Time Blocking Apps Recommendations

Created on: September 27, 2024

Answered using OpenAI 01 Mini by OpenAI01


Recommend some good time blocking apps for creating hourly study plans.





Creating an effective hourly study plan using time blocking can significantly enhance your productivity and focus. Several apps are specifically designed to help you implement time blocking strategies seamlessly. Below are some of the top time blocking apps suitable for creating detailed study schedules:

1. Google Calendar

Platform: Web, iOS, Android


  • Flexible Scheduling: Easily create and adjust events with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Color-Coding: Assign different colors to various subjects or activities for quick visual reference.
  • Reminders & Notifications: Set alerts to stay on track with your study sessions.
  • Integration: Syncs with other Google services and numerous third-party apps.


  • Free to use with a Google account.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Accessible across all devices.


  • May lack advanced task management features found in dedicated apps.

Best For: Students looking for a straightforward, reliable tool integrated with their existing Google services.

2. Notion

Platform: Web, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android


  • Customizable Templates: Create personalized study schedules using various templates.
  • Databases & Tables: Organize tasks, deadlines, and study materials efficiently.
  • Collaboration: Share your study plans with classmates or study groups.
  • Integration: Embed links, files, and other resources directly into your schedule.


  • Highly customizable to fit individual study needs.
  • Combines note-taking with time management.
  • Free tier available with robust features.


  • Can have a steeper learning curve for new users.
  • May be overwhelming due to its extensive features.

Best For: Students who want an all-in-one workspace for organizing study schedules, notes, and resources.

3. Todoist

Platform: Web, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, Browser Extensions


  • Task Management: Create tasks with deadlines and prioritize them.
  • Projects & Labels: Organize study subjects and categorize tasks for clarity.
  • Recurring Tasks: Set up regular study sessions effortlessly.
  • Karma Points: Track productivity with a gamified system.


  • Clean and intuitive user interface.
  • Powerful filtering and organization options.
  • Integrates with various apps like Google Calendar, Slack, and more.


  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription.
  • Primarily focused on task management rather than pure time blocking.

Best For: Students who prefer a task-oriented approach combined with time management.

4. TimeBloc

Platform: iOS, Android


  • Time Blocking Interface: Visualize your day with blocks dedicated to specific tasks or subjects.
  • Daily Planning: Quickly plan your day each morning with suggested time slots.
  • Routine Building: Establish and maintain consistent study routines.
  • Focus Mode: Minimize distractions during study blocks.


  • Designed specifically for time blocking.
  • Simple and intuitive design.
  • Supports recurring blocks for regular study sessions.


  • Limited features compared to more comprehensive apps.
  • Availability may vary across platforms.

Best For: Students seeking a dedicated time blocking tool with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.

5. Trello

Platform: Web, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android


  • Boards, Lists, and Cards: Organize study tasks and schedules visually.
  • Calendars & Due Dates: Assign deadlines to study sessions and visualize them on a calendar.
  • Power-Ups: Enhance functionality with integrations like Calendar, Pomodoro timers, etc.
  • Collaboration: Work with study groups or peers on shared boards.


  • Highly visual and customizable.
  • Free tier offers substantial functionality.
  • Supports integrations with various tools.


  • May require setup time to tailor boards for time blocking.
  • Not inherently designed for hourly scheduling without customization.

Best For: Students who enjoy visual organization and may benefit from collaborative planning.

6. Plan

Platform: iOS, Android, Web


  • Daily Planner: Organize your day with a combination of task lists and calendar views.
  • Time Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for studying and other activities.
  • Habit Tracking: Build and monitor study habits over time.
  • Focus Timer: Incorporate techniques like Pomodoro within your study blocks.


  • Combines scheduling with habit tracking.
  • User-friendly interface tailored for daily planning.
  • Offers both free and premium features.


  • Some advanced features are locked behind a paywall.
  • Limited customization compared to more flexible apps like Notion.

Best For: Students looking for a balanced approach to time blocking and habit formation.

7. MyStudyLife

Platform: Web, Windows, macOS, iOS, Android


  • Timetable Management: Create detailed schedules with classes, study sessions, and exams.
  • Task Management: Keep track of assignments, deadlines, and study tasks.
  • Notifications: Receive reminders for upcoming tasks and study sessions.
  • Cloud Sync: Access your schedule across multiple devices seamlessly.


  • Specifically designed for students.
  • Free to use with no premium tiers.
  • Simple and focused on academic needs.


  • Lacks advanced time blocking features found in more general apps.
  • Limited customization options.

Best For: Students seeking a dedicated academic planner without the need for extensive customization.

8. Clockify

Platform: Web, Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android


  • Time Tracking: Log hours spent on various study activities.
  • Pomodoro Timer: Utilize Pomodoro technique within your study schedule.
  • Reports & Analytics: Review how your time is allocated and identify areas for improvement.
  • Integrations: Connect with tools like Google Calendar, Trello, and more.


  • Free tier offers comprehensive time tracking features.
  • Detailed analytics to optimize study habits.
  • Suitable for both individual and group study sessions.


  • Primarily a time tracking tool, so it may require pairing with a scheduling app for full time blocking.
  • Interface may be less intuitive for purely scheduling purposes.

Best For: Students interested in tracking and analyzing their study time to enhance productivity.

Choosing the Right App for You

When selecting a time blocking app for your hourly study plans, consider the following factors:

  1. Ease of Use: Ensure the app has an intuitive interface that you find easy to navigate.
  2. Customization: Look for flexibility in scheduling, allowing you to tailor your study blocks to your specific needs.
  3. Integration: If you use other tools (e.g., note-taking apps, calendars), choose an app that integrates seamlessly with them.
  4. Platform Availability: Make sure the app is accessible on all your devices (smartphone, tablet, computer).
  5. Cost: Consider whether a free version meets your needs or if a premium subscription offers worthwhile additional features.

Final Recommendations

  • For Simplicity and Reliability: Google Calendar is an excellent starting point, especially if you prefer a straightforward scheduling tool.
  • For Comprehensive Organization: Notion offers extensive customization, making it ideal for students who want to integrate their study plans with notes and resources.
  • For Dedicated Time Blocking: TimeBloc provides a focused approach to time blocking with a clean interface.
  • For Visual Organization: Trello is great if you prefer a kanban-style layout for managing your study tasks and schedules.

Ultimately, the best app is one that aligns with your personal study habits and enhances your productivity. It might be helpful to try a few of these options to determine which one fits your workflow best.

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