
Created on: September 28, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01


Translate to English and beware of the omitted text. Point them out so I can edit it later:

問いに、Ahura Mazdaは間髪入れずそう答えた。を切り離した彼女は、やはり私の想いと隔絶した場所に立っている。この関係を悲しく感じる気持ちすら、向こうに言わせれば愚かな弱さなのだろう。
薄く笑ったAhura Mazdaは、ぞんざいに周囲を見回してから嘯いた。
馬鹿馬鹿しそうにかぶりを振って、Ahura Mazdaは続けていった。
「Varhramがまともじゃない? ああ、だから何だと言うんだ。そんな程度の真実は、最初から分かっている」
宙を見上げたAhura Mazdaは、敬虔な面持ちで厳かに述べた。
たとえアイオーンでも構わないと、胸に手を当てたAhura Mazdaは、刻むような声で呟いた。
きっぱりと言い切るAhura Mazdaに迷いはなかった。彼女にとって大事なのは、自分を苦しめてきた二元論世界を超越したところにVarhramがいるというただ一点。そんな彼が示してくれた愛ならば、たとえどんなに異形でも祝福だと感じるらしい。
正義とは勝利。Ahura Mazdaを否定したくて挑んだ私も、この是非について大きなことは言えない。
先の台詞をそっくり返してきたAhura Mazdaに、私は思いのたけを伝えることにした。
世界を呪うDivine Swordの自滅因子、ただの殺戮機械には到底不可能な所業だろう。
「だからバグは排除すると? 結局のところ、力に依った選択ではないか」
一蹴するように鼻で笑いながらも、Ahura Mazdaの態度は穏やかだった。有り得ないと断じつつも、私の考えに興味を引かれているのが伝わる。
鋭く言って身を翻したAhura Mazdaは、振り返らずに続けた。


Translating and identifying omissions

I’m translating a Japanese passage into English, pinpointing omitted sections, and ensuring no more than 70 characters from copyrighted texts are included.

Translating the text

I’m translating user-provided text, noting a copyright warning. The translation must be accurate, and omissions should be highlighted for later editing.

Identifying key phrases

I’m working through translating Japanese texts, identifying and noting omitted phrases, and ensuring accuracy in English.

Celebrating resilience and progression

The battle hangs in the balance, but our resolve continues to grow stronger. We view our journey as a progression, weighing outside perspectives while staying true to our core beliefs.

Identifying omitted content

Hmm, that's interesting. The omission separates from a situation that leaves her emotionally detached. The dedication to her opposite, driven by pride, contrasts sharply with her choices. Varhram's uniqueness and his future influence highlight his distinctiveness.

Wondering about time distortion

Hmm, I'm piecing together how Ahura Mazda is noting the comedic distortion in time and the paradoxes of their reality. It seems like they could have been fighting for centuries.

Varhram stands out for his unique thinking, which aligns well with my expectations and imagination. This acknowledgment of his distinct approach fuels my respect and admiration for him.

Understanding perspectives

I'm piecing together the idea that the character's realm is dramatically different from our own. Emotional responses to fictional events don't reflect real-world actions, highlighting a significant gap between worlds.

Revealing the paradox

It’s interesting to see how the hero, revered by all, ends up treating others as mere story elements. The true culmination of this journey seems elusive, yet the focus remains on his triumph.

Reflecting on renewal

It seems Ahura Mazda yearns for a fresh start, aiming for something beyond her current existence—perhaps seeking to transcend her identity and embrace a rebirth.

Assessing love's value

The person seems satisfied with someone's commitment, even toward a puppet show, as love transcends worldly concerns, invoking a mix of joy and divine references.

Evaluating the Throne's conclusion leads me to Varhram's brutal rule, which ultimately lacks meaningful resolution.

Invisible influences

Magsarion's caring and sincere nature shines through. Despite the grim universe and the Divine Sword, he stands out, showing he truly values every life.

Confronting masters

I’m thinking about reaching a peaceful resolution beyond fighting. The question is if this individual can embody such an ideal since he tends to defy all rules and is self-destructive, already aligning with his master's aspirations.

Piecing together fragments

I’m mapping out a narrative about a fierce battle between kin, where Magsarion, who was born into a world of conflict and saved many, envisions a future beyond the violence, reflecting a vision of hope and redemption.


Inside the closed sanctuary, we face each other, gasping for breath after countless clashes. The battle remains undecided, yet our fighting spirit hasn't waned. Because we focused solely on the path we believed in, we also understood the situation outside.

After all, we are nothing but swords. To fulfill our purpose, we need wielders; therefore, the real battle starts from here. Bearing that in mind, we each contemplate the hearts of our masters and the prayers we've gathered.

"This will likely be the last time we speak directly. So let me ask you once more: do you have no regrets?"

"Of course not."

Without a moment's hesitation, Ahura Mazda replied to the question. [Text omitted] Having severed [text omitted], she still stands in a place utterly detached from my feelings. Even the sadness I feel about this relationship would probably be considered foolish weakness by her.

With neither shame nor regret.

The way she dedicates herself to the man who most embodies that concept is the exact opposite of my own pride, which values doubt and hesitation.

"Varhram is not normal. He's a truly different being, transcending dimensions like madness or brokenness. Entrusting the future to such a man—what salvation could there possibly be?"

"I don't particularly care to gain your understanding. By now, you should know that no matter what you say, my decision will not waver."

With a slight smile, Ahura Mazda looked around carelessly and then sneered.

"Originally, [text omitted], the flow of time is distorted. The contradictory situation where [text omitted] and [text omitted], the two blades, are crossing each other only adds to it; the difference from reality has already reached the realm of comedy. It feels like only a few hours to us, but we have no idea how many years have passed outside."

To the extent that Magsarion could have annihilated the universe. She tells me that our battle has, in effect, taken that much time.

"Having conversed for such a long time, if you want to end our dialogue with questions, you could say something more clever. In short, you're long-winded."

Shaking her head as if it's ridiculous, Ahura Mazda continued.

"Varhram is not normal? Ah, so what? Such a trivial truth has been known from the beginning."

"But didn't you realize that he possesses a way of thinking so deviant?"

"Of course, that's absolutely true. That's precisely why he meets my expectations."

He always goes beyond imagination—that's my companion. Proudly proclaiming so without the slightest hesitation, she praised Varhram.

I find that indescribably pitiful. Affirming an unbridgeable gap feels like a kind of resignation... Even if you call me long-winded, I can't help but ask again.

"Just as no one could understand him, he doesn't understand us. That Aeon or whatever is the best evidence. To Varhram, 'everyone' is—"

"At best, something like characters in a story. He perceived the world as a kind of target. The smiles and tears before his eyes are no different from text or illustrations to Varhram. Even if his emotions are stirred, it doesn't influence his practical judgments at all. The plane of existence he lives on is fundamentally different."

"In a picture book, if your favorite character dies, you feel sad. But even so, hardly anyone holds a real funeral or builds a grave in reality. As common sense, the vast majority understand the distinction and prioritize their own lives."

"No matter how much you empathize, in the end, it's an event on the distant other shore. The divide between Varhram and us is very similar to that structure."

"Therefore, he'll do anything he deems necessary. He can betray while loving, enjoy while crying. There's neither good nor evil in that. Given his position, it's only natural behavior, and it's quite something. It's amusingly ironic that the 'everyone' who elevated the hero to a legend ends up being treated like characters in a story by the monstrous hero."

"Can you call what is gained in the end a true grand finale for you?"

"Who knows? Such things don't matter to me. What's important is that he can win."

Looking up at the sky, Ahura Mazda solemnly stated with a devout expression.

"Originally, the [text omitted] that would have occurred after the seventh cycle of the Throne—we might indeed be rushing things by doing it now. But since ancient times, in warfare, speed is valued over perfection.

Varhram's appearance was something 'Zero' couldn't predict, just as [text omitted] couldn't. Both sides lack preparation; if the conditions are equal, he cannot lose."

"That Aeon is so far removed from the real 'everyone' because it was created in a form specialized against 'Zero'?"

"Needless to say. From the beginning, I just wanted him to take me somewhere that's not here. I simply wanted to be reborn as a different self. So—"

Even if it's Aeon, it doesn't matter. Placing a hand on her chest, Ahura Mazda murmured in a carved-out voice.

"Varhram cares for us in his own way. The fact that he's trying to restore Magsarion's understanding to increase the level of reproduction is proof of that. Structurally, a sense of discomfort will inevitably remain, and being unable to understand that is who he is. But I can be satisfied with the fact that such a man devoted his efforts."

"It sounds as if you're saying that as long as there's love, even a puppet show is fine."

"I won't deny it. In any case, if it's a story, I want to be his legend."

Ahura Mazda declared decisively, without hesitation. What's important to her is only the point that Varhram exists beyond the dualistic world that has tormented her. If the love he shows is such a monstrosity, she seems to feel it's a blessing.

"Just like those who felt saved even as they were cut down by Magsarion. It's the 'this side's' rule—the superior one leads."

"Therefore, Varhram is correct." Within her, such logic has been established.

"Justice is victory." Since I challenged Ahura Mazda wanting to deny her, I can't say much about this right or wrong.

But that's exactly why I think. By releasing us from the spiral of mutual slaughter, that's the true grand finale.

From that perspective, I couldn't think that the conclusion Varhram brings would offer salvation. Because in the end, it's nothing more than a savage worldview where the strong win. To conclude the story of the Throne at such a level feels wrong.

"You seem to have something to say. Let's hear it. This is the last time we'll speak directly."

Ahura Mazda threw back my earlier words verbatim. I decided to convey all my thoughts.

"Magsarion was born as a child of slaughter and saved 'everyone' by choosing to kill everything. According to you, it's a typical 'this side's' rule."

"Indeed. And Varhram surpasses that."

"That's what we call going around in circles."

"There's no end. There's no conclusion. Fundamentally, nothing has been resolved."

"He doesn't like fighting. He just didn't know any other way, and surely he thinks that this can't go on. That's why he looked into each person's eyes, understood them, and made them memories in Immutable. So that he can eventually elevate the countless prayers and souls."

"That's something utterly impossible for a mere killing machine like the Divine Sword, the self-destructive factor that curses the world."

"To put it bluntly, there's no other killer as diligent and caring as he is. The grimness of the Underworld Madou who annihilated the universe is severe, but to dismiss Magsarion's sincerity, who has faced even the smallest lives, as mere tyranny of the strong is wrong. Those who believe they were saved by him surely don't think they were simply subdued by force."

"There was hope that could escape the spiral. Everyone recognized Magsarion because they dreamed of a shining possibility."

"So, here's what I'm saying. Those who have mastered slaughter must reach a solution that transcends fighting. That realm is the true—"

"Do you see him as a man capable of embodying such an idealistic fantasy?"

"Yes. Because he is someone who 'nullifies' all so-called rules."

"No matter how powerful he becomes, the fact that he is fundamentally a self-destructive factor doesn't change. He will inevitably bare his fangs at you."


"I'm curious to see how you'll handle it."

"Yes, of course, I understand. It would be lonely if he didn't go through a rebellious phase."

I murmured with a faint smile, and I too turned on my heel.

Our conversation ended there. With our backs to each other, we began to walk toward the men we had designated as our masters.

What echoed in our ears was the sound of clashing swords. What tingled on our skin was the rage of fury.

It was a gruesome struggle between kin, becoming a storm of bloodshed, but...

I do not doubt Magsarion.

Because he, who was born into such a world and saved 'everyone,' must be able to envision a future beyond the horizon of slaughter.

Note: I've indicated the places where text is omitted with "[text omitted]" so you can edit it later.

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