.

Further Troubleshooting Steps

1. Verify Scene Detection Output

  • Check the Number of Scenes Detected:

    In the updated script, we added a line to print the number of scenes detected:

    print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}")
    • Question: What is the output of this line when you run the script?
      • If it shows Number of scenes detected: 0, it means no scenes were detected.
      • If it shows a positive number, we need to check why the scenes are not being saved.

2. Examine Console Output for Errors

  • Run the Script and Observe All Console Messages:

    • Question: Are there any error messages displayed when you run the script?
      • Errors might occur during the saving of scenes with ffmpeg_extract_subclip.
      • If there are errors, please copy and share them so we can analyze further.

3. Verify ffmpeg Functionality

  • Test ffmpeg Independently:

    • Open the command prompt and run:

      ffmpeg -version
      • Question: Does this command display the version information of ffmpeg?
        • If not, ffmpeg might not be installed correctly or not added to the system PATH.
  • Ensure ffmpeg is Accessible to moviepy:

    • Sometimes, moviepy cannot find ffmpeg even if it's installed.

    • Solution: Install ffmpeg directly through moviepy:

      pip install imageio-ffmpeg
    • Configure moviepy to Use ffmpeg:

      import moviepy.config as mpy_config mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": "ffmpeg"})

      Add this code at the beginning of your script.

4. Test with a Different Video File

  • Use a Short, Standard Video File:

    • Download a test video, such as Big Buck Bunny Trailer, which is known to work with moviepy and scenedetect.
    • Update the video_path in your script to point to this test video.
  • Purpose:

    • This helps determine if the issue is with the original video file.

5. Check the Scene Saving Loop

  • Add Debug Statements Inside the Loop:

    for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() print(f"Processing scene {i+1}: start_time={start_time}, end_time={end_time}") # Ensure that end_time is greater than start_time if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to invalid time range.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time} to {end_time} seconds as {output_filename}") try: ffmpeg_extract_subclip(video_path, start_time, end_time, targetname=output_filename) print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}")
  • Question: Does the script print messages indicating that it is processing and saving scenes?

    • If not, the loop might not be executing due to an empty scene_list or other issues.

6. Confirm moviepy and scenedetect Versions

  • Check Installed Package Versions:

    pip show moviepy pip show scenedetect
    • Question: What versions of moviepy and scenedetect are installed?
      • moviepy should be at least version 1.0.3.
      • scenedetect should be version 0.6.1 or higher.
  • Upgrade Packages if Necessary:

    pip install --upgrade moviepy scenedetect

7. Ensure Python Version Compatibility

  • Check Python Version:

    python --version
    • Question: What is your Python version?
      • The script requires Python 3.7 or higher.

8. Verify File Permissions

  • Check Read/Write Permissions:

    • Ensure that you have permission to read the video file and write to the output directory.
    • Try running the script from a user directory rather than system directories like C:\.

9. Run the Script in a New Virtual Environment

  • Create and Activate a Virtual Environment:

    python -m venv venv venv\Scripts\activate
  • Install Dependencies:

    pip install scenedetect moviepy imageio-ffmpeg
  • Run the Script:

    • Use the virtual environment's Python interpreter to run your script.

10. Use Alternative Methods to Save Scenes

  • Use moviepy Directly to Cut Scenes:

    Instead of using ffmpeg_extract_subclip, use moviepy.VideoFileClip:

    from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() print(f"Processing scene {i+1}: start_time={start_time}, end_time={end_time}") if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to invalid time range.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time} to {end_time} seconds as {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video: new_clip = video.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264") print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close()
  • Advantages:

    • This method uses moviepy directly and might provide better error messages.

11. Collect Detailed Information

To assist you further, please provide the following details:

  1. Full Console Output:

    • Copy and paste the entire console output after running the script with the added debug statements.
  2. Video File Information:

    • File format (e.g., MP4, AVI).
    • Codec used (you can find this information by right-clicking the video file, selecting Properties, and checking the Details tab).
  3. System Information:

    • Operating system and version (e.g., Windows 10, macOS Catalina).
    • Python version.
    • Versions of moviepy and scenedetect.
  4. Code Snippets:

    • Share the exact code you're using, especially if you've made any modifications.

12. Test Scene Detection Separately

  • Use scenedetect Command-Line Tool:

    • Install scenedetect if not already installed:

      pip install scenedetect[opencv]
    • Run scene detection from the command line:

      scenedetect -i "path\to\input_video.mp4" detect-content list-scenes
    • Question: Does this command list scenes successfully?

      • If yes, scenedetect can process the video, and the issue might be in the script.
      • If no, there might be compatibility issues with the video file.


By following these additional steps, we aim to pinpoint why the output folder remains empty:

  • Check if scenes are being detected and processed.
  • Ensure ffmpeg is properly installed and accessible to moviepy.
  • Test with a different video file to rule out compatibility issues.
  • Verify that the scene-saving code is executing without errors.
  • Consider using moviepy directly for saving scenes to get more detailed error messages.

Next Steps

Please proceed with the steps above and share the requested information. This will help me provide more specific guidance to resolve the issue.

I'm here to assist you further, so don't hesitate to share updates or ask more questions!


give me the updated script


Updating the script

I’m pulling together the latest script that refines the troubleshooting steps, addressing the issue of the empty output folder, and focuses on resolving errors with PySceneDetect and MoviePy.

Prepping the response

I’m piecing together an updated script, refined with suggested tweaks and detailed comments, while strictly adhering to all relevant policies. Ensuring the code is precise and helpful is my top priority.

Enhancing troubleshooting

I’m refining the script by adding more debug statements, error handling, and leveraging moviepy to directly write video clips. It’s interesting to see the progression in efficiency!

I’m enhancing the video scene separation by integrating scenedetect and moviepy. This setup evaluates scene transitions through content analysis, ensuring precise splitting according to the specified directory.

Enhancing debugging

I’ve added detailed debug statements to pinpoint scene-processing issues, wrapped scene-saving code in try-except blocks, and adjusted ContentDetector's threshold to 15.0 for more precise scene detection.

Adjusting paths

I’m updating the video and output paths to ensure the script aligns with the user’s system. Also, checking if ffmpeg is installed and upgrading dependencies.

Setting up paths and running

I’m pulling together the paths for the video and output directory, then executing the script to split scenes. After that, I’ll review the output directory to see the saved files.


Certainly! Here's the updated script that incorporates all the troubleshooting steps and adjustments we've discussed. This version includes:

  • Updated API usage to reflect the latest PySceneDetect changes.
  • Direct use of moviepy for writing video clips, which may resolve issues related to ffmpeg_extract_subclip.
  • Enhanced debug statements for better visibility into the script's operation.
  • Error handling to catch and report any issues during processing.
from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip import moviepy.config as mpy_config import os import logging def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): """ Splits the video into scenes based on content changes. :param video_path: Path to the input video file. :param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes. """ # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Configure moviepy to find ffmpeg mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": "ffmpeg"}) # Check if the video file exists if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}") return try: # Open the video using the new API video = open_video(video_path) # Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector scene_manager = SceneManager() scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=15.0)) # Perform scene detection on the video scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Get the list of detected scenes scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}") if len(scene_list) == 0: print("No scenes were detected in the video.") return print("Detected scenes:") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.start_frame}, " f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.end_frame}" ) # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Split the video into scenes using moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() # Ensure that end_time is greater than start_time if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to invalid time range.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time} to {end_time} seconds as {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac") print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close() except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during processing: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = r"C:\path\to\output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Explanation of Changes:

  1. Updated to Use open_video and SceneManager:

    • Replaced deprecated VideoManager with open_video in accordance with the latest PySceneDetect API.
  2. Direct Use of moviepy for Video Writing:

    • Switched from ffmpeg_extract_subclip to using VideoFileClip from moviepy.
    • This approach provides better control and may resolve issues related to ffmpeg.
  3. Configured moviepy to Find ffmpeg:

    • Added mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": "ffmpeg"}) to ensure moviepy can locate ffmpeg.
  4. Enhanced Debug Statements:

    • Added detailed print statements to track the progress and internal state of the script.
    • Prints the number of scenes detected and detailed information for each scene.
  5. Added Error Handling:

    • Included try-except blocks to catch and report exceptions during processing and video writing.
    • Ensures that if an error occurs with one scene, the script continues processing the remaining scenes.
  6. Adjusted Threshold Value:

    • Lowered the threshold in ContentDetector to 15.0 for increased sensitivity in scene detection.
    • You can adjust this value based on your video's content for optimal results.

Instructions for Using the Script:

  1. Install Required Libraries:

    • Ensure you have the latest versions of scenedetect, moviepy, and imageio-ffmpeg installed:

      pip install --upgrade scenedetect moviepy imageio-ffmpeg
  2. Ensure ffmpeg is Installed:

    • Verify that ffmpeg is installed and accessible in your system's PATH:

      ffmpeg -version
    • If not installed, download it from the official website and add it to your PATH.

  3. Save the Script:

    • Copy the code into a file named video_splitter.py.
  4. Set the Correct Paths:

    • Replace C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4 with the actual path to your input video file.
    • Replace C:\path\to\output_scenes with the path where you want to save the extracted scenes.
  5. Run the Script:

    • Open a command prompt or terminal in the directory containing the script.

    • Execute the script using:

      python video_splitter.py
  6. Check the Output:

    • After the script completes, check the output_dir directory for the extracted scene files.
    • Each scene will be saved as scene_001.mp4, scene_002.mp4, etc.

Sample Output:

DEBUG:root:Starting scene detection.
Number of scenes detected: 5
Detected scenes:
Scene 1: Start 00:00:00.000 / Frame 0, End 00:00:12.345 / Frame 370
Scene 2: Start 00:00:12.345 / Frame 370, End 00:00:24.789 / Frame 743
Saving scene 1 from 0.0 to 12.345 seconds as C:\path\to\output_scenes\scene_001.mp4
Moviepy - Building video C:\path\to\output_scenes\scene_001.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video C:\path\to\output_scenes\scene_001.mp4
Scene saved: C:\path\to\output_scenes\scene_001.mp4

Additional Tips:

  • Adjust the Threshold if Necessary:

    • If too few or too many scenes are detected, adjust the threshold value in ContentDetector.
      • Lower values make the detector more sensitive (detect more scenes).
      • Higher values make it less sensitive (detect fewer scenes).
  • Verify Video File Compatibility:

    • Ensure your video file is not corrupted and is in a supported format (e.g., MP4, AVI).
    • If issues persist, try converting your video to a standard format using a tool like HandBrake or VLC.
  • Check Permissions:

    • Make sure you have read permissions for the input video file and write permissions for the output directory.
    • Avoid using directories that require elevated permissions (e.g., system directories).
  • Run in a Virtual Environment:

    • To avoid conflicts with other Python packages, consider running the script in a virtual environment.

      python -m venv venv venv\Scripts\activate # On Windows # Or source venv/bin/activate # On macOS/Linux
  • Ensure Correct Python Version:

    • The script requires Python 3.7 or higher.

    • Check your Python version with:

      python --version


  • If the Output Folder is Still Empty:

    • No Scenes Detected:

      • Check the console output to see if any scenes were detected.
      • If Number of scenes detected: 0, try lowering the threshold value.
    • Errors During Processing:

      • Look for any error messages printed in the console.
      • Common issues may include ffmpeg not found, codec errors, or permission issues.
    • Invalid Time Ranges:

      • The script skips scenes where the end time is not greater than the start time.
      • Ensure that the input video file is properly formatted and does not contain corrupt frames.
  • If You Encounter ffmpeg Errors:

    • Ensure ffmpeg is Accessible:

      • Confirm that ffmpeg is installed and added to your system's PATH environment variable.
    • Install imageio-ffmpeg:

      • This package provides a bundled version of ffmpeg that moviepy can use.
      pip install imageio-ffmpeg
  • If the Script Throws Exceptions:

    • Read the Error Message:

      • The error message will often indicate the cause of the problem.
      • Common exceptions include file not found errors, codec errors, or permission denied.
    • Enable Detailed Logging:

      • The script already configures logging at the DEBUG level.
      • Review the debug messages for clues.

Example of Adjusting Threshold:

If the script detects too few scenes:


If the script detects too many scenes:


Final Notes:

  • Test with Different Videos:

    • Try running the script with a known video file to verify that it works.
    • This can help determine if the issue is with the specific video file you're using.
  • Feel Free to Ask for Help:

    • If you continue to experience issues, please provide the console output and any error messages.
    • Sharing these details can help diagnose the problem more effectively.

I hope this updated script helps you successfully split your video into scenes. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask!


I get this- 'ffmpeg' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


Crafting a video division

OK, let me break this down: the script cleverly splits a video into segments using Python. This approach just isn't taking off as hoped.

Tweaking the approach

I’m refining my script to use open_video instead of the deprecated VideoManager. This helps mitigate the reported error when installing PySceneDetect, ensuring a smoother process.

The assistant updates the code to replace deprecated VideoManager, clarifies the package name as scenedetect, and includes troubleshooting for empty output folders, verifying scene detection, checking ffmpeg installation, and using moviepy for direct video clip writing.

Addressing the issue

I’m noting that the error suggests ffmpeg isn't installed or isn't in the system's PATH. To resolve this, I’ll provide steps for installation and ensure it's accessible.

Addressing the issue

OK, let's break down the error. It seems ffmpeg isn't installed or isn't accessible via the system's PATH. Installing ffmpeg and ensuring moviepy can access it is crucial.

Identifying and addressing the issue

The error message indicates ffmpeg isn't recognized, suggesting it needs installation or inclusion in the system PATH.


I understand that you're encountering the following error:

'ffmpeg' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

This error indicates that the ffmpeg program is not installed on your system or is not accessible through the system's PATH environment variable. Since moviepy relies on ffmpeg for video processing tasks, including writing video files, this issue prevents your script from functioning correctly.

Solution Overview

To resolve this error, you have two main options:

  1. Install ffmpeg system-wide and add it to your PATH.
  2. Use imageio-ffmpeg, which provides a bundled version of ffmpeg accessible to moviepy.

I'll guide you through both methods so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Option 1: Install ffmpeg System-Wide

Step 1: Download ffmpeg

  1. Go to the official ffmpeg website: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html

  2. Select a build for Windows:

Step 2: Install ffmpeg

  1. Extract the Downloaded Archive:

    • The downloaded file is in .7z format. You'll need an extraction tool like 7-Zip to extract it.
    • Right-click the .7z file and select 7-Zip > Extract Here.
  2. Move the ffmpeg Folder:

    • After extraction, you'll have a folder named something like ffmpeg-git-20211027-....
    • For simplicity, rename this folder to ffmpeg.
    • Move the ffmpeg folder to a convenient location, e.g., C:\ffmpeg.

Step 3: Add ffmpeg to the System PATH

  1. Open System Properties:

    • Press Win + R, type sysdm.cpl, and press Enter.
  2. Navigate to Environment Variables:

    • In the Advanced tab, click on Environment Variables.
  3. Edit the PATH Variable:

    • Under System variables, scroll to find the Path variable.
    • Select it and click Edit.
  4. Add a New Entry for ffmpeg:

    • Click New and add the path to the bin folder inside your ffmpeg installation.
    • For example: C:\ffmpeg\bin
  5. Apply Changes:

    • Click OK on all open dialogs to save the changes.

Step 4: Verify ffmpeg Installation

  1. Open Command Prompt:

    • Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter.
  2. Check ffmpeg Version:

    • In the command prompt, type:

      ffmpeg -version
    • You should see version information about ffmpeg. If you receive an error, double-check the PATH configuration.

Step 5: Run Your Script Again

  • Now that ffmpeg is installed and accessible, try running your Python script again:

    python video_splitter.py
  • The script should now be able to use ffmpeg through moviepy without encountering the previous error.

Option 2: Use imageio-ffmpeg with moviepy

If you prefer not to install ffmpeg system-wide, you can use the imageio-ffmpeg package, which provides a self-contained ffmpeg binary that moviepy can use.

Step 1: Install imageio-ffmpeg

pip install imageio-ffmpeg

Step 2: Configure moviepy to Use imageio-ffmpeg

Modify your script to configure moviepy to use the ffmpeg provided by imageio-ffmpeg.

Add the following code at the very beginning of your script, before any other imports:

import imageio imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.download()

Note: As of newer versions, imageio-ffmpeg handles the ffmpeg binary differently. If the above code doesn't work or raises a deprecation warning, you can set the ffmpeg path directly.

Update your script as follows:

import os import imageio import moviepy.config as mpy_config # Get the path to the ffmpeg binary provided by imageio-ffmpeg ffmpeg_path = imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.get_exe() # Configure moviepy to use this ffmpeg binary mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path})

Step 3: Remove Previous ffmpeg Configuration

  • In the script I provided earlier, we had:

    mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": "ffmpeg"})
  • Replace it with the code from Step 2 to point moviepy to the ffmpeg binary provided by imageio-ffmpeg.

Step 4: Run Your Script Again

  • Execute your script:

    python video_splitter.py
  • The script should now run without the 'ffmpeg' is not recognized error.

Updated Script Using imageio-ffmpeg

Here's the updated script incorporating the changes:

import os import logging import imageio import moviepy.config as mpy_config from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): """ Splits the video into scenes based on content changes. :param video_path: Path to the input video file. :param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes. """ # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) # Configure moviepy to use ffmpeg provided by imageio-ffmpeg ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path}) # Check if the video file exists if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}") return try: # Open the video using the new API video = open_video(video_path) # Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector scene_manager = SceneManager() scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=15.0)) # Perform scene detection on the video scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Get the list of detected scenes scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}") if len(scene_list) == 0: print("No scenes were detected in the video.") return print("Detected scenes:") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.start_frame}, " f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()} / Frame {scene.end_frame}" ) # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Split the video into scenes using moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() # Ensure that end_time is greater than start_time if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to invalid time range.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time} to {end_time} seconds as {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac") print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close() except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during processing: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = r"C:\path\to\output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Note: Make sure to replace C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4 and C:\path\to\output_scenes with the actual paths on your system.


After making the changes:

  1. Install imageio-ffmpeg:

    pip install imageio-ffmpeg
  2. Run the Script:

    python video_splitter.py
  3. Check the Output:

    • The script should process the video and save the extracted scenes in the specified output directory.
    • If any errors occur, they will be printed to the console for further troubleshooting.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure Dependencies Are Up to Date:

    pip install --upgrade scenedetect moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg
  • Test with a Sample Video:

    • If you continue to experience issues, try using a small test video to verify that the script works correctly.
  • Check for Typos:

    • Ensure that all import statements and function calls are correct. For example, imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() should be used instead of imageio.plugins.ffmpeg.get_exe() if you're using imageio-ffmpeg.
  • Permissions:

    • Make sure you have read permissions for the input video file and write permissions for the output directory.


The error you're experiencing occurs because moviepy requires ffmpeg to process video files. By installing ffmpeg and ensuring it's accessible to moviepy, you should be able to resolve the error and have your script function correctly.

  • Option 1: Install ffmpeg system-wide and add it to your PATH.
  • Option 2: Use imageio-ffmpeg to provide ffmpeg to moviepy without a system-wide installation.

Both methods are valid, and you can choose the one that best fits your situation.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance with these steps. I'm here to help!


I have empty output folder


Addressing the issue

The user mentioned an empty output folder after following instructions to resolve the 'ffmpeg' error message.

Identifying the problem

Identifying potential problems

I’m thinking about multiple reasons why the output folder might be empty, such as scene detection failures, processing errors, incorrect file paths, or permission issues.

Investigating the issue

I'm gathering info to pinpoint why the output folder is empty and how to resolve it, considering script errors, ffmpeg setup, and file accessibility.

Investigating output issues

I'm gathering info on why the output folder remains empty. Considering possibilities like scene detection failures, errors during processing, or incorrect video paths.

Adjusting sensitivity

OK, let me see. Lowering the ContentDetector threshold increments sensitivity, possibly resolving scene detection issues.

Ensuring file path accuracy

I’m verifying video_path with an absolute path and addressing permission issues, considering script modifications, testing different files, and confirming FFmpeg installation.

Enhancing environment

OK, let me see. I’m ensuring all libraries are current, setting up a new virtual environment, and planning to share the console output for feedback.


I'm sorry to hear that the output folder is still empty after addressing the previous issues. Let's work together to identify the cause and find a solution.

Possible Reasons for an Empty Output Folder

  1. No Scenes Detected: The script may not be detecting any scenes in the video, resulting in no output files being created.
  2. Errors During Processing: There might be errors occurring during the script execution that prevent it from saving the scenes.
  3. Incorrect Video Path: The script may not be accessing the video file correctly.
  4. Permissions Issues: The script may not have permissions to read the video file or write to the output directory.
  5. FFmpeg Configuration: Even though ffmpeg is installed, there may be issues with its configuration or how moviepy is using it.

Steps to Troubleshoot the Issue

1. Check Console Output for Errors

  • Run the Script and Observe Any Messages:

    • Execute your script as you normally would.
    • Carefully read all console output, looking for any error messages or warnings.
    • Question: Do you see any errors or exceptions printed in the console?
  • Example of an Error Message:

    An error occurred during processing: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ffmpeg'

2. Verify Number of Scenes Detected

  • Modify the Script to Print the Number of Scenes:

    Ensure the script prints out the number of scenes detected. The updated script I provided earlier already includes:

    print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}")
  • Check the Output:

    • Question: What does the script output for the number of scenes detected?
      • If it says Number of scenes detected: 0, the script isn't detecting any scenes.
      • If it shows a positive number but the output folder is empty, there may be an issue with saving the scenes.

3. Adjust the Scene Detection Threshold

  • Lower the Threshold Value:

    The threshold parameter affects how sensitive the scene detection is. Lower values make the detector more sensitive.

  • Test with Different Thresholds:

    • Try setting the threshold to 5.0, 10.0, or even 3.0 to see if more scenes are detected.
    • Question: Does changing the threshold result in a higher number of detected scenes?

4. Ensure Video File Path is Correct

  • Verify the video_path Variable:

    • Ensure that the video_path variable in your script correctly points to the video file.
    • Use an absolute path, and make sure the file exists at that location.
    video_path = r"C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4"
  • Check File Accessibility:

    • Question: Can you open the video file manually using a media player?

5. Check Output Directory Path and Permissions

  • Verify the output_dir Variable:

    • Ensure that the output directory path is correct and that the directory exists or can be created.
    output_dir = r"C:\path\to\output_scenes"
  • Check Write Permissions:

    • Ensure that you have write permissions for the output directory.
    • Try creating a file manually in the output directory to confirm.

6. Test FFmpeg Installation

  • Verify FFmpeg is Installed and Accessible:

    • Open a command prompt and run:

      ffmpeg -version
    • Question: Does this command display version information for ffmpeg?

      • If not, ffmpeg is not correctly installed or not in your system PATH.
  • Check FFmpeg Configuration in Script:

    • Ensure that moviepy is correctly configured to use ffmpeg.

    • In the script, confirm that ffmpeg is correctly set:

      import imageio_ffmpeg ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path})

7. Test MoviePy Video Writing Separately

  • Try Saving a Short Clip Manually:

    Create a small script to test if moviepy and ffmpeg can write a video file.

    from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip video_path = r"C:\path\to\your\input_video.mp4" output_clip = r"C:\path\to\output_scenes\test_clip.mp4" try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: test_clip = video_clip.subclip(0, 5) # First 5 seconds test_clip.write_videofile(output_clip, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac") print("Test clip saved successfully.") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save test clip: {e}")
  • Run the Script:

    • Question: Does this script successfully create a test_clip.mp4 file in the output directory?
      • If yes, moviepy and ffmpeg are working correctly.
      • If not, the error message will help identify the issue.

8. Add Detailed Error Handling and Logging

  • Wrap Scene Saving Code in Try-Except Block:

    Modify your main script to capture and print exceptions during the scene-saving process.

    for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): # ... existing code ... try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac") print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close()
  • Check for Exceptions:

    • Question: Do you see any error messages when the script tries to save scenes?
    • Errors might indicate issues with ffmpeg, codecs, or file permissions.

9. Test with a Different Video File

  • Use a Known Good Video File:

    • Try using a different video file, preferably a small one with known content.
    • This helps determine if the issue is with the specific video file.
  • Update video_path Accordingly.

10. Update All Packages

  • Ensure All Libraries Are Up to Date:

    pip install --upgrade scenedetect moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg
  • Check Package Versions:

    • Question: What versions of moviepy and scenedetect are installed?

      pip show moviepy pip show scenedetect
    • Recommended Versions:

      • moviepy: 1.0.3 or higher
      • scenedetect: 0.6.1 or higher

11. Run Script as Administrator

  • Elevate Permissions:

    • Try running your script from an administrator command prompt to rule out permission issues.

12. Verify Python Version

  • Check Python Version:

    python --version
    • Question: Are you using Python 3.7 or higher?

13. Use a Virtual Environment

  • Create a Clean Environment:

    python -m venv myenv myenv\Scripts\activate
  • Install Required Packages:

    pip install scenedetect moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg
  • Run Your Script in the Virtual Environment.

Request for Additional Information

To help diagnose the issue further, please provide the following:

  1. Full Console Output:

    • Copy and paste the entire console output when you run your script.
    • Include any error messages or warnings.
  2. Script Code:

    • Share the exact code you're currently using, especially if you've made any modifications.
    • This helps identify any potential issues in the code.
  3. Details About the Video File:

    • File format (e.g., MP4, AVI).
    • Duration and file size.
    • Resolution and frame rate (if known).
  4. System Information:

    • Operating system and version (e.g., Windows 10).
    • Python version.
    • Versions of moviepy, scenedetect, imageio, and imageio-ffmpeg.

Additional Considerations

  • Ensure FFmpeg is Correctly Installed and Configured:

    • Since you previously had the 'ffmpeg' is not recognized error, double-check that ffmpeg is properly installed and accessible.
    • If using imageio-ffmpeg, ensure it's correctly integrated with moviepy.
  • Check for Antivirus or Security Software Interference:

    • Sometimes, security software can block scripts from executing certain operations.
    • Temporarily disable such software to test if it's interfering.


By carefully reviewing console outputs, verifying configurations, and testing components individually, we can narrow down the cause of the empty output folder. Providing the requested information will greatly assist in diagnosing and resolving the issue.

Next Steps

  • Please provide the console output and any error messages when you run your script.
  • Confirm the number of scenes detected by the script.
  • Let me know the results of the test script that saves a 5-second clip.

I'm here to help you through this process. With a bit more information, we can identify the problem and get your script working correctly.


create from start a python script that will split wisely the input video into parts


Breaking down the task

The user seeks help with a Python script to discretely split a video into parts, reports ongoing errors, and ultimately, requests an entirely new script.

Mapping video splitting

I’m noting the task of crafting a robust script to divide an input video into segments, ensuring it abides by OpenAI policies and avoids copyright issues.

Developing a Python script

I'm creating a Python script to split input video into parts, ensuring it uses up-to-date libraries and avoids disallowed content.

Choosing libraries

I’m considering libraries like OpenCV or PySceneDetect to split videos into parts. PySceneDetect is out due to compatibility issues, so OpenCV seems the best fit.

Crafting the script

I’m outlining a Python script to divide an input video into sections based on scene changes, employing OpenCV for processing and a standardized scene detection technique.

Splitting the video

I’m working on a Python script to split a video into scenes using OpenCV. It detects scene changes by comparing consecutive frames and marking changes as they surpass a threshold.

Detecting scene changes

I’m working through reading video frames, converting them to grayscale, and calculating frame differences to spot scene changes. Only changes that meet the threshold and exceed the minimum scene length are recorded.

Crafting ffmpeg commands

I’m piecing together ffmpeg commands to extract clips between detected scene changes. This involves specifying start and end times for each clip, ensuring scenes are accurately split.

Instaling FFmpeg

I’m setting up Python 3.6 or higher and FFmpeg. For Windows, I’m adding FFmpeg to the system PATH. For macOS and Linux, I’m using terminal commands to install.

Setting up Python

I’ve got OpenCV and NumPy installed via pip. The script is saved as video_splitter.py. The video file is either in the same directory or along the full path.

Executing the script

I’m running a video splitting script, which creates an output_scenes directory with the split video files, named sequentially.


Certainly! Below is a Python script that intelligently splits an input video into parts based on scene changes. The script uses OpenCV for video processing and detects scene changes by analyzing the difference between consecutive frames. When the difference exceeds a specified threshold, it marks a scene change.

Python Script

import cv2 import os import numpy as np import subprocess def split_video_by_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=30.0, min_scene_length=1.0): """ Splits the input video into scenes based on frame differences. Parameters: - video_path: Path to the input video file. - output_dir: Directory where the split video scenes will be saved. - threshold: Threshold for scene change detection (higher means less sensitive). - min_scene_length: Minimum length of a scene in seconds to avoid too short clips. """ # Create output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Open the video file cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) if not cap.isOpened(): print(f"Error: Cannot open video file {video_path}") return fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) frame_count = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) duration = frame_count / fps print(f"Video FPS: {fps}") print(f"Total frames: {frame_count}") print(f"Video duration (seconds): {duration}") # Read the first frame ret, prev_frame = cap.read() if not ret: print("Error: Cannot read the first frame.") cap.release() return prev_frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(prev_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) scene_list = [0] # List of scene start times in seconds frame_number = 1 while True: ret, frame = cap.read() if not ret: break curr_frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Compute difference between current frame and previous frame diff = cv2.absdiff(curr_frame_gray, prev_frame_gray) non_zero_count = np.count_nonzero(diff) diff_mean = non_zero_count / (diff.shape[0] * diff.shape[1]) * 100 # If the difference exceeds the threshold, mark a scene change if diff_mean > threshold: scene_time = frame_number / fps if scene_time - scene_list[-1] >= min_scene_length: scene_list.append(scene_time) print(f"Scene change detected at {scene_time:.2f} seconds (Frame {frame_number})") prev_frame_gray = curr_frame_gray frame_number += 1 cap.release() # Add the end of the video as the last scene end time scene_list.append(duration) print("Splitting video into scenes...") # Use ffmpeg to split the video at the detected scene times for i in range(len(scene_list) - 1): start_time = scene_list[i] end_time = scene_list[i+1] output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f'scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4') # Use ffmpeg to extract the clip ffmpeg_command = [ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', video_path, '-ss', str(start_time), '-to', str(end_time), '-c', 'copy', output_filename ] print(f"Creating {output_filename} from {start_time:.2f}s to {end_time:.2f}s") subprocess.run(ffmpeg_command, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) print("Video splitting completed.") if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = 'input_video.mp4' # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = 'output_scenes' # Replace with your desired output directory split_video_by_scenes(video_path, output_dir)


1. Scene Detection

  • Frame Difference Calculation: The script reads the video frame by frame using OpenCV. It converts each frame to grayscale and calculates the absolute difference between consecutive frames.
  • Threshold Comparison: If the mean of the differences exceeds the specified threshold, it considers that a scene change has occurred.
  • Scene List Maintenance: It records the timestamps where scene changes occur, ensuring that each scene is at least min_scene_length seconds long to avoid very short clips.

2. Video Splitting

  • FFmpeg Usage: The script uses FFmpeg to extract video segments between the detected scene change times. It constructs an FFmpeg command for each scene and executes it using subprocess.run.
  • Output Files: The scenes are saved in the specified output directory with filenames like scene_001.mp4, scene_002.mp4, etc.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • OpenCV: For video processing.
  • NumPy: For efficient array operations.
  • FFmpeg: To split the video files (must be installed separately).

Installation Instructions

1. Install Python Packages

pip install opencv-python numpy

2. Install FFmpeg


  • Download FFmpeg from the official website: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html.
  • Choose the build for Windows and extract it.
  • Add the path to the bin folder (e.g., C:\ffmpeg\bin) to your system's PATH environment variable.


brew install ffmpeg

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Usage Instructions

1. Save the Script

  • Save the code above into a file named video_splitter.py.

2. Prepare Your Video File

  • Place your video file in the same directory as the script or provide the full path to the video_path variable in the script.

3. Run the Script

python video_splitter.py

4. Check the Output

  • After running the script, check the output_scenes directory for the split video files.

Adjustable Parameters

  • threshold: Adjust this value to make the scene detection more or less sensitive.
    • Lower values make the detector more sensitive (detects more scene changes).
    • Higher values make it less sensitive (detects fewer scene changes).
  • min_scene_length: Set the minimum duration of a scene (in seconds) to avoid creating very short clips.

Example Output

Video FPS: 30.0
Total frames: 9000
Video duration (seconds): 300.0
Scene change detected at 10.50 seconds (Frame 315)
Scene change detected at 25.20 seconds (Frame 756)
Splitting video into scenes...
Creating output_scenes/scene_001.mp4 from 0.00s to 10.50s
Creating output_scenes/scene_002.mp4 from 10.50s to 25.20s
Video splitting completed.


  • FFmpeg Requirement: Ensure that FFmpeg is installed and accessible via the command line. If FFmpeg is not found, the script will not be able to split the video.
  • Performance Consideration: Processing large videos may take some time since the script analyzes every frame.
  • Video Formats: The script should work with most common video formats supported by OpenCV and FFmpeg (e.g., MP4, AVI).


1. FFmpeg Not Found

If you encounter an error indicating that FFmpeg is not recognized:

  • Verify Installation: Ensure that FFmpeg is correctly installed and added to your system's PATH environment variable.
  • Test FFmpeg: Open a command prompt and run ffmpeg -version to verify that FFmpeg is accessible.

2. Cannot Open Video File

If the script cannot open your video file:

  • Check Video Path: Ensure that the video_path variable correctly points to your video file.
  • Permissions: Verify that you have read permissions for the video file.

3. No Scene Changes Detected

If the script does not detect any scene changes:

  • Adjust Threshold: Lower the threshold value to make the scene detection more sensitive.
  • Check Video Content: If the video has very few changes in content, scene detection may be challenging.

4. Output Scenes Not Created

If the output directory is empty after running the script:

  • Check Console Output: Look for any error messages that may indicate what went wrong.
  • Verify Write Permissions: Ensure that you have write permissions for the output directory.


You can modify the script to suit your needs:

  • Use Different Scene Detection Methods: Implement more sophisticated algorithms, such as histogram comparison or machine learning models, for better accuracy.
  • Change Output Format: Adjust the FFmpeg command to change the output video format or quality settings.
  • Parallel Processing: For large videos, consider implementing multithreading or multiprocessing to speed up processing.

Additional Resources

Final Remarks

This script provides a starting point for intelligently splitting videos into scenes based on content changes. While it uses a basic frame difference method, you can enhance it by incorporating more advanced techniques or libraries depending on your requirements.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance with the script!


как настроить Параметр threshold в ContentDetector для изменения чувствительности обнаружения сцен.


Translating and adjusting

The task is to explain how to change the 'threshold' parameter in ContentDetector to alter scene detection sensitivity. The explanation is provided in Russian, consistent with the user's request.

Adjusting the threshold

Hmm, I’m thinking about how adjusting the sensitivity of a scene detector impacts the number of detected scenes. Lowering sensitivity increases scenes detected, while raising it decreases them.

Рассматриваю чувствительность

Параметр threshold в классе ContentDetector регулирует чувствительность детектирования сцен. Низкое значение повышает чувствительность, а высокое — снижает.

Устанавливаем порог

Если сцены не находят или их слишком много, корректирую пороговое значение, постепенно меняя его в сторону уменьшения или увеличения, следя за результатами. Это подчеркивает динамический подход к оптимизации.

Использование графиков

PySceneDetect предоставляет функции графического вывода для анализа изменения контента и выбора оптимального значения threshold.


Конечно! Параметр threshold в классе ContentDetector библиотеки PySceneDetect определяет чувствительность детектирования сцен на основе изменений контента между последовательными кадрами.

Как работает параметр threshold:

  • Низкое значение threshold (например, 10.0 или ниже) делает детектор более чувствительным к изменениям в видео. Это означает, что даже небольшие изменения между кадрами будут интерпретироваться как граница сцены. Это может привести к обнаружению большего количества сцен.

  • Высокое значение threshold (например, 30.0 или выше) делает детектор менее чувствительным. Только значительные изменения между кадрами будут считаться границей сцены, что приведет к меньшему количеству обнаруженных сцен.

Как настроить threshold в ContentDetector:

В вашем скрипте вы можете настроить параметр threshold, передав его в конструктор ContentDetector. Вот как это сделать:

from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector # Установите желаемое значение threshold threshold_value = 20.0 # Замените на ваше значение detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold_value)

Затем добавьте этот детектор в SceneManager:


Рекомендации по настройке:

  1. Начните с базового значения:

    Попробуйте установить threshold на значение по умолчанию (обычно 27.0 в PySceneDetect) и посмотрите, сколько сцен обнаруживается.

  2. Постепенно корректируйте значение:

    • Если обнаружено слишком много сцен (слишком чувствительно), увеличивайте значение threshold.
    • Если обнаружено слишком мало сцен (недостаточно чувствительно), уменьшайте значение threshold.
  3. Тестируйте на небольшом отрезке видео:

    Это позволит быстрее оценить влияние изменения параметра без необходимости обрабатывать все видео.

Пример использования в вашем скрипте:

from scenedetect import SceneManager, open_video from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector import os def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir): # Открываем видео video = open_video(video_path) # Создаем SceneManager и настраиваем ContentDetector scene_manager = SceneManager() threshold_value = 20.0 # Настройте это значение по вашему усмотрению detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold_value) scene_manager.add_detector(detector) # Выполняем детектирование сцен scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Получаем список обнаруженных сцен scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Обнаружено сцен: {len(scene_list)}") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Сцена {i+1}: Начало {scene.start_time.get_timecode()}, " f"Конец {scene.end_time.get_timecode()}" ) # Остальная часть вашего кода для сохранения сцен... if __name__ == "__main__": video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Укажите путь к вашему видео output_dir = "output_scenes" split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir)

Практические советы:

  • Постепенное изменение значения:

    Изменяйте threshold небольшими шагами (например, на 5.0), чтобы точно настроить чувствительность.

  • Анализируйте результаты:

    После каждого изменения значения threshold проверяйте, соответствуют ли обнаруженные сцены вашим ожиданиям.

  • Учитывайте тип контента:

    • Для видео с быстрыми изменениями (экшен, спортивные мероприятия) может потребоваться более высокое значение threshold.
    • Для статичных видео (презентации, интервью) может подойти более низкое значение.

Дополнительные параметры для настройки:

  • min_scene_len:

    Определяет минимальную длину сцены в кадрах. Это помогает избежать слишком коротких сцен из-за шума или мелких изменений.

    detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold_value, min_scene_len=15)
  • weights:

    Позволяет настроить вес цветовых каналов при вычислении разницы между кадрами.

    detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold_value, weights=(0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140))

Использование статистики для настройки (опционально):

PySceneDetect позволяет сохранять статистику анализа, что может помочь в выборе оптимального значения threshold.

from scenedetect.stats_manager import StatsManager # Создаем менеджер статистики stats_manager = StatsManager() # Передаем его в SceneManager scene_manager = SceneManager(stats_manager) # Добавляем детектор scene_manager.add_detector(ContentDetector(threshold=threshold_value)) # Выполняем детектирование сцен scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Сохраняем статистику в файл from scenedetect.stats_manager import save_stats_csv save_stats_csv(stats_manager, "stats.csv")

Затем вы можете проанализировать файл stats.csv с помощью Excel или других инструментов, чтобы визуально определить пороговые значения.


Настройка параметра threshold в ContentDetector является ключевым шагом для точного обнаружения сцен в вашем видео. Экспериментируйте с разными значениями и используйте дополнительные параметры, чтобы достичь наилучших результатов.

Если у вас возникнут дополнительные вопросы или потребуется помощь с настройкой других параметров, пожалуйста, обращайтесь!


сделай обновленный скрипт с возможностью изменения пороговых значений, Определения минимальной длину сцены в кадрах и чтобы сохранять статистику анализа


Piecing together the revised script

I’m crafting a script to adjust threshold values, set a minimum scene length in frames, and save analysis statistics, all while ensuring it remains in Russian.

Crafting the solution

I’m designing an OpenAI policy-compliant script that includes setting threshold values, defining minimum scene lengths, and exporting analysis statistics to a CSV file.


Конечно! Вот обновленный скрипт, который позволяет:

  • Настраивать пороговые значения threshold для изменения чувствительности обнаружения сцен.
  • Определять минимальную длину сцены в кадрах (min_scene_len), чтобы избежать слишком коротких сцен.
  • Сохранять статистику анализа в CSV-файл для дальнейшего изучения.

Скрипт использует PySceneDetect для обнаружения сцен и moviepy для разрезания видео.

Обновленный скрипт

import os import logging from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from scenedetect.stats_manager import StatsManager, save_stats_csv from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip import moviepy.config as mpy_config import imageio_ffmpeg def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=30.0, min_scene_len=15, stats_file='stats.csv'): """ Разрезает видео на сцены на основе изменений контента, с возможностью настройки пороговых значений, минимальной длины сцены и сохранения статистики анализа. :param video_path: Путь к входному видеофайлу. :param output_dir: Директория для сохранения вырезанных сцен. :param threshold: Пороговое значение для чувствительности обнаружения сцен. :param min_scene_len: Минимальная длина сцены в кадрах. :param stats_file: Имя файла для сохранения статистики анализа. """ # Настройка логирования logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Настройка пути к ffmpeg ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path}) # Проверяем существование видеофайла if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Ошибка: Видео файл не найден по пути {video_path}") return try: # Открываем видео video = open_video(video_path) # Создаем StatsManager для сохранения статистики stats_manager = StatsManager() # Создаем SceneManager и добавляем ContentDetector с заданными параметрами scene_manager = SceneManager(stats_manager) detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len) scene_manager.add_detector(detector) # Выполняем детектирование сцен scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Получаем список обнаруженных сцен scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Обнаружено сцен: {len(scene_list)}") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Сцена {i+1}: Начало {scene.start_time.get_timecode()}, " f"Конец {scene.end_time.get_timecode()}" ) # Сохраняем статистику в CSV-файл save_stats_csv(stats_manager, stats_file) print(f"Статистика сохранена в файл: {stats_file}") # Создаем выходную директорию, если она не существует os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Разрезаем видео на сцены с помощью moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() # Проверяем, что длительность сцены положительная if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Пропуск сцены {i+1} из-за недопустимой длительности.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Сохранение сцены {i+1} с {start_time:.2f} до {end_time:.2f} секунд в файл {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac", logger=None) print(f"Сцена сохранена: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Не удалось сохранить сцену {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close() except Exception as e: print(f"Произошла ошибка при обработке: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": # Параметры для настройки video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Укажите путь к вашему видеофайлу output_dir = r"output_scenes" # Укажите желаемую директорию для сохранения сцен threshold_value = 20.0 # Установите пороговое значение для чувствительности min_scene_length = 15 # Установите минимальную длину сцены в кадрах stats_filename = "stats.csv" # Имя файла для сохранения статистики split_video_into_scenes( video_path, output_dir, threshold=threshold_value, min_scene_len=min_scene_length, stats_file=stats_filename )

Объяснение изменений

  • Настраиваемые параметры:

    • threshold: Пороговое значение для ContentDetector, задается параметром функции split_video_into_scenes.
    • min_scene_len: Минимальная длина сцены в кадрах, также передается в ContentDetector.
    • stats_file: Имя файла для сохранения статистики анализа.
  • Сохранение статистики:

    • Создается StatsManager, который передается в SceneManager.
    • Статистика сохраняется в CSV-файл с помощью функции save_stats_csv.
  • Обновленные сообщения:

    • Скрипт выводит информацию об обнаруженных сценах и сообщает о сохранении статистики.

Как использовать скрипт

1. Установите необходимые библиотеки

pip install scenedetect moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg

2. Убедитесь, что ffmpeg установлен

moviepy использует ffmpeg для обработки видео. Если у вас его нет, imageio-ffmpeg установит собственную версию.

3. Настройте параметры в скрипте

В блоке if __name__ == "__main__": задайте следующие параметры:

  • video_path: Укажите путь к вашему видеофайлу.
  • output_dir: Укажите директорию для сохранения вырезанных сцен.
  • threshold_value: Установите желаемое пороговое значение (например, 20.0).
  • min_scene_length: Установите минимальную длину сцены в кадрах (например, 15).
  • stats_filename: Укажите имя файла для сохранения статистики (например, "stats.csv").

4. Запустите скрипт

python your_script_name.py

5. Проверьте результаты

  • Обнаруженные сцены будут сохранены в директорию, указанную в output_dir.
  • Статистика анализа будет сохранена в файл, указанный в stats_filename.

Как настроить параметры

Пороговое значение threshold

  • Увеличение значения уменьшает чувствительность детектора, он будет обнаруживать только значительные изменения.
  • Уменьшение значения увеличивает чувствительность, детектор будет реагировать на меньшие изменения.

Минимальная длина сцены min_scene_len

  • Указывает минимальную длину сцены в кадрах.
  • Помогает избежать слишком коротких сцен, которые могут быть результатом шума или мгновенных изменений.

Пример использования

Допустим, вы хотите повысить чувствительность детектора и избежать очень коротких сцен:

threshold_value = 15.0 # Более чувствительный детектор min_scene_length = 30 # Минимальная длина сцены 30 кадров

Анализ статистики

После выполнения скрипта у вас будет файл stats.csv, содержащий статистику анализа кадров.

Как использовать статистику

  • Откройте файл stats.csv в Excel или любом другом приложении для работы с таблицами.
  • Анализируйте данные, чтобы понять, как изменяются метрики между кадрами.
  • Используйте графики для визуализации изменений и определения оптимального значения threshold.

Дополнительные настройки

  • Весовые коэффициенты weights: Настройте веса цветовых каналов RGB для ContentDetector.

    detector = ContentDetector( threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len, weights=(0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140) # Значения по умолчанию )
  • Использование других детекторов: Вы можете использовать другие детекторы из PySceneDetect, например, ThresholdDetector.

Рекомендации по настройке

  • Экспериментируйте с разными значениями threshold и min_scene_len, чтобы достичь наилучших результатов для вашего видео.
  • Проверьте результаты после каждого изменения, чтобы понять, как параметры влияют на обнаружение сцен.

Обработка ошибок

Скрипт включает обработку исключений и выводит сообщения об ошибках, если они возникают во время выполнения.


  • Python 3.7 или выше.
  • Установленные библиотеки: scenedetect, moviepy, imageio, imageio-ffmpeg.

Пример вывода

Обнаружено сцен: 5
Сцена 1: Начало 00:00:00.000, Конец 00:00:10.500
Сцена 2: Начало 00:00:10.500, Конец 00:00:25.200
Статистика сохранена в файл: stats.csv
Сохранение сцены 1 с 0.00 до 10.50 секунд в файл output_scenes/scene_001.mp4
Сцена сохранена: output_scenes/scene_001.mp4


Теперь у вас есть скрипт, который позволяет гибко настраивать параметры обнаружения сцен и сохранять статистику анализа. Это поможет вам точнее контролировать процесс разрезания видео и проводить более глубокий анализ при необходимости.

Если у вас возникнут вопросы или потребуется дополнительная помощь, пожалуйста, обращайтесь!


I have this- VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed.


RETHINKING STRATEGY: I'm addressing the user's difficulty with VideoManager. It got deprecated, and the new API isn't viable. Offering an alternative solution is essential.

Focusing on helpfulness

I’m ensuring the assistant identifies user requests, clarifies the VideoManager deprecation error, provides a current script, and outlines steps to resolve the issue, steering clear of disallowed content.

Addressing the issue

The assistant notices the user's warning about VideoManager being deprecated in PySceneDetect. It offers solutions such as updating the script, changing import statements to the new API, and checking for further API changes.

Adapting the code

I’m updating the code to replace VideoManager with open_video. Additionally, I'm changing how scene times are accessed and how the video object is passed to detect_scenes.

Refining the script

I’ve replaced deprecated VideoManager with open_video and SceneManager for improved video handling and scene access, ensuring the script is compatible with PySceneDetect version 0.6 and above.


Извините, что вы столкнулись с предупреждением:

VideoManager is deprecated and will be removed.

Это предупреждение означает, что класс VideoManager устарел в последних версиях PySceneDetect. Чтобы решить эту проблему, необходимо обновить ваш код, используя новый API, предоставляемый PySceneDetect.


1. Обновите импортируемые модули

Замените старые импорты на новые:

from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector

2. Замените VideoManager на open_video

Измените код, где вы создаете экземпляр VideoManager, на использование open_video.

Старый код:

video_manager = VideoManager([video_path])

Новый код:

video = open_video(video_path)

3. Настройте доступ к сценам

Способ доступа к начальным и конечным временам сцен изменился. Обновите ваш код соответствующим образом.

Старый код:

start_time = scene[0].get_seconds() end_time = scene[1].get_seconds()

Новый код:

start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds()

То же самое относится к выводу информации о сценах.

4. Обновите использование SceneManager

Убедитесь, что вы правильно передаете объект видео в detect_scenes.

Старый код:


Новый код:


5. Полный обновленный скрипт

Вот обновленный скрипт с учетом всех изменений:

import os import logging from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from scenedetect.stats_manager import StatsManager, save_stats_csv from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip import moviepy.config as mpy_config import imageio_ffmpeg def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=30.0, min_scene_len=15, stats_file='stats.csv'): """ Разрезает видео на сцены на основе изменений контента, с возможностью настройки пороговых значений, минимальной длины сцены и сохранения статистики анализа. :param video_path: Путь к входному видеофайлу. :param output_dir: Директория для сохранения вырезанных сцен. :param threshold: Пороговое значение для чувствительности обнаружения сцен. :param min_scene_len: Минимальная длина сцены в кадрах. :param stats_file: Имя файла для сохранения статистики анализа. """ # Настройка логирования logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Настройка пути к ffmpeg ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path}) # Проверяем существование видеофайла if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Ошибка: Видео файл не найден по пути {video_path}") return try: # Открываем видео video = open_video(video_path) # Создаем StatsManager для сохранения статистики stats_manager = StatsManager() # Создаем SceneManager и добавляем ContentDetector с заданными параметрами scene_manager = SceneManager(stats_manager) detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len) scene_manager.add_detector(detector) # Выполняем детектирование сцен scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Получаем список обнаруженных сцен scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Обнаружено сцен: {len(scene_list)}") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Сцена {i+1}: Начало {scene.start_time.get_timecode()}, " f"Конец {scene.end_time.get_timecode()}" ) # Сохраняем статистику в CSV-файл save_stats_csv(stats_manager, stats_file) print(f"Статистика сохранена в файл: {stats_file}") # Создаем выходную директорию, если она не существует os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Разрезаем видео на сцены с помощью moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() # Проверяем, что длительность сцены положительная if end_time <= start_time: print(f"Пропуск сцены {i+1} из-за недопустимой длительности.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Сохранение сцены {i+1} с {start_time:.2f} до {end_time:.2f} секунд в файл {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac", logger=None) print(f"Сцена сохранена: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Не удалось сохранить сцену {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close() except Exception as e: print(f"Произошла ошибка при обработке: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": # Параметры для настройки video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Укажите путь к вашему видеофайлу output_dir = r"output_scenes" # Укажите желаемую директорию для сохранения сцен threshold_value = 20.0 # Установите пороговое значение для чувствительности min_scene_length = 15 # Установите минимальную длину сцены в кадрах stats_filename = "stats.csv" # Имя файла для сохранения статистики split_video_into_scenes( video_path, output_dir, threshold=threshold_value, min_scene_len=min_scene_length, stats_file=stats_filename )


  • Использование open_video и SceneManager: Устаревший VideoManager заменен на open_video, что является рекомендуемым способом открытия видео в PySceneDetect версии 0.6 и выше.

  • Настройка доступа к сценам: Способ доступа к начальным и конечным временам сцен обновлен в соответствии с новым API.

  • Отсутствие использования VideoManager: Это устраняет предупреждение об устаревании, которое вы получаете.

Дополнительные шаги

Обновите PySceneDetect

Убедитесь, что у вас установлена последняя версия PySceneDetect.

pip install --upgrade scenedetect

Проверьте версию

Проверьте установленную версию PySceneDetect:

pip show scenedetect

Убедитесь, что указана версия 0.6.x или выше.

Установите зависимости

Убедитесь, что все необходимые библиотеки установлены:

pip install moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg

Проверьте установку ffmpeg

moviepy использует ffmpeg для обработки видео. Убедитесь, что ffmpeg установлен и доступен.

Вы можете использовать imageio-ffmpeg, чтобы предоставить ffmpeg, если он не установлен системно.

Запустите скрипт

Теперь попробуйте запустить обновленный скрипт. Предупреждение об устаревании VideoManager больше не должно появляться.


Обновив ваш скрипт для использования нового API PySceneDetect, вы устраните предупреждение об устаревании и обеспечите совместимость с будущими версиями библиотеки.

Пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, если у вас возникнут вопросы или проблема сохраняется. Я здесь, чтобы помочь!


the updated script is not working, take the previous script and add a parameter to set minimum length of the cutted scenes


Incorporating new parameters

The user requests the previous script to include a parameter for setting the minimum length of cut scenes, aiming to refine the smart splitting of the video content.

In response to the request, the assistant should modify the previous script to include a parameter for setting the minimum length of cut scenes, ensuring it does not use deprecated code or contain disallowed content.

Refining the script

I’m ensuring the script is functional, up-to-date, and free from deprecated code. It’s also crucial to avoid mentioning policy adherence and focus on providing a helpful and accurate script.

Gathering insights

I'm pulling together the latest script, tweaking it to ensure it aligns with current API standards, and adding a parameter to suitably adjust cut scene length.

Crafting the script

I'm working on an updated script to set the minimum cut scene length with the latest API, excluding deprecated code.

Integrating scene length specifications

I’m adding flexibility to a video scene splitter by integrating a minimum scene length parameter. This feature ensures each extracted scene meets a specified duration, transforming the process into a more customizable experience.

Configuring parameters

I’m noting the need to adjust video_path, output_dir, threshold_value, and min_scene_length_sec for scene extraction. This involves setting the video path, output directory, scene threshold, and minimum scene length in seconds.

Tweaking script sensitivity

I’m noting the script's sensitivity to scene detection through threshold adjustments and setting a minimum scene length to skip too-short scenes. This ensures the output directory contains only meaningful scenes, streamlining the editing process.


Certainly! I'm sorry to hear that the updated script isn't working for you. Here's the previous script with an added parameter to set the minimum length of the cut scenes. I've also ensured that it avoids any deprecated code and uses the latest PySceneDetect API.

Updated Script with Minimum Scene Length Parameter

import os import logging from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip import moviepy.config as mpy_config import imageio_ffmpeg def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=30.0, min_scene_length_sec=2.0): """ Splits the video into scenes based on content changes, with the ability to set a minimum scene length. :param video_path: Path to the input video file. :param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes. :param threshold: Threshold value for scene detection sensitivity. :param min_scene_length_sec: Minimum length of a scene in seconds. """ # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Configure ffmpeg path for moviepy ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path}) # Check if the video file exists if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}") return try: # Open the video video = open_video(video_path) # Get the frame rate of the video video_fps = video.frame_rate # Convert minimum scene length from seconds to frames min_scene_len_frames = int(min_scene_length_sec * video_fps) # Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector with the specified threshold and min_scene_len scene_manager = SceneManager() detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len_frames) scene_manager.add_detector(detector) # Perform scene detection scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Get list of detected scenes scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()}, " f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()}" ) # Create output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Split the video into scenes using moviepy for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() # Check if the scene duration meets the minimum length requirement if (end_time - start_time) < min_scene_length_sec: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to minimum length requirement.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time:.2f} to {end_time:.2f} seconds as {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac", logger=None) print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close() except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during processing: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": # Parameters to adjust video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = r"output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory threshold_value = 20.0 # Set the threshold value for scene detection sensitivity min_scene_length_sec = 2.0 # Set the minimum scene length in seconds split_video_into_scenes( video_path, output_dir, threshold=threshold_value, min_scene_length_sec=min_scene_length_sec )

Explanation of Changes

  • Added min_scene_length_sec Parameter: This parameter allows you to specify the minimum length of the cut scenes in seconds.

  • Converted Minimum Scene Length to Frames: Since the ContentDetector uses frames for the min_scene_len parameter, we convert the minimum scene length from seconds to frames using the video's frame rate.

    video_fps = video.frame_rate min_scene_len_frames = int(min_scene_length_sec * video_fps)
  • Set min_scene_len in ContentDetector: Passed the calculated min_scene_len_frames to the ContentDetector.

    detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len_frames)
  • Checked Scene Duration Before Saving: Before saving each scene, the script checks if the scene duration meets the minimum length requirement.

    if (end_time - start_time) < min_scene_length_sec: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to minimum length requirement.") continue
  • Removed Deprecated Code: Ensured that the script does not use any deprecated code like VideoManager.

  • Used the Latest PySceneDetect API: The script uses open_video and SceneManager as per the latest PySceneDetect documentation.

How to Use the Script

1. Install Required Libraries

Make sure you have the necessary libraries installed:

pip install scenedetect moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg

2. Ensure FFmpeg is Installed

moviepy relies on ffmpeg for video processing. The imageio-ffmpeg package provides a bundled version of ffmpeg, which we configure in the script.

3. Set the Parameters

In the __main__ section of the script, set the following parameters:

  • video_path: Replace with the path to your input video file.
  • output_dir: Specify the directory where you want to save the extracted scenes.
  • threshold_value: Adjust the threshold to control scene detection sensitivity.
  • min_scene_length_sec: Set the minimum length of scenes in seconds.

4. Run the Script

Execute the script using:

python your_script_name.py

5. Check the Output

After running the script, the extracted scenes that meet the minimum length requirement will be saved in the specified output directory.

Additional Notes

  • Adjusting the Threshold

    • A lower threshold value makes the scene detection more sensitive, resulting in more scenes being detected.
    • A higher threshold value makes the detector less sensitive, resulting in fewer scenes.
  • Minimum Scene Length

    • The min_scene_length_sec parameter helps avoid creating scenes that are too short.
    • Scenes shorter than this duration will be skipped.
  • Example Output

    Number of scenes detected: 10
    Scene 1: Start 00:00:00.000, End 00:00:05.200
    Scene 2: Start 00:00:05.200, End 00:00:06.800
    Scene 3: Start 00:00:06.800, End 00:00:12.400
    Skipping scene 2 due to minimum length requirement.
    Saving scene 1 from 0.00 to 5.20 seconds as output_scenes/scene_001.mp4
    Scene saved: output_scenes/scene_001.mp4
    Saving scene 3 from 6.80 to 12.40 seconds as output_scenes/scene_002.mp4
    Scene saved: output_scenes/scene_002.mp4


  • No Scenes Detected

    • If the script does not detect any scenes, try lowering the threshold_value.
    • Ensure the video has sufficient content changes for scene detection.
  • Script Errors

    • Ensure all required libraries are installed.
    • Make sure the video_path is correct and the video file exists.
    • Check for any error messages in the console output.
  • FFmpeg Issues

    • If you encounter errors related to ffmpeg, ensure that imageio-ffmpeg is installed and that the ffmpeg path is correctly configured in the script.
  • Video Formats

    • The script should work with common video formats like MP4, AVI, MKV, etc.
    • If you experience issues with a specific video format, try converting the video to MP4 using a tool like HandBrake or VLC.

Final Remarks

This updated script should now work correctly and allow you to set the minimum length of the cut scenes. It uses the latest PySceneDetect API and avoids any deprecated code.

Feel free to adjust the threshold_value and min_scene_length_sec to suit your needs. Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance!

Happy coding!


take the following script and add a parameter to set up minimum and maximum scene length:
import os
import logging
from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager
from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector
from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip
import moviepy.config as mpy_config
import imageio_ffmpeg

def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=70.0, min_scene_length_sec=5.0):
Splits the video into scenes based on content changes, with the ability to set a minimum scene length.

:param video_path: Path to the input video file.
:param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes.
:param threshold: Threshold value for scene detection sensitivity.
:param min_scene_length_sec: Minimum length of a scene in seconds.
# Configure logging

# Configure ffmpeg path for moviepy
ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe()
mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path})

# Check if the video file exists
if not os.path.isfile(video_path):
print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}")

# Open the video
video = open_video(video_path)

# Get the frame rate of the video
video_fps = video.frame_rate

# Convert minimum scene length from seconds to frames
min_scene_len_frames = int(min_scene_length_sec * video_fps)

# Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector with the specified threshold and min_scene_len
scene_manager = SceneManager()
detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len_frames)

# Perform scene detection

# Get list of detected scenes
scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list()

print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}")
for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list):
f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()}, "
f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()}"

# Create output directory if it doesn't exist
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

# Split the video into scenes using moviepy
for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list):
start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds()
end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds()

# Check if the scene duration meets the minimum length requirement
if (end_time - start_time) < min_scene_length_sec:
print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to minimum length requirement.")

output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{i+1:03d}.mp4")
print(f"Saving scene {i+1} from {start_time:.2f} to {end_time:.2f} seconds as {output_filename}")

with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip:
new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time)
new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac", logger=None)
print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}")
if 'new_clip' in locals():

except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred during processing: {e}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Parameters to adjust
video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file
output_dir = r"output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory
threshold_value = 70.0 # Set the threshold value for scene detection sensitivity
min_scene_length_sec = 5.0 # Set the minimum scene length in seconds



Enhancing video script
I’m noting that the task involves enhancing a Python script by adding parameters for minimum and maximum scene lengths, utilizing PySceneDetect and moviepy.

Setting scene parameters

I’m piecing together a script and tweaking it to fit both scene length limits. This ensures clarity, efficiency, and sparks creative thoughts.


Certainly! I'll update your script to include parameters for both minimum and maximum scene lengths. This will allow you to control the duration of the scenes that are extracted from the video. Scenes shorter than the minimum length or longer than the maximum length will be skipped.

Updated Script with Minimum and Maximum Scene Length Parameters

import os import logging from scenedetect import open_video, SceneManager from scenedetect.detectors import ContentDetector from moviepy.video.io.VideoFileClip import VideoFileClip import moviepy.config as mpy_config import imageio_ffmpeg def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=70.0, min_scene_length_sec=5.0, max_scene_length_sec=None): """ Splits the video into scenes based on content changes, with the ability to set minimum and maximum scene lengths. :param video_path: Path to the input video file. :param output_dir: Directory to save the extracted scenes. :param threshold: Threshold value for scene detection sensitivity. :param min_scene_length_sec: Minimum length of a scene in seconds. :param max_scene_length_sec: Maximum length of a scene in seconds. If None, no maximum length is enforced. """ # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # Configure ffmpeg path for moviepy ffmpeg_path = imageio_ffmpeg.get_ffmpeg_exe() mpy_config.change_settings({"FFMPEG_BINARY": ffmpeg_path}) # Check if the video file exists if not os.path.isfile(video_path): print(f"Error: Video file not found at {video_path}") return try: # Open the video video = open_video(video_path) # Get the frame rate of the video video_fps = video.frame_rate # Convert minimum and maximum scene lengths from seconds to frames min_scene_len_frames = int(min_scene_length_sec * video_fps) max_scene_len_frames = None if max_scene_length_sec is not None: max_scene_len_frames = int(max_scene_length_sec * video_fps) # Create a SceneManager and add a ContentDetector with the specified threshold and min_scene_len scene_manager = SceneManager() detector = ContentDetector(threshold=threshold, min_scene_len=min_scene_len_frames) scene_manager.add_detector(detector) # Perform scene detection scene_manager.detect_scenes(video) # Get list of detected scenes scene_list = scene_manager.get_scene_list() print(f"Number of scenes detected: {len(scene_list)}") for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): print( f"Scene {i+1}: Start {scene.start_time.get_timecode()}, " f"End {scene.end_time.get_timecode()}" ) # Create output directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) # Split the video into scenes using moviepy scene_counter = 1 for i, scene in enumerate(scene_list): start_time = scene.start_time.get_seconds() end_time = scene.end_time.get_seconds() scene_duration = end_time - start_time # Check if the scene duration meets the minimum length requirement if scene_duration < min_scene_length_sec: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to minimum length requirement.") continue # Check if the scene duration exceeds the maximum length requirement if max_scene_length_sec is not None and scene_duration > max_scene_length_sec: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to maximum length requirement.") continue output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{scene_counter:03d}.mp4") print(f"Saving scene {scene_counter} from {start_time:.2f} to {end_time:.2f} seconds as {output_filename}") try: with VideoFileClip(video_path) as video_clip: new_clip = video_clip.subclip(start_time, end_time) new_clip.write_videofile(output_filename, codec="libx264", audio_codec="aac", logger=None) print(f"Scene saved: {output_filename}") scene_counter += 1 except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to save scene {i+1}: {e}") finally: if 'new_clip' in locals(): new_clip.close() except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during processing: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": # Parameters to adjust video_path = r"input_video.mp4" # Replace with the path to your video file output_dir = r"output_scenes" # Replace with your desired output directory threshold_value = 70.0 # Set the threshold value for scene detection sensitivity min_scene_length_sec = 5.0 # Set the minimum scene length in seconds max_scene_length_sec = 30.0 # Set the maximum scene length in seconds (or None for no maximum) split_video_into_scenes( video_path, output_dir, threshold=threshold_value, min_scene_length_sec=min_scene_length_sec, max_scene_length_sec=max_scene_length_sec )

Explanation of Changes

  1. Added max_scene_length_sec Parameter

    • Introduced a new parameter max_scene_length_sec to specify the maximum allowed scene length in seconds.
    • If max_scene_length_sec is set to None, no maximum length is enforced.
    def split_video_into_scenes(video_path, output_dir, threshold=70.0, min_scene_length_sec=5.0, max_scene_length_sec=None):
  2. Converted Maximum Scene Length to Frames

    • Similar to the minimum scene length, we convert the maximum scene length from seconds to frames using the video's frame rate.
    max_scene_len_frames = None if max_scene_length_sec is not None: max_scene_len_frames = int(max_scene_length_sec * video_fps)
  3. Adjusted Scene Saving Logic

    • Before saving each scene, the script checks if the scene duration meets both the minimum and maximum length requirements.
    • Scenes not meeting the criteria are skipped.
    scene_duration = end_time - start_time # Check if the scene duration meets the minimum length requirement if scene_duration < min_scene_length_sec: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to minimum length requirement.") continue # Check if the scene duration exceeds the maximum length requirement if max_scene_length_sec is not None and scene_duration > max_scene_length_sec: print(f"Skipping scene {i+1} due to maximum length requirement.") continue
  4. Adjusted Scene Counter

    • Introduced scene_counter to number the saved scenes sequentially, excluding skipped scenes.
    scene_counter = 1 # ... output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, f"scene_{scene_counter:03d}.mp4") # ... scene_counter += 1
  5. Updated __main__ Section

    • Added max_scene_length_sec parameter with a default value (e.g., 30.0 seconds).
    max_scene_length_sec = 30.0 # Set the maximum scene length in seconds (or None for no maximum)

How to Use the Updated Script

1. Install Required Libraries

Ensure you have the necessary libraries installed:

pip install scenedetect moviepy imageio imageio-ffmpeg

2. Ensure FFmpeg is Installed

moviepy relies on ffmpeg for video processing. The imageio-ffmpeg package provides a bundled version of ffmpeg, which we configure in the script.

3. Set the Parameters

In the __main__ section of the script, adjust the parameters:

  • video_path: Replace with the path to your input video file.
  • output_dir: Specify the directory where you want to save the extracted scenes.
  • threshold_value: Adjust the threshold to control scene detection sensitivity.
  • min_scene_length_sec: Set the minimum length of scenes in seconds.
  • max_scene_length_sec: Set the maximum length of scenes in seconds. Use None if you don't want to enforce a maximum length.

4. Run the Script

Execute the script:

python your_script_name.py

5. Check the Output

After running the script, the extracted scenes that meet the minimum and maximum length requirements will be saved in the specified output directory.

Additional Notes

  • Threshold Adjustment

    • A lower threshold value makes scene detection more sensitive, potentially resulting in more scenes.
    • A higher threshold value makes the detector less sensitive, resulting in fewer scenes.
  • Scene Length Parameters

    • min_scene_length_sec: Scenes shorter than this duration will be skipped.
    • max_scene_length_sec: Scenes longer than this duration will be skipped.
  • Skipping Scenes

    • The script prints messages when it skips scenes due to not meeting length requirements.

      Skipping scene 2 due to minimum length requirement. Skipping scene 5 due to maximum length requirement.
  • Scene Numbering

    • The saved scenes are numbered sequentially, excluding skipped scenes.
  • Example Output

    Number of scenes detected: 10 Scene 1: Start 00:00:00.000, End 00:00:04.500 Scene 2: Start 00:00:04.500, End 00:00:06.000 Scene 3: Start 00:00:06.000, End 00:00:20.000 Scene 4: Start 00:00:20.000, End 00:00:55.000 ... Skipping scene 1 due to minimum length requirement. Skipping scene 2 due to minimum length requirement. Saving scene 1 from 6.00 to 20.00 seconds as output_scenes/scene_001.mp4 Scene saved: output_scenes/scene_001.mp4 Saving scene 2 from 20.00 to 55.00 seconds as output_scenes/scene_002.mp4 Scene saved: output_scenes/scene_002.mp4 Skipping scene 5 due to maximum length requirement.


  • No Scenes Saved

    • If no scenes are saved, ensure that your minimum and maximum scene length parameters are set appropriately.
    • Check the console output for messages indicating why scenes were skipped.
  • Scene Detection Issues

    • Adjust the threshold_value to fine-tune scene detection.
    • Lower the threshold if too few scenes are detected.
    • Raise the threshold if too many scenes are detected.
  • Script Errors

    • Ensure all required libraries are installed and up to date.
    • Verify that the video_path is correct and the video file exists.
    • Check for any error messages in the console output.
  • FFmpeg Issues

    • If you encounter errors related to ffmpeg, ensure that imageio-ffmpeg is installed and correctly configured in the script.

Final Remarks

This updated script provides you with the ability to control both the minimum and maximum lengths of the scenes extracted from your video. By adjusting these parameters, you can tailor the output to meet your specific needs, whether you're looking to avoid very short scenes or exclude overly long ones.

Feel free to experiment with different parameter values to achieve the desired results. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask!

Happy video processing!

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