Figma Floating Elements Guide

Created on: September 28, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Preview by OpenAI01


figma how create a element that float over other element









为了更快地调整元素堆叠顺序,可以使用 Ctrl + ]Cmd + ] 来前移元素,使用 Ctrl + [Cmd + [ 来后移元素。此外,Shift + Ctrl + ]Shift + Cmd + ] 可将元素移到最前,Shift + Ctrl + [Shift + Cmd + [ 可将元素移到底部。


To create an element that floats over another element in Figma, you'll need to adjust the stacking order so that the desired element sits above the other in the layer hierarchy. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Create or Select Your Elements:

    • Draw or select the elements you want to arrange. For example, you might have a background image and a button that you want to float over it.
  2. Open the Layers Panel:

    • On the left side of Figma, you'll find the Layers panel. This panel lists all the elements in your design in a hierarchical order.
  3. Adjust the Stacking Order:

    • The stacking order is determined by the position of elements in the Layers panel—the higher an element is in the list, the closer it is to the front.
    • To make an element float over another:
      • Drag and Drop: Click and drag the layer of the element you want to bring forward and drop it above the other element in the Layers panel.
      • Right-Click Method:
        • Right-click on the element you want to bring forward on the canvas.
        • Hover over Arrange in the context menu.
        • Select Bring Forward or Bring to Front.
  4. Use Keyboard Shortcuts (Optional but faster):

    • Bring Forward: Press Ctrl + ] (Windows) or Command + ] (Mac).
    • Bring to Front: Press Shift + Ctrl + ] (Windows) or Shift + Command + ] (Mac).
    • Send Backward: Press Ctrl + [ (Windows) or Command + [ (Mac).
    • Send to Back: Press Shift + Ctrl + [ (Windows) or Shift + Command + [ (Mac).
  5. Confirm the Arrangement:

    • Ensure that the element now appears above the other on the canvas. You should see it visually floating over the other element.


  • Grouping and Frames: If your elements are inside groups or frames, make sure to adjust the stacking order within those containers.
  • Auto Layout Considerations: When using Auto Layout, the stacking order may be affected by the layout settings. Adjust the order accordingly.
  • Opacity and Blending: You can also adjust the opacity or use blending modes to enhance the visual effect of one element floating over another.

By managing the stacking order through the Layers panel or using the Arrange options, you can easily layer elements to create the desired visual hierarchy in your design.

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